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I got these 2 indies from Indicators warehouse and needed to be educated


the ultimate RSI is rather nice addition to have


thank you in advance







You have posted two indicators


1. IwUltimateRSI_NT7.0.1000.29_f.zip (edu work done)

2. FMMA_Free.zip (It's free to use, no edu work is required)


Note :-

1. Create an empty txt file, named as 111111111111.txt and put it in "C:\" drive.

2. Import the zip file as usual and it should work.

3. If it does not work, re-check 111111111111.txt file in "C:\" drive and restart NT7.






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@profile, I didn't check it at vendor's site if those indicators are free or not. I just checked protection and licensing used in Assemblies and did the job accordingly. If you ever feel like this, please import and check virgin files first, if it works at your end then post "WHY EDUCATE'. You have posted a link above https://www.indicatorwarehouse.com/ninjatrader-indicators/free-indicators/, go there and click at Ultimate RSI Indicator and read all page and check if it's free, shareware, giftware or a bonus.



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the reason they needed to be educated was for the simple reason that while being free means only if you register with IW and have your NT7 check against the license server.

most of us are using the educated NT7 hence no verification against any licensing servers, which means even the free version won't work on our system

I went through this and when I told them the error the guy told me it has to do with the license server my NT has troubles with

when I heard that, for me it was the end of discussion LOL :)


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