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Traderbeauty Method for the ES.


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Congratulations. Appreciate if you share your entry trade logic and your target setting please by adding the fibs so that newbies to fibs can learn ?




Thank you.

The logic is the same as TB already explained so many times.

I asked TB twice in the past to make some tutorial videos,IMO the videos are far better than

written words and screenshots.

I guess she's too busy or its interfering with her trading so it never took place.

Hopefully she'll have some free time and do it for us some day :)


As for your request for me to explain i think its too soon for me to teach since i'm still struggling with trading and do not want to mislead people.

Two days of success are not indication for anything.

When i'll feel i nailed it with consistency i might try to help others happily. :)

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Hi Traderbeauty!

as far as i know , when first time you start with this thread you didn't used OFA but recently you looks adopt OFA into your chart.

now you are using OFA with this system?

if so what is difference since you used together with OFA with your system, how about performance or it greatly help for trading decision?

and where can i download indi or templates? i couldn't see any indi or template in first page also other page.

please guide me

thanks you!

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Very good question-

If you notice I only use a very small part of the OFA method and let me explain.

I look at each leg normally on the renko 4-1 and i understand what the market is doing ( most of the time- not always).

Once you have a good picture you expect a move from A to B- for example- lets say that we have a lower low and lower high and we have an extention of 1.618 so my expectations are to have a retracement of 50 fib and then go short there - this is my A with a target of at lest 1.272 fib extension but most likely 1.618 or more.

I actually enter using the renko 1-1 and when i do that i need a confirmation or some help from other sources which are- EMD , NQ , gom delta volume and one more ( forgot its name)- i watch them visually at critical places where i want to enter to make sure that buyers or sellers are not going against me at the point of entry.I added ofa just as a visual tool to see the buyers or sellers via market orders- to be honest i am not really impressed but i do use it- it gives me sometimes some good info but its much better to use the two other visual indicators that you can see on my desktop.

You should check the entire setup of my desktop ( and thats why i posted there the link- the image is not big enough)- and you right- i hardly use any indicators.

Regarding indicators or template- just do a search and find the individual threads for the indicators- do not start to post downloads here- i want to keep it clean and simple.


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Very good question-

If you notice I only use a very small part of the OFA method and let me explain.

I look at each leg normally on the renko 4-1 and i understand what the market is doing ( most of the time- not always).

Once you have a good picture you expect a move from A to B- for example- lets say that we have a lower low and lower high and we have an extention of 1.618 so my expectations are to have a retracement of 50 fib and then go short there - this is my A with a target of at lest 1.272 fib extension but most likely 1.618 or more.



Hi TB-J, can you explain your basis for your targets as well ? Thank you in advance.

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Thanks so much for your concern.

I have enough buying power to hold till the market goes down.

As you can see in the image- we had four waves- you can see wave number 3 very clearly- its the longest and most dominant one and we are now at wave 5.

I have some shorts at 2124.75 which is the 112 fib extension. I will also add at the 1.272 and the 1.618 which is a perfect AB=BC as you can see but I really dont believe it will get there.

Keep in mind that i locked very nice profit and got out of many shorts during wave 4 so I am not as hurt as you think.

Once I see where the market reacts then I will decide where to exit the shorts.

Take care




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Friends

This is a perfect example of my method and i dont want any of you to miss it so i post it here and in the rampage thread. Enjoy.



This is a long explanation of a perfect entry-If you think that you can take an indicator and just trade blue - red, green etc- you will lose because there are no indicators like that.

You need to read the market and then use the indicator just to confirm that the market is doing what you think and only then enter.


Here is the full analysis- and i hope you appreciate that- took me forever.


Friday ES.


You will see four images of 3 steps - the fourth will show you how to use rampage- i could use navi or acme trend- makes no difference.


Step A- we have a lower low with fib extension. everything works perfect- now we will wait for a retracement of at least 50 fib but most likely 62 or 78- WE DO NOT KNOW HOW FAR THE MARKET WILL RETRACE- so we need the indicator to tell us in real time how far we go up.

Step B market continued all the way up to the 78 fib- how did we know ? we watched the renko 1 and we can see that there are small h-h and h-l till the 78 where we have a small divergence and the indicator is telling us that we can go short.

Step C once we are in our target is 1.272 which would have given us aprox 10 points - not bad at all.

Image D- you can see the moves on the renko 1 and act accordingly-

hope that helps and again- you need to look for a setup - you cannot just trade indicators- you will lose.











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  • 4 weeks later...

wcicom- i am not trying to predict the market- i only follow what it tells me to do and the signals and analysis i had was DOWN.

It took awhile but now i am getting rewarded.

Got out of more shorts- i still have few more with a final target of 1893.

i do not want to post an image of my interactive broker's platform profit but i can tell you that my screen is very GREEN with lots of zeroes. :).

You can clearly see how the market made 5 waves up and then changed direction to a down one.

Take care and thanks




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Hi Jane,


Congratulations on (eventually ) profitable trade.


The problem that I had with a few of your posts had nothing to do with your forecasts or projections - only with money management. Forecasts and projections have as much to do with trading as winter snow. I can have wrong forecast 80% of the time and make money on most of those trades. Trading allows for many different approaches and methods to work, but one part of trading which is unshakable and unforgiving is money management .


I don't care what makes you enter or exit the trade, but to allow ES to go nearly 200 points against you, at least on a few of your contracts - is at the very least not something that should be shown in a public Forum as trading method. I remember you even had intentions of selling a few contracts higher, so what would happen if Market just kept going to 2200, 2300, 2400 ? Keep selling more ? What happens to risk reward ratio when one allows Market to go so much against one's position ? Is risking 200 points to possibly make a 100 is something that one can build successful long term trading methodology on ? In trading, more so than in any other business, how we "play the game" is more important than profits on a handful of trades.


Jane, I hope you will not get too upset with me for simply speaking what I consider truth in trading, my issue was with way too many novice traders being exposed to potentially devastating outcome. Because I forgot the count of all the traders I knew who blew out for good over the years taking similar approach.




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WCICOM (Simon)- you are absolutely correct- my method is totally UN-orthodox but i have been doing that for a long time with %100 success.

I am not angry at you at all- on the other hand i thank you so much for the concern and for your views so please keep responding for better and for worst lol.

I keep telling people NOT TO FOLLOW ME just to pay attention and watch while I play live with fire.

I know that the best way to attract people to my posts is to show them the truth including the ugly one that unfortunately sometime happens- but i show you everything - the good and the not so good lol.

This is also the reason why i post my real - live- account results so people can see the facts and not a replay.

On a second thought i decided to post my current brokers results from today so you can see my current LIVE -REAL profit.i would be lying to you if i deny sweating when the market was all the way up torturing me lol- but i knew that my analysis ( long term one ) was correct and i just stuck to it.This is the longest i have been in a trade but as you can see- it pays off.


Simon- you have to understand that even if the market goes up i keep shorting and exiting on every retracement banking points in my account so it was not as bad as you imagine- i just dont show all these intraday entries because it will take an entire forum :).


please notice how i exited at 30.5 ( 5 contracts - live- real- not a paper account ) and then the market jumped 30 points up.


take care





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one more thing i want to mention-

i have been working very hard to develop a method to trade the es using a very small account of one of our forum members ( $2500.00) which is almost unheard of using only one contract.

This is very hard because you cannot have stops larger than few ticks and you cannot add contracts.

I believe that i did that with flying colors and NO INDICATORS at all- just analysis of the leg movements.

I dont want to say price action because usually pa is dealing with only support- resistance- trendlines which i dont pay attention at all- so i chose a different name for it.

plan to start live tomorrow- so with me luck lol.

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one more thing i want to mention-

i have been working very hard to develop a method to trade the es using a very small account of one of our forum members ( $2500.00) which is almost unheard of using only one contract.

This is very hard because you cannot have stops larger than few ticks and you cannot add contracts.

I believe that i did that with flying colors and NO INDICATORS at all- just analysis of the leg movements.

I dont want to say price action because usually pa is dealing with only support- resistance- trendlines which i dont pay attention at all- so i chose a different name for it.

plan to start live tomorrow- so with me luck lol.


Best of luck TB...you will do wonderfully well ... Our whole investasi cummunity's wishes are with you.

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if i am not mistaken i had around 30 or 40 contracts- but keep in mind that this is the overnight margin- not the intra day- but again- during the day i kept shorting and exiting with 10-20 points all the time- when you do that on 5 contracts its 2.5- 5 k profit each time even though some of your shorts are in temporary loss.


as you can see i still have few shorts left which i plan to close at 1893- but if the market will decide to go high from here i will start to reshort again around 2015 9 aprox- not exact- need to do the fibs).


if there is interest then i can post levels for reshorting and you can follow as long as you have enough cash in the account :)

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so as i said before i exited all my positions almost at the bottom.

glad i did not stick to the 1893 because it got to 1893.50 and jumped up- the moment i saw that i exited at 94.75 and 95.25 - this is meaningless as you can see in the results.

i left myself one short just for luck lol - just in case the market continues down another 100 points or so- i just dont want to be left behind and the minus i get now when the markets goes up with only one short is nothing compared to my profits.

as you can see i plan to reshort on fib levels as the market goes up ( i hope it will ).


have a great night and take care




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i want to teach you something very valuable that will help you analyze you trade without using any indicators.

this is why i decided to exit all my shorts and if you notice- i did that almost at the low of the market - again- without using any indicators.

look on the left the 3 arrows- see the down move- look at the corresponding volume- see how it accelerated to the end- there was no reason to exit there-

when we look at the bar we need to consider few facts- the color ( direction ) size of the body ( doji or not ) and the volume.

now lets look at the last 5 days of drop-- market was going down and volume went up- so i kept my shorts - no reson to exit.

look on friday----now focus- its very important to notice what i am going to show you- if you dont - it will cost you.


volume compared to thursday was almost the same- but lets look at the move-----




That means that the market IS BRAKING ( not breaking ) - SLOWING DOWN and decelerating.

That does not mean its reversing - but if i am short that means- time to exits.

look again and compared both down moves ( one on the lft and the one from last week ),

look again and again and again.

appreciate the fact that i am teaching you something at 8:30 pm sunday evening instead of watching the golden glob lol.

stop collecting indicators ( even if the are some suckers that pay thousands of dollars for them ), always ask admis or yamantaka for the indicators' value and ask if they add anything to your trading accuracy.

remember- the simpler your method is- the better you will do.

have a good night and a wonderful 2016.

and last thing- remember- i am here for you as a friend so dont hesitate to ask, complain, disagree or even yell at me- we are all here together to make more money.




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