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Any interesting rule set?


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Hi, Indo army!


I'm looking for any interesting pack of rules plus the used indi. I what to investigate any set of straight rules that when fullfulled, generate a high prob entry.

I want to wait til the lines and the whatevers tell me to operate and operate only when those rules set.


I investigated academydaytrading with no success and the DVAN plus GZT zones with far better results.


What are you using?

Edited by uazpeitia
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Howdy uazpeitia---Hope U and Urs R well!

the only thing I can think of along those lines are what was graciously provided by I beleive was egaalh(thanks)

here is what I was able to scrounge up on an old drive(wish I had more time to ck--but don't)--Have a look and see if it helps--

Numerous members here In the BESTEST forum EVER R very helpful!!

Anywhoo here is what I have--

link to info I was able to find--links R to same info just diff sites








Hope Helps and again THANKS to ALL of U!!

Take care and Have a Great Evening/or Morning wherever U R?

Edited by newbie0101
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Later (in March 2016), always 'egaalh', has generously offered us an enhanced version of its system:

'' My System 03.13.2016 '' (http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/27291-My-system-2016?highlight=system+2016).


As the many links are no longer active, here is a reload for you:


https://[email protected]/file/q1m0bv


'Egaalh' (again THANK).

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Anyone using any market profile rules with VSA and Order flow?

Would be interesting to see how much effective it is because there are a lot of amazing traders making micro composite profiles and quickly identifying rejections and micro balances/imbalances.


So for this if we get any indis or a system out of it, maybe it would be of great help :)


Just a thought.



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