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Nt7 error import indicator


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Hello, I have this error in nt7 when import an indicator:


"you have custom NinjaScript File on your pc the have programming errors. These errors must be resolved before you can import a ninjascript file"


I always resolved it reinstall all,or put the dll in the folder bin/custom but there is a best solution?

I deleted all in folder bin/custom but nothing

Edited by ziopios
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Extract the source code from the zip file, place them in Documents/NinjaTrader 7/bin/Custom/Indicator directory path, open the C# source file from the menu path Tools->Edit NinjaScript...->Indicator and finally, press the compile button (the icon to the right of the binoculars icon). You'll get a more detailed message at what the compile error is. Report that here.


If there are no C# files in that zip, then it's not an importable Indicator to begin with.

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Now I know which indicator is corrupted.Can I remove it?

If I go to File-utility-remove it give an error.

I deleted any quantum file into bin/custom but it is the same

I open config.xml and ninjatradercustom.xml and inside there are some references to quantum.

I reinstall all ,it is the best way

Edited by ziopios
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I have reinstalled all in 6 minutes and after 2-3 minutes I reloaded my indicators.

I resolved in that way.

When I unistall ninjatrader I have manually deleted ninjatrader 7 folder in Documents.

Others way are complex and they take longer

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Put Quantum.dll in the Documents/NinjaTrader/bin/Custom folder, edit the Indicator source file again. Instead of compiling the source first, right click the mouse button in the source window and choose the last option, "References...". That will pop up a list of DLL references. Add your Quantum.dll file to the list with the "Add..." button. Now, close NT and restart. Then, open up your indicator source file again and compile it. Report any compile errors here.


None of your problems are related to a bad NinjaTrader install so you should never have to uninstall / reinstall NT itself.


BTW, I'm assuming you're not trying to import an NT 8 indicator into NT 7.

Edited by lbf4223
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