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My only intention is to "share". That's just pretty much it. But then, I happened to discover somewhere else, another forum, that prob uses some of "free stuff" here then re-sell them on its sites.

🤔Defeats the whole purpose of sharing. Not my cup of tea.


you are right unfortunately It has always been like this and always will be

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My only intention is to "share". That's just pretty much it. But then, I happened to discover somewhere else, another forum, that prob uses some of "free stuff" here then re-sell them on its sites.

🤔Defeats the whole purpose of sharing. Not my cup of tea.

You have done a great job for traders like me.

Thank you

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If anyone of you needs something, just DMs me here, I will see if I could help you out with whatever I have in my collection. I am tired of folks whining and whining when obviously, I only try to share stuff.

No hard feelings but it's just too much to waste my time.


Can you help me to patch or crakc some indicators? there was posted here and some indicators started to show an expiration date, i would like to know if there's something you can do.


thanks in advance.



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h**ps://drop.infini.fr/r/VydvB55VN5#FwJz4ZGNKNVVx1umLkSbn1F5cUiYykVbst7iVa0 E+j0=


Link is broken. Please reupload to work upload or similar so it wont expire so soon.


is ok ....you need substitute "**" with "tt" and remove the space from 0 to E



This seems to crash my platform after 20 mins of use or so. Anybody else??

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If anyone of you needs something, just DMs me here, I will see if I could help you out with whatever I have in my collection. I am tired of folks whining and whining when obviously, I only try to share stuff.

No hard feelings but it's just too much to waste my time.


Thanks for sharing wonderful stuff ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)👌

Hi - perhaps do u have RIGHTLINETRADING? EDU? https://www.rightlinetrading.com/



Thank you (:

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