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Micro Quant / Value Charts

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Has anyone taken the trial? has anyone got an oppinion on the Live Trading room they have? I wouldnt get there indicators but the room might be good.




Hi ghostpipper--Hope all is well--just in case U wish to test them out--here are the indis-- something to ck out if U wish--





THANKS!!-- To Everyone that supports this forum--Even if U think U don't--U do--cause a response/request---Is just that IMO--supporting this Awesomest place--

We are blessed here by individuals that knock down barriers versus building them--and To Those Special Humans I say THANK U--As well I am sure all others here without the Talent and knowledge Do As Well--

It is amazing how a nameless/faceless place can create a WOW World---HMMMM what if we all banded together to change bigger things(just a thought)---an awesome thought I might add LOL--

For ALL of U I wish the best as always and the most THANKS in the world To ALL of U--I am privileged just to be a part of it!!


okok apologies for rambling again--but can't help myself--Ur all so awesome--THANKS!!

oh yeah the link-LOL--


Tested on this end with NT7V2732bit WIN7--worked(sorry if turns out to be trial-don't think so but never know)


Just imported as per normal

Seems to have installed all from ultimate bundle--Keep in mind the indis are not all named with V@lueCharts as U will see upon installing--e.g. U have the V@luecharts ones and MQ ones--

Anyway hope helps

Take care All--

p.s. sincerely there are no thanks necessary because all of the THANKS R from Me To ALL of U!!--

Without U I would not have these--plain and simple--

Edited by newbie0101
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