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How many trades can I place in one day? Is there a limit?

Samuel Attah

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I often get questions from novice traders "Will the broker raise any concern if we place too many trades? Do they profit more if we place many small trades or few trades of bigger amount per trade? "


well, the answer is: They like "volume" and they prefer that you take more trades with lesser investment rather than vice versa. I have never heard of anyone getting banned for taking too many trades. Most problems are due to lack of enough trades because of bonuses and such. As I am currently trading with CToption broker, I feel safe because they do not make any trouble for withdrawing profits.

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Yeah that’s obviously it’s always beneficial for broker if one trades more trades since they earn more commission, so this is never heard question honestly, I mean if we have capital in the account then we can do 100 trades or 1000, it is completely our choice. I prefer to work with FMbinary.com broker since they allow me to work just the way I wish while withdrawal if you concern that in question then it’s also within the given time which is 24 hours.
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