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Viper Object Trader


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If you are a fan of Viper trading or have some of their systems,then you might like this page.It has lots and lots and lots of their instructional videos and webinars in .wmv format.



Thanks heaps for the link. Great for learning the object trader. However, I don't like the way they trade. Does not work for me, but their object trader is one of the best tools I have ever used. It's so versatile anyone can incorporate it into their own style. I've been SIM trading in real-time for nearly a month now and I am up 20% on a $50k account. If I can stay profitable for the next 5 months, I will go live with real money.


So thanks to sgueta for educating it.





Edited by barslaw
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  • 3 weeks later...

can pls reup

Here what I have in my archive:




https://[email protected]/file/mrj6or



https://[email protected]/file/k4rex0




https://[email protected]/file/mrj6or






Edited by Ganymed
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  • 6 months later...
Is it latest one or one educated by admis?


Not mine (can't be seen?).

The above release still requires some cleaning work (expiration trap).


The part of code to remove in the most of the indies (OnBarUpdate):

if (base.ToDay(DateTime.Now) >= ExpiryIntDate + 80412 || base.ToDay(base.get_Time().get_Item(0)) >= ExpiryIntDate + 80412 || base.ToDay(DateTime.Now) <= ExpiryIntDate2 + 19915)
if (this.DoOnce1)
base.Log("Access to this file has expired - Please contact [email protected].", 0);
this.DoOnce1 = false;

or changing of ExpiryIntDate

(current value = 20080218), ExpiryIntDate + 80412 = 20160630 (yyyymmdd)

Edited by admis
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This is the newest release of the Ultimate Object Trader make sure you remove the older Viper scripts first. This will prevent you from having duplicate indicators and alleviating any potential problems.


Then import the new Ultimate Object Trader. This file contains all the indicators that Viper uses every day in the trading room including Object Trader Strategy. To update import these the same as usual.


You can remove all of the old scripts except for VipProUltimateM16 Once you have removed the older Viper scripts, then import this new update. This new update does not include the VipDynamicTrend or the VipBandAids, but those are on the VipProUltimateM16 scripts. This also includes the chart template and the bar type.


The bars - ObjectTraderRenko are excluded from the binaries and located in the subfolder "Type" in the source form (the default slot: Final4) Everything is imported and compiled in the standard way (including the chart template).


If you have the VipProUltimateM16 scripts than your window in your

(Remove NinjaScript Assembly) should look like this.









This is the chart template UltimateOTPredictor to install this go to, Documents/NinjaTrader 7/Templates/Chart








Thanks to Admis for his generous help!

Edited by timein
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  • 2 weeks later...
This is the newest release of the Ultimate Object Trader make sure you remove the older Viper scripts first. This will prevent you from having duplicate indicators and alleviating any potential problems.


Then import the new Ultimate Object Trader. This file contains all the indicators that Viper uses every day in the trading room including Object Trader Strategy. To update import these the same as usual.


You can remove all of the old scripts except for VipProUltimateM16 Once you have removed the older Viper scripts, then import this new update. This new update does not include the VipDynamicTrend or the VipBandAids, but those are on the VipProUltimateM16 scripts. This also includes the chart template and the bar type.


The bars - ObjectTraderRenko are excluded from the binaries and located in the subfolder "Type" in the source form (the default slot: Final4) Everything is imported and compiled in the standard way (including the chart template).


If you have the VipProUltimateM16 scripts than your window in your

(Remove NinjaScript Assembly) should look like this.









This is the chart template UltimateOTPredictor to install this go to, Documents/NinjaTrader 7/Templates/Chart








Thanks to Admis for his generous help!



Dear timein,

Thanks very much for sharing, may I ask for the original .zip file for the newest viper system, uneducated?




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