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SmartBook.SRC Decompile


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  • 2 months later...

hello the problems are these few lines of code but I'm not a programmer are only a self-taught and nono know translate them.but if you put the CS in indicator and try to compile CTRl-F5 you will see errors (the original code is the one indented) I would love to have the CS to make small changes, I hope you succeed. Thanks in advance and I hope that Google has translated well.


Lines 286 - 298 - 304 - 459


protected override void OnMarketDepth(MarketDepthEventArgs e)




SortedDictionary<double, int> dictionary;

// if (e.get_MarketDataType() == null)

if (e.MarketDataType == MarketDataType.Ask)


dictionary = this._AskAllLimitOrderLevels;




// if (e.get_MarketDataType() != 1)

if (e.MarketDataType != MarketDataType.Bid)




dictionary = this._BidAllLimitOrderLevels;


// if ((e.get_Operation() == null) || (e.get_Operation() == 1))

if ((e.Operation == null) || (e.Operation == 1))


// if (dictionary.ContainsKey(e.get_Price()))

if (dictionary.ContainsKey(e.Price))


// dictionary.Remove(e.get_Price());



// dictionary.Add(e.get_Price(), (int) e.get_Volume());

dictionary.Add(e.Price, (int) e.Volume);


// if (((e.get_Operation() == 2) && (e.get_MarketDataType() == null)) && (e.get_Price() < base.GetCurrentAsk()))

if (((e.Operation == 2) && (e.MarketDataType == null)) && (e.Price < base.GetCurrentAsk))


// dictionary.Remove(e.get_Price());



// if (((e.get_Operation() == 2) && (e.get_MarketDataType() == 1)) && (e.get_Price() > base.GetCurrentBid()))

if (((e.Operation == 2) && (e.MarketDataType == 1)) && (e.Price > base.GetCurrentBid))


// dictionary.Remove(e.get_Price());



if (this.lastRefresh.AddMilliseconds((double) this.levelIIRefreshDelayMillis) < DateTime.Now)


// base.get_ChartControl().Refresh();


this.lastRefresh = DateTime.Now;



catch (Exception exception)


base.Print("SmartBook OnMarketDepth(...) - " + exception.Message);



Edited by leonex3
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