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Felton Trading Supreme Deluxe system


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FRIEND Could you re-up again the indicators? thank you


This file has been deleted, can you please re-up. Thanks.


FeltonEdu.zip (533.44KB)



Here are admis and sgueta educated files.A great many thanks to them

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Could someone enlighten me, what is so extraordinary in the Felton's package. Where the masters of this system have noticed any benefits?


For a long time, I haven't seen so messy codes... I don't know what is the price for that, but I would not spend any penny prior practical proving its advantages.


btw: Thanks to God, those programmers are not engaged in developing Ninja.

Someone, should inform Mr. Felton about the really good software houses...

admis, Felton is in the business of peddling software. It can be made with cow dung and he wouldn't care if it sells. The fact this ATS is no longer supported (as far as I can tell) should answer your question of what's extraordinary about it.


Is the automated system, FT SignalPro included in this package?

Edited by yamantaka
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Even though I am still trying to figure out what it is, my salutes to admis, Cash and sgueta (in alphabatical order)! Cash, it's the training videos that caught my eyes and i believe they will be very useful before any practical .


Well done klhk. You are the exception to the norm. Most people see that it's 120 mins of old man Felton's voice and don't even bother.That's why Roger Felton was pleading with his students and trial members of BMT(back then) to properly study the vids as Felton has a steep learning curve.

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Well done klhk. You are the exception to the norm. Most people see that it's 120 mins of old man Felton's voice and don't even bother.That's why Roger Felton was pleading with his students and trial members of BMT(back then) to properly study the vids as Felton has a steep learning curve.


At least it's not 120 min of Al Brook's voice. You need to speed up playback just to stay awake listening to him. Thanks for posting all this stuff Cash (and thanks to Admis for his great work once again), will take awhile to get through it.

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FT RENKO SUPREME IS NOt present with bundlee


ok could someone please reup these? apparently going down quickly. thank you.



Hi there post #5 as of this post--oh and post 6-- which was Graciously provided by admis(THANKU) are still alive and well--

Dang maybe start at post 1 and work Ur way down---sorry for be Blunt but geez man we are so fortunate-Don't look/punch the gift horse right in the mouth!!--

as well jjfunds-- the bar types are there----


and diabouncer---Please read above as stated "links" are still alive--

Thanks for all The Contributions By all !!!

Everyone have a GREAT ONE!!



as well just ckd Cashmans reup(THANKS) from post 28 and still active as well

Edited by newbie0101
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Thanks admis!!!


Is this the line:




have a good day!




can sources and sgueta dll be imported at the same time?

Edited by exp48967
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can you please post your DLL files again

tks in advance


cash link still working:




you can find both files, just replace bars with new one posted by admis, post #39.


Don't know if sgueta dll can be installed with admis sources.

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It seems there are two versions in this thread, one is 1006 educated by Admis and he also updtaed bars in source form and other version is 1061 trial which is in the form of dll file by Sequeta, am I correct in this assumption?. I have not installed any one of them so please let us know what is the difference. I am assuming dll version is newest one and will install everything including bar types and you will not be able to change slot types while Admis version gives you flexibility to change slot type. BTW nice work by everybody who contributed
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It seems there are two versions in this thread, one is 1006 educated by Admis and he also updtaed bars in source form and other version is 1061 trial which is in the form of dll file by Sequeta, am I correct in this assumption?. I have not installed any one of them so please let us know what is the difference. I am assuming dll version is newest one and will install everything including bar types and you will not be able to change slot types while Admis version gives you flexibility to change slot type. BTW nice work by everybody who contributed


Your assumptions are correct. I've made the edu of the files uploaded by CasManic (v.1060). Independently, squeta has provided the v.1061, which includes certainly more indicators. The bars exist as a separate files in the both releases. I've only reviewed the binaries of version 1061 and you can read my opinion in the posts: #5, #6 and particularly #18.


Nothing was changed, but I don't want to hurt anymore all the believers of this kind of indicators. Each has his own mind...

Edited by admis
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