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Traderbeauty Method for the ES.


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kon- you are correct but this is very general and just plain divergence will kill you- on strong moves you will see the indicators will show you that you are overbought or oversold with huge divergence- tempting you to go against the market which will be a big mistake- so my advice- DO NOT RELY ON INDICATORS.


Armuta- very good but not good enough- fibs should be accurate not almost


Please pay attention to what i am teaching you here because i do that every single day on much smaller time frames.during the day trading when i use my renko 4-1 or 8-2 its much simpler and i pay attention to the current leg or the previous one.

Here i am showing you a much more complicated analysis on a daily basis.To be honest- the market has not decided yet what it wants to do and the analysis is very complicated here or at least composed.


I am checking the fibs on every possible leg and i take THE ONE WHICH IS THE MOST ACCURATE. so lets begine from right to left.

first arrow- we broke the 1.9 - no good, second arrow - again broke the 1.9 no good. third arrow- 1.9 is 1884.74 market's low was 1871 so its not good but its much better than the previous two.

fourth arrow the 78 fib of the big move up 1907.97 na--- too far from 1871 - but we check and consider everything.

now here we go- surprise------------------------------check it out- the 78 fib of the entire move is 1876.37 which the low is 1870.75 that is 5 points on a daily basis- thats nothing.


you see- the hardest part of fib users is to discern where and to where to take the measurements.


so bottom line- i am going to short but WHERE.

I am going to do a fib on the third arrow leg and use that as my leader leg and enter with its fibs will go in every fib starting the 38 but... i am also going to minitor the daily volume and the speed of the up move- i might skip the 38 and start only at the 50 or the 62 etc. the are two options-


one- we have a fib extension of 1.9 meaning i am going to short at 1957.25 which is the 38 fib.

two- we have a move from the 78 meaning- it can go up to wherever it wants- it can just be a bounce or an entire reversal with a move up to a big 1.272 who knows- who cares.

i am ready for every possible outcome no matter what.

so lets the game begin- hope you understand what i am doing - if not then just ask.

take care




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Traderbeauty, Are there any specific books or courses on trading with Fibonacci you would recommend? Thank you


there is a very good seminar by dynamic trader - forgot his name- its 4 or 5 dvds and its very very good.

watch that and you dont need anything else- oh- btw- you can skip the first part. oh- his last name is MINER i think robert miner and its running around in all the torrents around.

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gadfly- yes- thats the one i meant.

its very good- i mean- it teaches you everything you need to know.

it shows you how to generate the retracements, extensions, symmetry and also there is one more that i forgot but i hardly use it - its fib on the extension- cant remember-

but you watch these dvds and understand them- you do not need any more books or seminars or anything else.

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i will- but you have to understand that the core basic of my method has not changed at all.

I read the market moves just looking at the chart.

There is a reason for every single move no matter how small it is and if you train yourself to recognize it you will almost always know whee the market is going so you can hop on and make money.

The latest tool i added is the auto trend line- i havent decided which of the 3 to use- each one has its advantage or dis-advantages.

Today was not a good day to watch the market - unless you like to fall asleep lol.

But i promise to post some more day trading stuff for very small accounts.

take care


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dont have much time now- market opens in a few.

my long term analysis------

market stopped right at the 2.618 - so this is my ping pong wall. once i know why it stopped i know what to expect-this is the SAME method i use during day trading - just with stops.

so now i am going to enter short at the 38 fib ( right arrow ) of the last leg.

i believe that the market will go higher than the 38 because of the mechanical divergence of the previous low- this will kick the market a little higher so i plan to short EVERY fib and play the game.

lets hope the market will get there. not going to enter before-waiting for the market to come to me.


another fact- when all the news , tv, papers etc are black, red and dooms day - everyone is yelling the market is falling and will continue to go down- THAT IS WHEN THE MARKET SURPRISE EVERYONE AND GOES UP.

Anyway- i dont care about all this garbage- i just read the market ahead of time and act accordingly.

also- keep in mind that when looking on a weekly- we have a divergence and lower high- we dont have yet a lower low- so basically the market can go up now and even make a new high- who knows- who cares...

take care




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SLOW MOTION analysis...

throw away all your indicators- this is an ideal textbook scenario where i go this time WITH the market direction-try to follow and learn because you can use it for day trading.

Millions of traders did not see what i did and kept shorting the market yesterday and today either exiting be or losing.

Today is the second doji day with high volume ( although less than friday ) at the bottom and at a critical fib level.

Tomorrow imho it will jump up , all the shorts will cover their positions and the longs will realize that there is a beginning of an up trend.

i got my orders and i am waiting patiently. once we get there i will show you more.

since i am more aggressive i plan to short on each level- but once we get there i will show you how you can identify the entry - most of the time to the tick.

take care and keep watching live.




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hie @Traderbeauty ,


In your analysis u use extensions for taking decisions . if the market was out of range like highs and lows . do u use fib retracements from prior swing or from larger degree of swing . can i use these retracement levels as support and resistance areas to enter trades or only for profit booking zones . is there any method in addition to fibs can be used for identifying zones .



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sorry- but i dont understand your questions.

in order for me to answer you- you need to send me a drawing or a chart so i can look and give you the solution.

regarding fib zones- thats is a myth- its hype bs created by vendors that try to sell you stuff.

the best that can happen is when you have two fibs giving you the same exact level and its called confluence. stay away from zones- fibs are accurate to the tick most of the time.


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very good kon

obviously my shorting plans are not good anymore- need to re-do the fib but only after i see the market reverses up.

in the meantime- if the market continues to go down i will GO LONG at the big 1.272 which is around 1730 something.

i will be very careful and will watch volume and divergences for signs that the market is slowing down.

keep in mind that i do not use stops when position trading.my profits are going to be hundreds of points.

will show you the exact entry once we get closer- but right now i am on the sidelines waitng for the market to either go up 100 points or down 100 and only then i will enter.

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ok boys and girls- took me awhile to find out my ping pong wall- meaning why did the market stopped and reversed where it did.

obviously you can see that this is the case- huge volume and its a hammer - meaning they took it down to minus 68 points and ended with almost a doji which is incredible.

anyway- i could not figure out why the h--l it would stop here- i was thinking to give you a quiz instead of giving you the answer- but its late and i am tired- so here it is.


look at the chart- you can see that we have a perfect channel here- its a huge channel but its still a perfect one.

on top of that you can see that we have almost perfect symmetry which is amazing.

so now when i know WHY the market stopped i can plan my coming up shorts.

i dont think the market will be able to go all the way up to the upper channel line- so i am shorting every fib possible.

this is great- i was afraid that the market wont give me another chance of shorting before it crashes and turn to dust lol

take care





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and here we are - market is + 27 points (ES )-

I REST MY CASE AGAIN- no indicators used at all- no volume profile or anything else- just basic deduction and chart pattern.

Now- try to imagine that this is not daily but lets say renko 8 and each bar is a much smaller time frame- this is ecactly how you should day trade- this is my method-

FIND THE PING PONG AND TRADE ACCORDINGLY.If this was a day trading chart then we would go long with a target - the upper trendline.

I am just showing you that in a slow motion lol.

Anyway- my fist short is at 1915 ( took few ticks off - want to get filled) and then will continue shorting every fib- will post a chart later- no time now.

take care


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