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new version BookMaap 4.5.0_b142


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  admis said:
I'd like to help you, but I need some extra details.

You have Win 7, but I don't know if it's 32 or 64 bit? Pro/Home/...

Which Java components have you installed (if any) - Java SE Runtime Environment or SE Development Kit (32 or 64 or both)


Based on your screenshot BM is trying to load the library which doesn't exist in the original installation of BM (?)


there is only \lib\jni4net.n.w32.v40-


Have you tried to run the original BM on your PC?


Uninstall BM and start from the scratch.

Run you favorite filemanager (it can be Explorer), but in the admin mode: Run as Administrator ...

Check to see if in the folder \Program Files\ and \Program Files (x86)\ still exist(s) subfolder BookMap - if yes then remove it (them) with all of the contents.

Be prepared for instalation BM 44 b123.

Don't do anything more. I'm waiting...



Thank you admis, I appreciate taking the time to help...it seems I have been able make it work.



About an hour ago i decided to uninstall bookmap and delete any traces of it and start over.


Here are the steps if it helps anyone:


First: uninstall Bookmap and remove subfolder Bookmap as admis suggested. Downloaded package from https://www.forexupload.com/5AWones (thedriver packaged all the files from this thread in one link)


Second: My PC is already running at highest Admin mode so I did not run anything as "run as administrator" but it may be different for you.


1. Before I did anything I installed Java SE Runtime Environment.


2. Installed BM 44 b123.exe but did not run it.


3. Replaced Turboactive folder with the one from admin and replaced Bookmap.exe with BookmapE2.exe provided by admis (I changed the name BookmapE2.exe to Bookmark.exe not sure it matters)


4. Restarted pc and then ran NT. Bookmap.exe tried to run but I hit cancel.


5. I then imported BookMapIndicator.zip from the NT folder inside bookmap in c:


6. restarted pc and NT. Started up Bookmap and it worked



Not sure if all these steps are necessary or right but this is what has worked for me.


Please give admis thanks.... he made this possible!

Edited by khnco
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  khnco said:
Thank you admis, I appreciate taking the time to help...it seems I have been able make it work.



I'm glad you've managed to resolve your issue. Congrats!


Keep in mind, don't install any updates!


Almost immediately, after I've shared here the edu, developer released the update (b125), which checks the control sum of TurboActivate. There are informers among us...

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  marketrulez said:
Hi Admis/Folks,


I am using BookMapE2.exe and trying to connect to IB TWS. As soon as I add instrument there is a bookmap error and it closes, the error is as below:


Full report content:


java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: velox.bookmap.rd

at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:381)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)

at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:331)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:760)

at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:142)

at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:467)

at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:73)

at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:368)

at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:362)

at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:361)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)

at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:331)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)

at velox.bookmap.mM.a(SourceFile:881)

at velox.bookmap.mT.contractDetails(SourceFile:500)

at com.ib.client.EReader.processMsg(EReader.java:660)

at com.ib.client.EReader.run(EReader.java:70)


Are you folks facing this issue as well? Can someone please let me know how to fix the issue?




Hi Admis,


With NT7 it works absolutely fine for me, when I was trying to connect to IB TWS, I am getting the below error, could you please look into this?


20160530 05:52:52.984(UTC) INFO: [VERSION] 4.4.0 build:123

20160530 05:52:53.118(UTC) INFO: [PLATFORM] IB

20160530 05:52:53.123(UTC) ERROR:

velox.bookmap.p: The product details file "TurboActivate.dat" failed to load. It's either missing or corrupt.

at turboactivate.TurboActivate.GetPKey(SourceFile:464)

at velox.common.Utils.b(SourceFile:1343)

at velox.bookmap.sj.a(SourceFile:2104)

at velox.bookmap.sk.run(SourceFile:158)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

20160530 05:52:53.124(UTC) ERROR:

velox.bookmap.p: The product details file "TurboActivate.dat" failed to load. It's either missing or corrupt.

at turboactivate.TurboActivate.GetPKey(SourceFile:464)

at velox.common.Utils.b(SourceFile:1343)

at velox.bookmap.pd.e(SourceFile:224)

at velox.bookmap.pd.e(SourceFile:39)

at velox.bookmap.pg.run(SourceFile:362)

at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:555)

at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:505)


Looks like TurboActivate.dat needs fix for TWS?

BTW, I have Win 8.1 64bit, Java 32bit, TWS 32bit



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  xioxxio said:
It works with IB, make sure you have the correct API settings for IB.




@xioxxio, I have settings made for the API and it works with other App's (had checked before trying BM, checked again after you confirmed its working for you, restarted BM and TWS and tried), also I disabled the Firewall and tried to see if FW was causing the issue for connection between BM and TWS. Still no luck. Am not sure, what is the issue.


TWS version am using is - Build 956.2k, May 26, 2016


Could you please share your TurboActivate folder? Also please let me know the TWS version, if java/TWS 32/64 bit?

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  marketrulez said:
@xioxxio, I have settings made for the API and it works with other App's (had checked before trying BM, checked again after you confirmed its working for you, restarted BM and TWS and tried), also I disabled the Firewall and tried to see if FW was causing the issue for connection between BM and TWS. Still no luck. Am not sure, what is the issue.


TWS version am using is - Build 956.2k, May 26, 2016


Could you please share your TurboActivate folder? Also please let me know the TWS version, if java/TWS 32/64 bit?


I gave a try with Papertrading account of TWS and it works fine with that, now I gotta think why its not working with real account and working with paper trading account of TWS. Hmmm!!??

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  marketrulez said:
Hi Admis,


With NT7 it works absolutely fine for me, when I was trying to connect to IB TWS, I am getting the below error, could you please look into this?



20160530 05:52:53.124(UTC) ERROR:

velox.bookmap.p: The product details file "TurboActivate.dat" failed to load. It's either missing or corrupt.





Your log file clearly specifies cause of the error. There is missing or incorrect TurboActivate.dat file in the folder:

c:\Program Files (x86)\BookMap\TurboActivate\TurboActivate.dat


Copy that file from the original installation.


btw. I'm sorry, I can't check it out for IB TWS, because I don't have it installed...

Edited by admis
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  admis said:
Your log file clearly specifies cause of the error. There is missing or incorrect TurboActivate.dat file in the folder:

c:\Program Files (x86)\BookMap\TurboActivate\TurboActivate.dat


Copy that file from the original installation.


btw. I'm sorry, I can't check it out for IB TWS, because I don't have it installed...


Hi Admis,


Yeah, I have the file in the location and it is fine as well, as I updated later in this thread http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/27437-new-version-BookMaap-4-5-0_b142?p=413875&viewfull=1#post413875 that BM is working fine with IB TWS paper trading account, but not the real/live TWS account. Looks like there is some issue from the TWS side, and issue is not TurboActivate.dat looks like as it works with paper trading account and displays the data in BM as well.


Will check with TWS API team and update you folks on the outcome.


Thanks for the prompt reply and giving this tool (using it with paper trading account as of now), appreciate it. Cheers!

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  marketrulez said:
Hi Admis,


Yeah, I have the file in the location and it is fine as well, as I updated later in this thread http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/27437-new-version-BookMaap-4-5-0_b142?p=413875&viewfull=1#post413875 that BM is working fine with IB TWS paper trading account, but not the real/live TWS account. Looks like there is some issue from the TWS side, and issue is not TurboActivate.dat looks like as it works with paper trading account and displays the data in BM as well.


Will check with TWS API team and update you folks on the outcome.


Thanks for the prompt reply and giving this tool (using it with paper trading account as of now), appreciate it. Cheers!


BookMaap-4-5-0_b142 will not work with my patches. Although the TurboActivate.dat file is the same in both releases.


btw. Has been something positive changed since a few years in the quality of IB data feed? I remember, it was very compressed, what made it unusable for order flow analysis...

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  admis said:
BookMaap-4-5-0_b142 will not work with my patches. Although the TurboActivate.dat file is the same in both releases.


btw. Has been something positive changed since a few years in the quality of IB data feed? I remember, it was very compressed, what made it unusable for order flow analysis...


I am using BM_4.4_143 with your patches and it works fine with my paper trading TWS account, works fine with NT7 esignal data also., but not with TWS real/live account.


IB Data feed is still the same for instruments like ES/CL, but I am using it with SGX/NSE, the volume is not that heavy in these exchanges which would not affect the order flow data much even after IB's compression (data lost after snapshot of IB is very minimal and in most of the trading hours there is no missed data), hence trying to see if it works (still trying to see if it is useful with IB) well for analysing the OF for these exchanges.



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  marketrulez said:
I am using BM_4.4_143 with your patches and it works fine with my paper trading TWS account, works fine with NT7 esignal data also., but not with TWS real/live account.


IB Data feed is still the same for instruments like ES/CL, but I am using it with SGX/NSE, the volume is not that heavy in these exchanges which would not affect the order flow data much even after IB's compression (data lost after snapshot of IB is very minimal and in most of the trading hours there is no missed data), hence trying to see if it works (still trying to see if it is useful with IB) well for analysing the OF for these exchanges.




Thanks for the explanation concerning IB.


Are you sure about the version of BM? BM_4.4_143 ? I guess you mean BM_4.5_143. The latest build for BM_4.4 is 125 not 143 which is beta for 4.5.

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  marketrulez said:
Hi Admis,


Yeah, I have the file in the location and it is fine as well, as I updated later in this thread http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/27437-new-version-BookMaap-4-5-0_b142?p=413875&viewfull=1#post413875 that BM is working fine with IB TWS paper trading account, but not the real/live TWS account. Looks like there is some issue from the TWS side, and issue is not TurboActivate.dat looks like as it works with paper trading account and displays the data in BM as well.


Will check with TWS API team and update you folks on the outcome.


Thanks for the prompt reply and giving this tool (using it with paper trading account as of now), appreciate it. Cheers!


Figured out the issue by enabling the TWS logs to detail and checked the logs. I had pending/open orders in TWS live account (I did not have any pending/open order in paper trading account) which when syncing with BM while logging in was causing the issue, as BM was closing the socket as soon as TWS would send the open order into to BM. (Which is weird, may be I should have those instruments added in BM as well and might work, anyhow I know the issue now). Cancelling these order in TWS made BM work with live account as well, culprit was open/pending orders.


Hope this help if someone is trying to connect to TWS via BM.


Thanks! Cheers!

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  kenny123 said:
Or has anyone traded with this with success?


Bookmap is one of many order flow tools. Everyone uses it differently. Some people use Bookmap by itself to scalp. Other people use to see where buyers/sellers might have there limit orders set. Like all tools, you have to understand context and what the market is doing/trying to do.

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OMG Admis greeeat job here =D> =D>=D> i heard this time was more difficult to get into

btw new version is finally no eye hurting like before with a grid of white lines

This is the ultimate tool 4 scalping, i dnt think they cant improve it anymore

Just put an auto hard stop loss atr based on cqg ninja or whatever and work around ur position

Develop ur personal "market making" model and u can beat HFTs profitability lol

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  nadjib said:
Bookmap is one of many tools you can order flow that win but win some tick tick in some scalping but are guaranteed gain with the limit order price or dumping actions I do not advice the novice to use


Bookmap is excellent for everybody. It is especially useful for the novice to visually see the games (fake orders) in the order book instead of accepting it at face value.


Bookmap is the best visual tool for a novice hands down. Do not discourage traders from improving their knowledge.

Edited by xioxxio
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