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Thanks man for the effort on these,


I think it plots the DTX Crossbow, on my ninja but not the other 3, but its in the right direction,

since this this wasn't plotting before, and now it does. It looks good for trend confirmation on the 5 min bars.

I think these are nice indies.


Anyone else can confirm ?

Edited by trader1968
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Thanks man for the effort on these,


I think it plots the DTX Crossbow, on my ninja but not the other 3, but its in the right direction,

since this this wasn't plotting before, and now it does. It looks good for trend confirmation on the 5 min bars.

I think these are nice indies.


Anyone else can confirm ?


I Removed this file ArcherPlatform_4.0.cP and compiled it (from the previous post). All the other indies seems to be working.

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Thanks man for the effort on these,


I think it plots the DTX Crossbow, on my ninja but not the other 3, but its in the right direction,

since this this wasn't plotting before, and now it does. It looks good for trend confirmation on the 5 min bars.

I think these are nice indies.


Anyone else can confirm ?


All indis working on my side.

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ok i am loosing it here...,


I deleted everything, dlls and cs files and doing it as stated the dll in custom and the indies (cs) without

the archerplatform4cp in the indicator folder so i try to compile and

it's showing that...




Any chance someone can make an importable zip with everything



I don't know i tried all i could think off


Thanks to all and especially orfila

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ok i am loosing it here...,


I deleted everything, dlls and cs files and doing it as stated the dll in custom and the indies (cs) without

the archerplatform4cp in the indicator folder so i try to compile and

it's showing that...




Any chance someone can make an importable zip with everything



I don't know i tried all i could think off


Thanks to all and especially orfila




without open NT7 ,extract this file in C:\Users\xxx\Documents\NinjaTrader 7\bin\Custom


& open NT & compile it

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ok man it was my mistake....i made a new vm machine and virgin installed a ninjatrader and put your indies in custom folder and all went ok they compiled and plot....


So huge thanks to orfila, rlygangesh and all that have contributed to help (bet you are all newer generation so excuse my grey matter loss :) )

thanks again all huge help....


Take care gang

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Can someone describe how to approach DX_Zone as there are many lines on chart with different colors ?


Thanks orfila, rlygangesh


There are few videos on the site





Hope it is useful

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