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Urban Forex Cheese Edge Strategy Fully Shared With Daily Examples!


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First time shared on the internet!


Hey everybody, i wanted to share the daily examples of a very good price action based trading course by Navin Prithyani of UrbanForex called,"Mastering Price Action 2.0". This is especially helpful for those who have taken the course from the internet but never had access to the "Daily Examples" section. I decided to share this as this community has been very helpful to me!


The daily examples of this strategy called, "The Cheese Edge" were never shared on the internet before! So enjoy!

I created a Telegram channel for this to ensure the files are around for sometime! Please make sure to share them with other communities!


Thank you!

Here's the Telegram Channel link!



P.S. I had these taken sometime back, but the content is just as relevant today!

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