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best footprint AD, Acme, Gomi, ... ?


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hey guys could you please share which footprint you are using???


I tried Auction dashboard and i really liked it but there a three downsides:


1. I cannot make sense of the imbalances it calculates

the yellow numbers and the imbalances are random it seems and just dont make sense.

2. The numbers of the footprintchart used as a ninjatrader plugin differ widely from other footprints i tried like acme , market balance and ludvik. I mean how is that even possible? i tried several display methots but the numbers are always really different to the other footprints.(total bar volume is the same though) i thought it may be the calculation method Bid/ask vs up/down tick. but i see no option to change it.


3.I think they are out of business so no updates.


thats why im looking for something new.

I have acme volume impression but im looking for a visual possibility to represent large trades like in profile mode.

I am now looking into gomi metro edition but as i loaded it it displays nothing and i guess i have to set it up properly which will possibly take a long time.


so anybody any good solutions?


thanks and happy trading!

Edited by martis
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i just tried gomi for the last 2 days and I like auction dashboard more.

It is just a greatly written programm. although im still a little bit sceptical about the numbers of the footprint and dont know what the yellow numbers mean.


@nadjib so you mean auction dashboard is still in business??

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i just tried gomi for the last 2 days and I like auction dashboard more.

It is just a greatly written programm. although im still a little bit sceptical about the numbers of the footprint and dont know what the yellow numbers mean.


@nadjib so you mean auction dashboard is still in business??



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thanks jorgin01 thats very interesting and assuring at the same time.


I have a comparitive pic where AD looks totally different from acme volume impression




also look at the imbalance at 10:45

14 and 12 in yellow just doesnt make sense!


Is that 10:45 ET and it was live or Mkt Replay??

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its 10:45 CEST (Central European Summer Time) and I dont remember if it was live or mkt replay but with both I had such strange yellow number occurences i think.


This is what I got in market replay level 2. Should be something to do with your settings, let me create a basic template with my settings and share it with you.







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This is what I got in market replay level 2. Should be something to do with your settings, let me create a basic template with my settings and share it with you.








thanks so much thats very kind of you!


what settings do you think are different?

I will have a deeper look tomorrow now at this time its night here and markets are either closed or move really really slow.

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thanks jorgin01 thats very interesting and assuring at the same time.


I have a comparitive pic where AD looks totally different from acme volume impression




also look at the imbalance at 10:45

14 and 12 in yellow just doesnt make sense!Or does it???


AD uses BxA and ACME uses Up/down tick, hence the difference.

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also do you know how the "momentum delta" works? the highlighted red or green BEHIND the numbers.

userguide is here: http://v1userguide.auctiondashboard.com/bars#TOC-Delta-Imbalances


But on your picture for example at 4:35 why is there an imbalance at 37 and 47 ? or at 4:40 45 and 37 ?


I do not see those imbalances.


Momentum Delta is aggressive orders hitting the bid or ask side.

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