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Can someone share Read The Market Courses?

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Hi all,


I have found some free videos of Read The Market (RTM) on YouTube, but they are few and do not contain detailed explanation.


You can read about their current course here:




Previously, they used to give their courses at:




I would be really grateful if someone can share any recordings of their webinars or any of their old courses. Best thing would be current course, but considering its price I don't think anybody would have that. Basically, any of their stuff, other than 10-12 min videos available on YouTube, will be a good share.




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  devils_advocate said:
Nobody has any of their content, like webinar or something!! Please, share if you have any....thanks.


There are some docs on scrib but have to subscibe:











From other source "not read the markets" but perhaps interesting:


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Thanks to Wayback Machine you can still browse around their 2016 forum:




Stumbled on the Compression pdf document has all their abbreviations that can be found at: http://www.forexfactory.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=967656&d=1337698587

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  mc4x said:
Thanks to Wayback Machine you can still browse around their 2016 forum:




Stumbled on the Compression pdf document has all their abbreviations that can be found at: http://www.forexfactory.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=967656&d=1337698587


Thanks. The Compression pdf is really useful because it has their abbreviations, but in archives we can't see images unless we are registered. I think it was their site's policy.

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There are three free webinars provided by them on their website.


Link of the first webinar:




Its streaming through Vimeo (I think). Its free, but I want to download it so that I can see it more frequently.


Does anybody know how to download such a video? I have provided the link above, please check.




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  devils_advocate said:
There are three free webinars provided by them on their website.


Link of the first webinar:




Its streaming through Vimeo (I think). Its free, but I want to download it so that I can see it more frequently.


Does anybody know how to download such a video? I have provided the link above, please check.





use this link to download http://vimeoinmp4.com/ .

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  devils_advocate said:
There are three free webinars provided by them on their website.


Link of the first webinar:




Its streaming through Vimeo (I think). Its free, but I want to download it so that I can see it more frequently.


Does anybody know how to download such a video? I have provided the link above, please check.





Use IDM so when you play this video, IDM will automatically detect video URL & download in desired quality

Edited by nehal
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Here is the link for first file, 'Day1-Trick Zone', size 217 mb


download link - https://mega.nz/#!tA8yAKCb


Decryption Key - !mtfvtfIHnw65CGbdqPmWLxH1TGVTxKI3MwgGqv0ZVnE


Right now I am short on time so I have uploaded 1st file. Tomorrow I will upload remaining two files. If you have any problem while downloading, please tell because this is the first time I am using Mega for sharing files.




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  porinjuwarren said:
i should be getting the rtm academy course soon ..will upload for everyone...


if anyone is interested in The 4 Course Bundle by Urban Forex ..https://www.urbanforex.com/p/4cb-learn-more i will upload here..


bro i am intrested pls upload . your MPA course helps me lot thanks

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  porinjuwarren said:
Here is the link for mastering price action by urban forex



fource course bundle will be shared soon...


hi bro this is MPA course or 4bundled course because you already upload Mpa in other thread so i am asking pls clarify . thanks for your efforts

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  porinjuwarren said:
Here is the link for mastering price action by urban forex



fource course bundle will be shared soon...


The files you have shared are available for download only to 'Premium Members of Rapidgator'. Please, upload it at some place where everyone can download. Thanks.

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