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Books in English

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S.Lin.Lecture Notes in Mathematical Finance

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S.Nison.Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques

S.Shreve.Stochastic Calculus and Finance

S.Weinstein.Secrets for profiting in bull and bear markets

System Development Manual from Omega Research

T.Bulkowski.Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns

T.Chande.Beyond technical analysis

T.Crabel.Day Trading With Short Term Price Patterns and Opening

T.Joseph.Practical Applications of a Mehanical Trading System

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B.Rudd.Stock Patterns for Day Trading and Swing Trading \ Barry Rudd. Stock Patterns for Day Trading and Swing


B.Rudd.Stock Patterns for Day Trading and Swing Trading \ format djvu - instruktsiya.txt

Balsara, J.Nauzer.Money Management Strategies for Futures Traders \ BALSARA, Nauzer J.Money Management.pdf

Brealey and oth.Fundamentals Corporate Finance \ Fundamentals Corporate Finance.pdf

CJSatchwell.Forecasting, Theory and Practice \ Property_Forecasting_Theory & Practice-TFL.pdf

C.LeBau, D.Lucas.Daytrading systems and methods \ LeBau, Lucas. Daytrading systems and methods.djvu

D.Dreman.The New Contrarian Investing Strategies \ David Dreman. The New Contrarian Investing Strategies (Engl.djvu

Dave Landry - On Swing Trading.djvu

Day Trader's Manual from Futures Magazine

Developing new trading systems.doc

English - Developing new trading systems.doc

E.Lefevre.Reminiscences of a stock operator \ Reminiscences of a stock operator.doc

E.Thorp.The mathematics of gambling

G.Marisch.The WDGann Method of Trading \ Marisch, Gerald - The WD Gann Method of Trading.pdf

G.Morris.Candlestick charting explained \ G.Morris.Candlestick charting explained.djvu

G.Morris.Candlestick charting explained \ format djvu - instruktsiya.txt

Gann Course

H.Roberts.Stock Market Patterns and Financial Analysis \ Stock-Market Patterns and Financial Analysis.pdf

How to read the new TradeStation 2000i performance report (from \ How to read the new TradeStation 2000i performance report.pdf

J.Arps.Swing Trader's Toolkit \ [Trading ebook] swing.DOC

J.Bernstain.Introduction to Tecnical Analysis \ J.Bernstain.Introduction to Tecnical Analysis.djvu

J.Bernstain.Introduction to Tecnical Analysis \ format djvu - instruktsiya.txt

J.Ehlers.MESA and Trading Market Cycles \ J.Ehlers.MESA and Trading Market Cycles.djvu

J.Ehlers.MESA and Trading Market Cycles \ format djvu - instruktsiya.txt

J.Katz.The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies \ The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies.pdf

J.Piper.The way to trade \ J.Piper.The way to trade.pdf

J.Ross.Trading Spreads and Seasonals \ Ross, Joe - Trading Spreads and Seasonals.djvu

J.Ross.Trading The Ross Hook \ Joe Ross. Trading The Ross Hook (English) .djvu

J.Ross.Trading by Minute \ Ross - Trading by Minute.djvu

J.Ross.Trading by Minute \ format djvu - instruktsiya.txt

J.Ross.Trading by the Book \ Joe Ross. Trading by the Book (English) .djvu

J.Ross.Trading by the Book \ format djvu - instruktsiya.txt

J.Schwager.Stock Market Wizards \ schwager - stock market wizards.pdf

J.Steidlmayer.Steidlmayer on Markets.A New Approach to Trading \ JP Steidlmayer - Steidlmayer on Markets.pdf

K.Hagerty.Day Trading Course \ Kevin Hagerty.Day Trading Course.doc

L.Borsellino.Trading S & P, NASDAQ 100 & E-mini Futures \ BORSELLINO, Lewis - Trading S & P, NASDAQ 100 & E-mini Futures.doc

L.Connors, L.Raschke.Street Smarts

Pesavento, Larry. Fibonacci Ratios with Pattern Recognition.pdf

L.Pesavento.Profitable Patterns for Stock Trading.djvu

Linda Raschke.Short Term Trading Strategies.pdf

A Practical Guide to Swing Trading by Larry Swing.pdf

Williams, Larry - The Secret of Selecting Stocks for Immedi.pdf

Ludwig von Mises. The Theory of Money and Credit (English) .pdf

Linda Raschke.Short Term Trading Strategies.pdf

M.Armstrong.The Greatest Bull Market in History

M.Boucher, L.Connors.Market Timing Trading Course

M.Conway.Professional Stock Trading \ professional stock trading by mark conway.djvu

M.Douglas.Disciplined Trader \ Douglas - Disciplined trader.djvu

M.Douglas.Trading in the Zone \ Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas.PDF

M.Gladwell.Blowing UP \ Malcolm Gladwell. Blowing UP.pdf

M.Jurik.Computerized Trading \ Jurik, Mark. Computerized Trading (English) .djvu

M.Raiman.Guide to Effective Daytrading \ Mel Raiman. Guide to Effective Daytrading.pdf

M.Turner.Day Trading into the millenium \ millenium.doc

N.Taleb.Dynamic Hedging \ taleb - dynamic hedging.djvu

N.Taleb.Fooled by Randomness \ Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Fooled by Randomness.doc

Nassim Nicholas Taleb.Fooled by Randomness \ Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Fooled by Randomness.doc

Neural Networks from NeuroDimension

P.Bernstain.Against the gods \ peter l bernstein - against the gods.djvu

P.Bernstain.Against the gods \ format djvu - instruktsiya.txt

P.Kaufman.Smarter Trading \ Kaufman, Perry J. - Smarter Trading.PDF

P.Kaufman.Trading Systems & Methods

P.Lasky.A better way to validate financial trading system \ A better way to validate financial trading system.pdf

P.Levine.MIDAS Method of Technical Analysis \ Paul Levine.The Midas Method of Technical Analysis.pdf

P.Mikula.The Best Trendline Methods of Alan Andrews \ P.Mikula.The Best Trendline Methods of Alan Andrews.pdf

Parallel functions for MTS \ Parallel functions for MTS.doc

Pesavento, Larry. Fibonacci Ratios with Pattern Recognition \ Pesavento, Larry. Fibonacci Ratios with Pattern Recognition.pdf

R.Arms.Trading With EquiVolume \ Trading.With.EquiVolume.RichardArms.pdf

R.Deel.The Strategic Electronic Day Trader \ Robert Deel.The Strategic Electronic Day Trader.pdf

R.Jones.The trading game \ Jones.pdf

R.Krausz.WDGann Treasure Discovered \ R.Krausz.WDGann Treasure Discovered.pdf

R.Swannell.Elite Trader's Secrets \ ElliottWaveResearch.chm

R.Swannell.Elite Trader's Secrets \ R.Swannell.Elite Trader's Secrets.pdf

R.Vince.Portfolio Management \ Portfolio Management - Vince.pdf

R.Wyckoff. The day trader's bible \ R.Wyckoff. The day trader's bible.pdf

R.Wyckoff.The day trader's bible \ R.Wyckoff. The day trader's bible.pdf

S.Achelis.Technical Analysis from A to Z

Carney, Scott M. The Harmonic Trader (English) .djvu

S.Lin.Lecture Notes in Mathematical Finance \ Lecture Notes in Mathematical Finance.pdf

Naive Trading Rules in Financial Markets.pdf

Steve Nison. Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques (Engl.djvu

S.Shreve.Stochastic Calculus and Finance \ Stochastic Calculus and Finance.pdf

S.Weinstein.Secrets for profiting in bull and bear markets \ Weinstein.Secrets for profiting in bull and bear markets.doc

System Development Manual from Omega Research

T.Bulkowski.Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns \ Bulkowski, Thomas N.Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns.pdf

Tushar Chande.Beyond Technical Analysis

T.Crabel.Day Trading With Short Term Price Patterns and Opening \ Toby Crabel.Day Trading.pdf

T.Joseph.Practical Applications of a Mehanical Trading System \ Tom Joseph.A Mehanical Trading System.pdf

The Best Trendline Methods of Alan Andrews and Five New Trendline Techniques [Mikula Patrick] \ The Best Trendline Methods of Alan Andrews (Mikula Patrick) .pdf

The Original Turtle Trading Rules

The Original Turtle Trading Rules - the book with a description of the system

Trading With EquiVolume (Arms Richard) .pdf

Tushar Chande.Beyond Technical Analysis

Tutorials in Applied Technical Analysis (publications from .com)

V.Niederhoffer.Market Making and Reversal on the Stock Exchange \ Market Making and Reversal.pdf

V.Tharp.Special Report on Money Management \ MoneyManagementReport (Tharp) .pdf

Van Tharp.Special Report on Money Management \ MoneyManagementReport (Tharp) .pdf

W.Bressert.The cycle trading pattern manual.doc

W.Goeltzman.An Introducton to Investment Theory

W.O'Neill.How to make money in stocks

W.Wilder.The Delta Phenomenon

Understanding Technical Stock Market Indicators.pdf


Books for managing capital and risk


M.Chekulaev.Risk Management

Great. On the question of portfolio management

P.Bernstayn.Protiv bogov.Ukroschenie risk

R.Vins.Matematika capital management

R.Dzhons.Birzhevaya igra.Sdelay millions playing numbers

Secrets of money management (the book of the Money Software Company)

E.Torp.Kritery Kelly blackjack, sports betting, and n

M.Chekulaev.Risk menedzhment.Upravlenie financial risk n.djvu

Great. On the question of portfolio management

P.Bernstayn.Protiv bogov.Ukroschenie risk

R.Vins.Matematika capital management

R.Dzhons.Birzhevaya igra.Sdelay millions playing numbers

Secrets of money management (the book of the Money Software Company)


D.Fergyuson.Metod Martingeyla.doc

Dzh.Arlington. Management Guide riskami.doc

Leo Slutskin.Aktivny and passive portfolio menedzhment.doc

M.Korolyuk.Bud in faze.pdf

Management Basics kapitalom.doc

Money management rules by DC Alpari.pdf

R.Pelete. Money management method Martingeyla.doc

E.Torp.Kritery Kelly blackjack, sports betting, and n


Books on fundamental analysis of the economy m

B.de Zhuvenel.Etika redistribution

V.Lihovidov.Fundamentalny analysis of the global currency markets

D.Keyns.Obschaya Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

D.Rozenberg.Investitsii.Terminologichesky Dictionary

D.Sornette.Kak predict the collapse of the financial markets

D.Soros.Alhimiya Finance

D.Soros.Krizis world capitalism

K.Makkonnell, S.Bryu.Ekonomiks.Printsipy, issues and policies

R.Breyli, S.Mayers.Printsipy Corporate Finance

R.Kiyosaki, Sh.Lektor.Rukovodstvo rich dad to invest

R.Stroup, D.Gvartni.Azbuka economy

S.Kottl, R.Myurrey, F.Blok.Analiz securities Graham and Dodd



F.Fisher.Obyknovennye shares and extraordinary income

F.Hayek.Chastnye money

B.de Zhuvenel.Etika redistribution \ Bertrand de Zhuvenel.Etika pereraspredeleniya.doc

V.Lihovidov.Fundamentalny analysis of the global currency markets

D.Keyns.Obschaya Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

D.Rozenberg.Investitsii.Terminologichesky Dictionary

D.Sornette.Kak predict the collapse of the financial markets \ D.Sornette.Kak predict the collapse of the financial rynkov.djvu

D.Soros.Alhimiya Finance \ D.Soros.Alhimiya finansov.doc

D.Soros.Alhimiya Finance \ D.Soros.Alhimiya finansov.zip

D.Soros.Krizis world capitalism \ D.Soros.Krizis world kapitalizma.doc

D.Soros.Krizis world capitalism \ D.Soros.Krizis world kapitalizma.zip

K.Makkonnell, S.Bryu.Ekonomiks.Printsipy, Problems and Policies \ K.Makkonnell, S.Bryu.Ekonomiks.Printsipy problems and politika.djvu

Description of the main macroeconomic indicators

R.Breyli, S.Mayers.Printsipy Corporate Finance

R.Kiyosaki, Sh.Lektor.Rukovodstvo rich dad on investirov.djvu

R.Stroup, D.Gvartni.Azbuka economy \ R.Stroup, D.Gvartni.Azbuka ekonomiki.doc

S.Kottl, R.Myurrey, F.Blok.Analiz securities Graham and Dodda.djvu


Bertrand de Zhuvenel.Etika pereraspredeleniya.doc

V.N.Lihovidov - market sentiment index - the index of business o.mht

European Monetary Union and the European markets of bumag.doc

What are silent indikatory.mht

Fundamental analysis of the market FOREX.doc


F.Fisher.Obyknovennye shares and extraordinary dohody.djvu

F.Hayek.Chastnye money


Books on futures and options

Introduction of futures and options transactions (manual CUBE)

G.Agasndyan.Mnogostupenchaty criterion VAR in the options market

K.Konnolli.Pokupka and selling volatility

L.MakMillan.MakMillan of options

M.Tomsett.Torgovlya options

M.Upravlenie financial risk management based on the analysis of volatility

M.Chekulaev.Zagadki and option trading secrets

M.Chekulaev.Torgovlya volatility

T.Lofton.Osnovy futures trading

Introduction of futures and options transactions (manual CUBE) \ Introduction of futures and options sdelki.doc

G.Agasndyan.Mnogostupenchaty criterion VAR options market \ G.Agasndyan.Mnogostupenchaty criterion VAR market optsionov.pdf

K.Konnolli.Pokupka and selling volatility

L.MakMillan.MakMillan of options

M.Tomsett.Torgovlya options

M.Chekulaev.Risk menedzhment.Upravlenie financial risk n.djvu

M.Chekulaev.Zagadki and mystery option torgovli.djvu

M.Chekulaev.Torgovlya volatilnostyu.doc

T.Lofton.Osnovy trade fyuchersami.djvu



Agasandyan GA Multistage criterion VAR in the real market optsionov.pdf

Ereshko AF Methods of decomposition and locally optimal strategies in portfolio management tasks .zip

MV Lychagin, B. Scott-Quinn, Suslov VI Financial innovation - foreign opyt.zip

Nedosekin AO Fuzzy-multiple risk analysis of stock investitsiy.pdf

Nedosekin AO stock management in vague usloviyah.pdf



Abdynasyrov WT Securities Market of the Kyrgyz Republic and the improvement of public reguliro.pdf

Barenboim P. How to avoid torture. The application of psychological knowledge to protect grazhdan.pdf

Walraven KD risk management in commercial banke.zip

You and the world of investments. Joint publication of the MICEX and the New York Stock Exchange, textbook for mass invest.pdf

Demushkina E. Questions of civil law in theory and practice of non-cash circulation bumag.pdf

Dimitriadi GG models of financial pyramids - deterministic podhod.pdf

Dimitriadi GG Review of models of public dolga.pdf

Dobashin IV Statistics finansov.zip

Zakharov, Dmitry Kirichenko, Chelmodeeva E. Currency and universal exchange of the XXI century as a crisis mehani.pdf

Zakharov AV On the concept of a single currency area SNG.pdf

Ignatov, I., A. Trifonova, D. Bobrov, N. Sklyarov How to successfully place the securities birzhe_ Praktiche.zip

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Books - Mirkin_ Ru.mht

Kozlov NB Formation of the securities market in post stranah.pdf

Krinichansky KV Genesis economic institutions - corporations, professional participants finansovogo.pdf

Makeev AV Non-equity securities. Part 1 Vekselya.pdf

Mirkin YM stock market in Russia - the impact of fundamental factors, forecast and policy razvit.pdf

Mirkin YM Securities and stock rynok.zip

Roth, Zakharov A., Mirkin et al. Fundamentals of the state regulation of the financial rynka.pdf

BB Rubtsov Trends in global stock rynkov.pdf

Yuri Sizov Formation of system of state regulation of the securities market in Russia. Moscow opy.pdf

Tarachev VA Azimov L. Manipulation and insider trading in the financial markets (review zakonod.pdf



V.Niderhofer.Universitety Stock Operator

V.Niderhoffer.Universitety Stock Operator


System trading Bull Power Bear Power

Fractal ZigZag.mql


System by Lucker.doc


Wavelett transformation into Omega using the DLL


Indicators for Keys

Channels Barishpolts

Keys - 'final version'

Determination of dominant trenda.doc

Profitability tactics Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Myth or reality?

System Turtles [Ninja Turtles (probably)]

Fractal Broken System

SC Barishpolts for real from August 2004

Sophisticated strategii.doc

Tactics 'vest'

Tactics Vlada, Deaver & TV

Tactics Adverza (Tactica Adversa) - Full description

Tactics based on ADX

Tactics SIZE

Trading the News (August 2004)

TC 'Surfing'


Books on technical programs

Metastock 7.0 8.0. 9.0

MS 8 - Appendix mswin.exe made a mistake and will be closed

WinWaves 32 - New approaches to the analysis of Elliott

Russian documentation PoewrEditor

eASCTrend 6.0


Various literature

A.Ezhov, S..Neyrokompyuting and its applications in economics and business

Adam Smit.Igra money

V.Zhizhilev.Optimalnye strategy to profit in the market FORE

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Larry Williams - The Secrets of Shor Term Trading & The Secrets of Shor Term Trading


picGod release: ????

Country: United States

Genre: Training film

Duration: 1:22:49 + 1:20:38


Description: Two seminars by Larry Williams on the subject of trading.


Larry Williams is one the most legendary traders of all time. One of his most notable achievements involved parlaying a $ 10,000 account into $ 1.1 million a Trading Championship - a feat no other trader has come close to matching. He is the author of a number of best-selling trading books, renowned speaker and the author of a top advisory newsletter


Year I do not know. A more detailed description of the same is not found. I understand that the quality is not very good (especially in the second movie), but nothing better not.


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Price Action - Bezindikatornaya Forex Trading


picStrana: Russia

Topic: Forex

Website: tradelikeapro.ru

Type of material dispensed: Video Tutorials

Duration: 7:27:52

Year: 2015


Russian Language

Translation: Not required


Description: The author's video course on trade based on the methodology Price Action. What is Price Action? Price Action - is trade without indicators based on price patterns, candlestick patterns, trend lines, and the entire spectrum of the graphic analysis. In fact, any indicator - is a function of price, expressed graphically. And because Indicators followed by the price, they are late.


Methods of Price Action allowed to enter into deals before and have time to take profits before the market once again change direction.


Course content:



How to determine the trend

Price Action Setups

Graphical analysis

Position Management

Additional Materials


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Auditoria - Collection of abstracts from dillingovyh centers (DC) for trading on the currency market Forex.

Books - The most useful and best book on stock trading in excellent quality.

Docs - Collection of interesting articles in addition.

Manuals - Dokumentetsiya to some programs.

Magezin - Magazines

Internet - Selection of references for all occasions.

Other - books or articles related to trade indirectly.

Bonus - ons, which can be accessed later.


Note: To read books .pdf format, you must have installed Acrobat Reader version 4 or higher. The program can be taken in the "Utilities" on the first drive. First, install the program, and then "cure" aka Patch.


All the rest of the space occupied by the program. Here's a list of them and a brief description:


Metastock Pro 8.0 RT + crack - the newest version of the most popular programs of technical analysis. The most significant innovation in comparison with the previous version - cardinally redesigned tester systems which became more beautiful and functional heaped. It is a full-featured professional version with support of intraday intervals and updated graphics in real time.


Additional programs and indicators for Metastock (including Metastock Developer Kit).


Omega Prosuite 2000 build 5.00.0822 - offers the latest technological tips on making the most effective trading strategy - on the one hand, with a deep look into the market, using the tools of analysis and serious graphic support, and on the other, with an intuitive and simple interface.


TradeStation study (systems, indicators etc) - huge set of additional indicators, programs and trading systems for Omega Prosuite.


Elliot Wave Analyser 3.0.38 - one of the most famous, along with Elwave, specialized programs of technical analysis to analyze the waves of Elliot. He understands all the most common data formats, including format Metastock. It performs analysis of waves of different time scales and gives out concrete trading recommendations on purchase, sale and objectives of the movement with their probabilities.


Elwave 6.1 RT- known program for the analysis of Elliott waves. It supports the most common data formats, including Metastock, and work in real time.


ElWave 6e RT for TS2000 - the previous version of the program works in conjunction with the established program Omega Tradestation 2000 using Global Server as a data source in real time.


WinWawes32 1.3.9 - known program, the creation of Elliott wave theory. It paid off in full, over the years of its existence. Many traders rest on their laurels great profits in all markets, as well, and has been used successfully on the Russian stock exchanges. With its use is achieved, the actual result of 99% in predicting the markets. Analysis and forecast gives the program so that the trader can only use it signals. Signals are quite clear, the program is easy to use. Reliable forecasts and ease of use appreciated *********.


Investor's Dream 1.97.5 - known program for the analysis on the basis of a technical indicator "Alligator" developed by Bill Williams.


Omni Trader 2002 - very popular in the West and less well-known program in Russia. It contains a variety of indicators and more than 120 embedded with the possibility of various backtesting and optimization. It gives out ready trading recommendations on purchase and sale. Understands format Metastock. One of the pieces of the program - the possibility of the so-called practice mode - when the graph is automatically scrolled at a predetermined speed so that you can monitor him and make virtual transactions in real time.


Metaserver RT 2.0 for DDE - a program for transfer of quotations from any source supporting DDE in the programs of technical analysis Metastock and Omega Tradestation, as well as Microsoft Excel.


WealthLab Developer 2.1- advanced program for technical analysis and testing of systems with advanced programming language Wealth-Lab Script. Understands set of data formats, including text and format Metastock. One of the main advantages of the program - developed system tester, allowing to test both individual securities and a portfolio of securities.


Advanced GET RT For TS2000i 1.2 Build 200 - the most well-known program for the analysis of Elliott waves. Along with the analysis of the waves, a fairly wide range of other tools of technical analysis - levels, the regression line Gunn, the most common indicators, etc. This version works only at established program Omega Tradestation 2000 because it refers directly to the Global Server as a data source (data must be necessarily in format Trade Record). It supports real time.


eASCTrend 6.0 - a program similar to the previous (same manufacturer), but is a separate program and not for the addition of Omega Tradestation. It has all the features ASCTrend for Omega Prosuite 3.0, and even a number of features that are not available in a version for Omega Tradestation, in particular through eASCTrend 6.0, you can test the system on historical data (which can be done using ASCTrend 3.0 for Omega Prosuite) and She has a few more features and options. The disadvantage of the program - it only works with its own data source that is bound to the top supplier eSignal. However, the program allows you to easily import data in text format, which can be obtained using a standard converter Metastock Downloader from the data available in the Metastock.


AmiBroker RT 4.34 - an excellent program for the technical analysis of the market. Despite its small size, it has all the features Metastock and Omega Tradestation put together and even more. In particular, unlike Omega Tradestation allows for the testing systems at the portfolio of a large number of instruments simultaneously, which is especially irreplaceable for trading stocks and futures. Programming language Amibroker Formula Language in the basis of identical language Metastock, but through the use of formulas in the Visual Basic Script and Java Script allows you to program any more complex algorithm of Tradestation. Reads quotes from both text files and files directly from the format Metastock.


ASCTrend 3.03 for Omega Prosuite - one of the most famous and well-known programs - ready trading systems. According to the developers (confirmed by numerous awards) shows excellent results with any time interval. This version only works with established program Omega Tradestation 6 or 2000i


Automate 5.04 - Advanced Scheduler. It has built-in scripting language, which allows to program and automate the task of considerable complexity. Directly to the market analysis, the program has nothing to do, but it allows, among others, to automate many trade problems until the automatic opening and closing positions for a given algorithm. In particular, it may be useful to traders, leading round the clock surveillance of the market: it is possible to make a simple program that will regularly (eg, once an hour) to connect to the Internet, run the program that downloads quotes, to open another program or Metastock technical analysis, which are programmed signals (alert) - in the case of achieving a certain level of the market to play music and even send messages to e-mail or cell phone.


Bull's Eye Broker - specialized program for graphics type "tic-tac-toe" (Point & Figure charts). Understands the data in format Metastock.


Ensign Windows - the program for technical analysis with very advanced features and advanced programming language. Unfortunately, understands only the format of the data is not very common, but is suitable for those who prefer to use low-cost source of data on e-signal (from 30 dollars per month), which provides data on all markets directly in the program.


Excel Neural Package - Russian program for the creation of neural networks and analyze them in Microsoft Excel.


Fibonacci Trader 3.06 RT - program by Robert Krause, in which he described the depth and indicators of the "Hanna" and "Fibonacci". Analyzes the purpose of the temporary settlement market using technical methods that use multiple time series. It works in real time.


Fibonacci Galactic Trader RT 3.10 - specialized program for technical analysis analizavoln Eliot. Along with them, also contains a number of others, including those occurring nowhere more indicators and an exotic tool as elements astrology with reference to the technical analysis. It can open files of format Metastock and work in real time.


NeuroShell Day Trader 3.3 - the most famous program for creating neural networks to analyze the market. In addition to neural networks, contains both classical tools and indicators of technical analysis. Understands format Metastock.


NeuroShell 2 - program combines powerful neural network architecture controlled by selecting icons simple interface, a variety of service programs and popular supplements, which creates a complete environment for working with neural networks.


NeuroShell Preditor 2 - program is designed for those who had no experience with neural networks, a simple program designed to perform predictions. It can use each. Despite the simplicity, NeuroShell Predictor contains the most advanced available to date prediction algorithm.


NeuroShell Classifer 2 - unlike software NeuroShell Predictor, which is the output of the neural network provides continuous value predicted value of the neural network has several outlets that determine the probability of belonging to the presented image of each of several categories.


NeuroShell GeneHunter 2 - is a set of powerful software tools for solving optimization problems using the latest achievements of the methodology of genetic algorithms. The structure includes a superstructure GeneHunter Excel, which allows the user to run the solution of the optimization problem directly from the worksheet. In addition, the dynamic link library contains the functions of genetic algorithms, which can be called from programming languages ​​such as Visual Basic or C locale.


Pattern Smasher - specialized program for identifying the graphs of figures technical analysis (triangles, "head and shoulders", etc.).


Professional Trade Advisor - ready program - trading system. Performs analysis of the market on the internal algorithms and gives out ready trading recommendations: to buy, sell, close a position. It works only on the intervals, starting with the day (intraday not support). Understands format Metastock.


Trading Solutions - Specialized software for creating neural networks to analyze the market. Understands the data in text format in the format Metastock.


Rina 2000 - a package of analytical programs. By trading multiple systems and markets, you also have the ability to distribute assets for optimal return. You can invest more or less money in the various components of the portfolio in some ways combining to increase return while maintaining risk at the desired level. This minimizes the dependence of trade in any specific strategy or system. When the market changes, you may need a new trading strategy. Trading near markets with multiple systems, you can restrict contributions to any particular system.


HOST 2001 (Hight Odds Seasonal Trades 2001) - a package of programs, has huge historical database on all exchange markets. From trade to the market currency. Each of these algorithms are slightly different. Similarly, as for each product or tool. All calculations are not just fast, very fast. You have access to more than 70,000 day's closing values. You can search the database of historical date of entry, profit and loss ratios, the percentage of correct time and date of the market. The results can be considered a form of electronic commerce table and / or in the form of diagrams. You can broaden your search within the categories to select the trading strategy that suits you. It uses a search engine that examines literally millions of combinations of input and output for all active markets.


Mesa 98 - program for the analysis of market cycles. Understands set of data formats, including text and format Metastock (only daily data). It gives out trading recommendations.


Risk 3.5.2 - the program runs about the principle of stochastic distribution. Output stochastic distributions give the decision maker a complete picture of all possible outcomes. This is - a huge method in the treatment of cases of "naihudshiy- -nailuchshy expected." But stochastic distribution does far more than just fills the gaps between these three variables: Defines "correct range." Because you have more rigorously defined the uncertainty that is associated with each input variable, the possible range of outcomes may be quite different from the range "naihudshiy- expected -nailuchshy" and more correct.


Dynamic Trader 3.0 build 60 - a universal system of technical analysis. It works with almost any method, whether it's Elliott Wave, Fibonacci levels, or any other approach to the analysis. He does not understand the candlestick, and fractals. But fractals can be configured independently. It consists of a separate procedural blocks. As close as possible to such monsters as the MetaStock and Trade Station. However, much less it takes place. It works with multiple formats.


Master Investor 2.3 - program monitors the costs, funds and commitments. Monitors the security of the transaction, tracks the price controls the investment income, the possibility of technical analysis. Creates stock chart helps to make investment decisions. It works with historical data of any format. Easy adjustment of import prices.


Option Simulator RT 3.4.2 - software simulator trading for financial instruments and currencies. Works with historical data and real-time data, such as downloaded via Metastock .. There is a mode portfolio. Calculate the potential risks and possible profit on each item comprising the portfolio and for the portfolio as a whole. Throws trading signals based on the chosen strategy. Configurable for any kind of volatility markets. It has several patterns of trade. You can transfer data to Excel.


WallStreet Investor 4.0.01 - The goal of this program, integrated portfolio management is to ensure investor, as a professional and beginner, the tools necessary for proper management and evaluation of a portfolio of various securities Manager Multi-Account provides you with an easily accessible system to check all your Securities and reporting. Information about securities in File distributed among all reporting within the file. 18 detailed reports will help you to optimally manage investments.


Safir-X 3.1.0 - Program Assistant for expert maklerov.Optsiya portfolio performed in assistant, only the version 3.1.0, in earlier versions, this option is not available. This means that you can use multiple data files for building a fuzzy rule base and test execution fuzzy forecasts. A new type of instrument, the composer of the portfolio (extension .pfo), allows you to define two portfolios, one of which will be used to automatically find solutions to verify performance of other solutions. You can adjust the content of these portfolios, run search, or a combination of both.


The Collective 2.1.16 - unlike the rest of the program in its collective consciousness. The program has just 5 trading strategies. They can be reconfigured. By default, they differ in the degree of risk. On each of your schedule will give the signals from the 5 trading systems. Your business is to follow them or do not follow. It works on the daily charts, but you can adjust the period and a smaller, but it will affect the system and can not for the better. Works with history, you can test all system on it, and then decide which to use.


AIQ - Trading Expert Pro 5.1 - a program of technical analysis of the market, consisting of several independent modules, with the possibility of loading a plurality of fundamentals. The system ranks all your shares held fundomentalnyh areas produces a statistical technique, has many technical and tools, the ability to develop their own trading systems, and more. al.


InvestorRT 4.8 - a program to monitor your investment portfolio, which may consist of 44 financial instruments. With a predetermined frequency (at least 1 tick, a maximum of 15 minutes) scans and draws a graph of each stock in the portfolio. On the left you can always see all of your investments, the right graph of individual stock. May issue trading signals, in accordance with the trading strategy. Many indicators. It connects to all known sources of signals.


Life Style Trader - The program works in trending markets, respond to the markets as they move. The goal - to take part of this trend can be 50% or less. It begins trading after a well-established trend. The main advantage - every option trading system has been optimized and tested for a long historical period.


Market Analyst II - Market Analyzer software for creating, maintaining historical stock files analysis.



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1. Articles


1.1 Theory:


P. Panfilov. Introduction to Neural Networks

P.Panfilov. Neural projections technical analysis

P.Panfilov. Forecasting exchange rates on FOREX

A. Brodsky. Systems with large numbers of coefficients

Neural network. Time series analysis

Maps Cohen

Genetic algorithms


1.2 About the program:


Data Mining


Brain Maker



2. Books


2.1 Theory:


F.Uossermen. Neurocomputing equipment - Theory and Practice

A.Ezhov, S.Shumsky. Neurocomputing and its applications in economics and business

Genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks, and virtual challenges

D.Bestens, V. Van den Berg, D.Vud. Neural networks and financial markets

The dynamics of the investment process

Lectures on neural networks


Forecasting based on neural networks STAFF


2.2 Practice (program description):


NeuroShell Trader






3. Program (full)


BioComp Profit (2001, 2002)

BrainCell 4

Brain Maker Pro 3.71

Excel Neural Package

Neuro Forecaster 7.2 (2001)

Neural Analuser

Neuro Genetic 2.6.120



NeuroShell DayTrader 3.8 Pro

NeuroSolutions 4.01

Neuroexplorer 3.093

SOMap Analuser

VisualData 2001

STATISTICA Neural Networks v4.0e


4. Demo versions of programs


ANNI 1.2

Neuroexplorer 3.093

Psychonet V3R2



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Mimtek :)


Well, i am preparing some OLD stuff you asked for, but i see you have found a MINE of Oldies, which were working / used around 2004 - 2008 .....


Not to offend you, but i don't exactly see why you post these STUFF lists / Links....


I guess lots of members here have already TONS of this stuff ( i have them all on old DVDs ) , maybe some rare members could be interested, especially by some documentation, books...




S :)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 7 years later...
On 3/11/2017 at 4:16 PM, Shenong said:

Mimtek 🙂


Well, i am preparing some OLD stuff you asked for, but i see you have found a MINE of Oldies, which were working / used around 2004 - 2008 .....


Not to offend you, but i don't exactly see why you post these STUFF lists / Links....


I guess lots of members here have already TONS of this stuff ( i have them all on old DVDs ) , maybe some rare members could be interested, especially by some documentation, books...




S 🙂


Dear Shenong, on one of your old dvds/cds, would you happen to have any of the software from meyersanalytics.c0m please?





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