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need help writing analysis efl for amibroker

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Well, I did not expect my first post to be criticized

– yes, seven years ago I registered and then after a bit I went away, personal stuff.

– I believe that thanking everybody for writing something useful would only clutter the site. That doesn't mean that I am not thankful for all the people that contribute.

– Your comment I find rude and un-necessary, that is not how people should be helped, it would only drive them away.

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Well, I did not expect my first post to be criticized

– yes, seven years ago I registered and then after a bit I went away, personal stuff.

– I believe that thanking everybody for writing something useful would only clutter the site. That doesn't mean that I am not thankful for all the people that contribute.

– Your comment I find rude and un-necessary, that is not how people should be helped, it would only drive them away.


Well, people expect the moon but the reality is something different. Step out of your dream world and welcome to real world. There is something called as gratitude and it never harms or so to say never clutters the website. It would have been nice if you could have accepted the fact with grace instead of flagging it as rude and unnecessary. A simple response that you will try to be more active going forward would have encouraged people to help you.


Enough said here is what you were looking for.




v_ma_p = param("Volume MA Period", 90, 2, 200, 1);

v_ma_f = param("Volume MA Factor", 1, 1, 20, 1);

v_limit = param("Volume limit", 200000, 0, 1000000, 1);


slow_stoch_k_p = param("Slow Stochastic %K - I period", 14, 2, 300, 1);

slow_stoch_k_smooth_p = param("Slow Stochastic %K - I smooth period", 3, 2, 200, 1);


min_c = param("Show stocks close above", 5, 1, 100000, 1);


v_ma_a = ma(v, v_ma_p);

slow_stoch_k_a = stochk(slow_stoch_k_p, slow_stoch_k_smooth_p);

bullish_engulfing_a = cdbullishengulfing(bodyfactor = 0.4, rangefactor = 0.5);


buy_v_ma = (v_ma_a > v_limit);

buy_slow_stoch_k = (slow_stoch_k_a <= 20);

buy_bullish_engulfing = bullish_engulfing_a;

buy_c = (c > min_c);


buy = buy_v_ma and buy_slow_stoch_k and buy_bullish_engulfing and buy_c;


filter = buy;



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Guest anuraghsr

its same as u make for bullish just reverse it for short



-find stocks that trade above $5.00

-find stocks that have average volume of 200000 shares in last 90 days

-stochastic in overbought - above 80

-bearish engulfing signal


thank you very much

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thank you very much insaneikea

In the analysis window if I enter "1 recent bar(s)" with this formula I do not get any hits, that is on the Canadian market, possible, But- hmmmmm!

This might sound ****** but looking at some of the candlestick formulas, question would be where would this fit (from Stephen Bigelow site)


is this now replaced by "cdbullishengulfing"?


bearish engulfing is quite understandable. What would be your sell criteria for stochastics ?

stochastics for the sell signal would be about 80 (overbought)

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More info here https://www.tradingwithrayner.com/stochastic-indicator/




v_ma_p = param("Volume MA Period", 90, 2, 200, 1);

v_ma_f = param("Volume MA Factor", 1, 1, 20, 1);

v_limit = param("Volume limit", 200000, 0, 1000000, 1);


slow_stoch_k_p = param("Slow Stochastic %K - I period", 14, 2, 300, 1);

slow_stoch_k_smooth_p = param("Slow Stochastic %K - I smooth period", 3, 2, 200, 1);

slow_stock_buy_level = param("Slow Stochastic Buy Level", 20, 0, 100, 1);

slow_stock_sell_level = param("Slow Stochastic Sell Level", 80, 0, 100, 1);


min_c = param("Show stocks close above", 5, 1, 100000, 1);


v_ma_a = ma(v, v_ma_p);

slow_stoch_k_a = stochk(slow_stoch_k_p, slow_stoch_k_smooth_p);

bullish_engulfing_a = cdbullishengulfing(bodyfactor = 0.4, rangefactor = 0.5);

bearish_engulfing_a = cdbearishengulfing(bodyfactor = 0.4, rangefactor = 0.5);


v_ma_cond = (v_ma_a > v_limit);

c_cond = (c > min_c);


buy_slow_stoch_k = (slow_stoch_k_a <= slow_stock_buy_level);

buy_bullish_engulfing = bullish_engulfing_a;


sell_slow_stoch_k = (slow_stoch_k_a >= slow_stock_sell_level);

sell_bearish_engulfing = bearish_engulfing_a;


buy = v_ma_cond and c_cond and buy_slow_stoch_k and buy_bullish_engulfing;

sell = v_ma_cond and c_cond and sell_slow_stoch_k and sell_bearish_engulfing;


filter = buy or sell;


action_txt = "na";

if (lastvalue(buy)) {

action_txt = "buy";

} else if (lastvalue(sell)) {

action_txt = "sell";



addtextcolumn(action_txt, "Action");




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this is great, thanks


Yes, tradingwithrayner looks very interesting


what would you change to give you only results from the last candlestick rather then what happened 2 months ago or week ago?

using amibroker


In the analysis window just select one recent bar before running the exploration.

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