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Elliott Wave Forecast Courses

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Start with this Elliott stuff:


Elliott Wave Forex Course - Jody Samuels:



Elliott Wave Education - Deepak Kumar:





Thanks, but already done with Deepak Kumar (very very interesting indeed and carefully explained)

Regarding Jody Samuels... downloaded the course... listened some minutes... deleted everything :( ... it seemed too simplistic and bad explained


After the wonderful course by Jeffrey Kennedy (Elliott Wave Junctures) that I am finishing, and the "Elliott Wave Educational Video Series" with R.Prechter and the "Elliott wave trading course" (.swf lessons taken from this site or found on torrent network) I was just looking for other video lessons and, judging from their youtube videos, those ones seemed very well explained. :)



Unfortunately I cannot yet thank posters

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It seems that you have to do some "paractical exercises" now and prepare elliott counts for different underlyings and time frames by your own.





Take into consideration that the most discussions with other elliotticians are very, very disappointing - see this FF thread



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I have to correct myself

At first sight I thought they were interesting, but after viewing some youtube videos I understood that they want to promote their "New" Elliott Wave Theory with some new concepts (e.g. three waves impulses in some cases instead of "normal" five waves)

They say "Why using a 1930 Chevy, when today we have a BMW? Times have changed, markets have changed so it is time to use new concepts derived from EWT, and not remain sticked to 1930's points of view"

Honestly it is explained in a very confusing manner, so I am no more interested

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At a first glance, looking at their youtube channel


their videos seem to be interesting, so I am wondering if someone has videos from their educational classes


Their site is this one https://elliottwave-forecast.com/


Thanks in advance anyway


I guess this include all



Didnt find any reseller yet for ewf

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