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Trading software


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I thought Its would be interesting for people who looking for the- winning - software. Some how I didnt see this topic before and it was very interesting to read .

My favorite comment is----


Pretty much everything out there - Flux, Ablesys, Emini Watch, Protrader Online, Jouflas, Uncle Mike's, MTP, Jurik, Blue Wave, a bunch of rooms etc etc (well in excess of 20K).

Did I learn anything? Yes, that I was a sucker. And that losing my shirt trading despite all those systems and methods was the best teacher of them all. It was a expensive lesson, one that almost brought me to bankruptcy. Almost!

Not one of the courses is worth recommending, including MTP which affected my trading style the most. Nothing comes close to convey the pain caused by not understanding fear, greed and the danger of not realising how inportant risk control is to your well being.

Lot of good books out there, but other peoples words failed to convey the depth of the message until I underwent it myself. At that point, no system was needed anyway.

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