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TTP_AutoFibReplacement and other freebies


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Greetings Indo traders.Just following up on Brasco's suggestion to use the TTP_AutoFibRetracement indicator. Here is the full suite of free TTP (Trade The Plan) Ninjatrader indicators. I must alert you though, that most of the indicators are from Fat Tails(ana indicator suite) of BMT forum. If you were or still are a BMT member, you will surely know Harald Steinhaus (Fat Tails),who arguably, is the best developer and most talented member of BMT.Ok enough said.

Here is the TTP_AutoFibRetracement indicator which they had initially meant to sell as a proprietary indicator.It's in ninjascript archive format,so just import as per normal.

However if you are a true Fib enthusiast AND you also have Bloodhound then you may want to proceed to the site


and download the TTP_AutoFibRetracement installer.It will include the TTP_AutoFibRetracment_v1 Chart Template file, and the TTP_AutoFibRetracement_v1 BloodHound template file. Just follow all the instruction on that page.It's very clear.

The rest of the TTP free suite of indicators are from Fat Tails.For a description of each of the indicators,please read the TTP Indicators Getting Started.pdf.

Please note that because the various ana indicators are so popular and common on NT7 trading platforms on PCs'.There is a high likelihood of you already having some older version ana indies with the same names and you will possibly be encountering problems when you attempt to import these indies.You will probably be asked if you want to replace your existing file with a new one.To save yourself any future headaches just click no.Trust me. you do not want to incur a Ninjascript error that will prevent you from importing anything else, or deleting any Ninjascript assemblies already installed. An example,you might get the dialog "The existing file example.cs on your pc is a newer version of the one contained in the Ninjascript Archive File you are importing.Would you like to replace the existing file?

Keep the newer existing version you have and click NO

Trust the wise timein when he says "When trying to import an indicator and part of it already exist unless the one you are importing is newer than just say no. this way it will not overlap or cause any problems."

if you already have an existing file , then no do not replace.Unless you want a ninjascript error thats going to give you headaches when you try to brainstorm a successful solution.


Here are the freebies

TTP_AutoFibReplacement.zip(normal indicator, without Bloodhound tutorial template)

Bloodhound TTP AutoFibRetracement.msi










Derivative Oscillator.zip








Please note about the file Bloodhound TTP AutoFibRetracement.msi. It is their installer for their tutorial with Bloodhound, and it is assumed that you already have the Bloodhound system. So, if you do not have the full Bloodhound system, please do not use that installer, and just go ahead and import TTP_AutoFibReplacement.zip, the normal indicator



TTPFreeIndies.zip (2.56MB)














Edited by CashManic
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Thanks Cash.

Much appreciated- GREAT share as usual.




Wow TB Super Mod!!! I knew it this guy Cash Man is a genius. Good work nice research. The Indo gifts keep coming. I even forgot I mention that quote CM until you refreshed my memory. Not to steal any thunder away from our other generous members for there work. But let me tell you guys the unity in this forum is invaluable. Its support like this that helps all of us no matter what level of trader you are. Damm could you imagine if you had to pay for this stuff. I’m saying an extra prayer to the Indo Gods tonight.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

Also a big thanks to Brasco for your contribution.

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Greetings Indo traders.Just following up on Brasco's suggestion to use the TTP_AutoFibRetracement indicator. Here is the full suite of free TTP (Trade The Plan) Ninjatrader indicators. I must alert you though, that most of the indicators are from Fat Tails(ana indicator suite) of BMT forum. If you were or still are a BMT member, you will surely know Harald Steinhaus (Fat Tails),who arguably, is the best developer and most talented member of BMT.Ok enough said.

Here is the TTP_AutoFibRetracement indicator which they had initially meant to sell as a proprietary indicator.It's in ninjascript archive format,so just import as per normal.

However if you are a true Fib enthusiast AND you also have Bloodhound then you may want to proceed to the site


and download the TTP_AutoFibRetracement installer.It will include the TTP_AutoFibRetracment_v1 Chart Template file, and the TTP_AutoFibRetracement_v1 BloodHound template file. Just follow all the instruction on that page.It's very clear.

The rest of the TTP free suite of indicators are from Fat Tails.For a description of each of the indicators,please read the TTP Indicators Getting Started.pdf.

Please note that because the various ana indicators are so popular and common on NT7 trading platforms on PCs'.There is a high likelihood of you already having some older version ana indies with the same names and you will possibly be encountering problems when you attempt to import these indies.You will probably be asked if you want to replace your existing file with a new one.To save yourself any future headaches just click no.Trust me. you do not want to incur a Ninjascript error that will prevent you from importing anything else, or deleting any Ninjascript assemblies already installed. An example,you might get the dialog "The existing file example.cs on your pc is a newer version of the one contained in the Ninjascript Archive File you are importing.Would you like to replace the existing file?

Keep the newer existing version you have and click NO

Trust the wise timein when he says "When trying to import an indicator and part of it already exist unless the one you are importing is newer than just say no. this way it will not overlap or cause any problems."

if you already have an existing file , then no do not replace.Unless you want a ninjascript error thats going to give you headaches when you try to brainstorm a successful solution.


Here are the freebies

TTP_AutoFibReplacement.zip(normal indicator, without Bloodhound tutorial template)

Bloodhound TTP AutoFibRetracement.msi










Derivative Oscillator.zip








Please note about the file Bloodhound TTP AutoFibRetracement.msi. It is their installer for their tutorial with Bloodhound, and it is assumed that you already have the Bloodhound system. So, if you do not have the full Bloodhound system, please do not use that installer, and just go ahead and import TTP_AutoFibReplacement.zip, the normal indicator



TTPFreeIndies.zip (2.56MB)















Thanks Cash-Man you are good, nice work…

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Good staff.





You're great as always Cash !


Thanks Cash.

Much appreciated- GREAT share as usual.




Wow TB Super Mod!!! I knew it this guy Cash Man is a genius. Good work nice research. The Indo gifts keep coming. I even forgot I mention that quote CM until you refreshed my memory. Not to steal any thunder away from our other generous members for there work. But let me tell you guys the unity in this forum is invaluable. Its support like this that helps all of us no matter what level of trader you are. Damm could you imagine if you had to pay for this stuff. I’m saying an extra prayer to the Indo Gods tonight.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

Also a big thanks to Brasco for your contribution.


Thanks Cash-Man you are good, nice work…


@tradercamps, melauf, Jane and of course Cris, many many thanks to all of you!:)

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