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Game on again- Live+broker's reports will make $2600 to $7000 no indicators at all.


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As i said in my last thread ( made over 8K) i was going to reshort at the 78 fib which was around 2093, I shorted during the fed report yesterday at 3 levels - see the chart and see the report.

I exited 2 shorts- one at the 38 fib and the other at the 50fib - 2 ticks so far made 24 points but i am keeping one short.

If the market will go down i will exit only at the 1.272 of last leg which is 2039.25 which will net me 63 points.

If the market will continue up 9 which i expect and hope lol ) then my shorts are 2120.50 ( 112 fib ) 2132 ( 1.2 fib ) and 2159.50 which i expect it to go to which is the 1.6 where i am going to short my entire kitchen :).

So watch me live and i hope that you benefit in any way or form from that.

Due lack of interest ( i can only measure that by the count of THANKS BUTTON ) this is going to be my last live post- i just dont want to take time of your busy schedule :) or teach you boring stuff.

Take care and watch LIVE as I trade- i will post every broker's report and all the entries are already set.





Edited by Traderbeauty
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It seems interesting, but I have no Idea what are you doing :D


sorry- private lessons were given 3 days ago between 3-5 pm...

if it interest you then get off your bar stool spend time and real ALL my previous posts.

i guess its just "interesting" because its free- if i was charging $20000 for the info ( which i should) then maybe you would appreciate it more lol.

just kidding :)

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sorry- private lessons were given 3 days ago between 3-5 pm...

if it interest you then get off your bar stool spend time and real ALL my previous posts.

i guess its just "interesting" because its free- if i was charging $20000 for the info ( which i should) then maybe you would appreciate it more lol.

just kidding :)


Not a bad idea TB to give lessons :) . Good for everybody....

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fib is working on any time frame.

currently i am doing what i should not do- meaning- i am going against the market which we should never do no matter what.

the reason why i am doing so is because we are at new highs , picture is crystal clear - meaning - the market responded from the big 50 fib - so i expect it to go no more than 1.6- you right - thse are big swings- which enable me to make nice profits- but again- do not follow me- unless you have the money to risk.

normally i would never do so- but the market is over extended and i am totally not worried.

in your day trading its a totally different story- you should always go with the market- watch for fib extension and as long as its intact then wait for a signal at a fib level.

of course its not as simple as it sounds- nothing is ever simple- but--- this is a start- and if you know what to look for - then you can use any system with colors and arrows etc but only take the entries i described here.

take care


p.s- makes no difference which time frame you use- its to your liking and what you feel comfortable with and how many signals per day you want to get. i use renko spectrum 1-1 2-1 4-1 and 8-2

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i am really pissed at the market for not continuing up- lol just joking-

anyway- i did add one more short at 2105.75 ( that was the 1.272 of last leg ) but got out of it with only 11 points - damn...

There was no indication that the market will drop so much- but luckily i kept ( as i said in previous posts ) one short.

If the market had gone higher then i could have accumulate 4-6 shorts now its a really touch decision where to exit.

I plan to exit at 2046.50 which will give me a total for this game of about 75 points and all that was using 1-2 contracts- but one only most of the time.

The reason why i plan to exit is because as you can see its the 1.9 and 78 - see the arrows- hopefully it will go up from there 20-40 points and will enable me to short again.

My longer term now is a 1.27 big one at least which is 2009 so once we get to 2046.5 i will look what is going on and if i see a lot of divergences i will exit - if not then i will carry till 2009.

take care



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sorry- private lessons were given 3 days ago between 3-5 pm...

if it interest you then get off your bar stool spend time and real ALL my previous posts.

i guess its just "interesting" because its free- if i was charging $20000 for the info ( which i should) then maybe you would appreciate it more lol.

just kidding :)


LOL. Indeed! Some money needs to start changing hands. Nothing is free, except charity. When one makes money using someone's system, they should make a gesture of appreciation. Starting with Admis. Then Jane and all the others.


The word for today is "Reciprocity". That's how this site works.


To the ingrates, may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.



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since i cannot explain why the market stopped where it did- 2033.25 - i think the closest explanation i can come with is a higher low and we start to have a huge triangle.

so i believe the market will go up now for at least 2091 where i plan to start short it.

it might even go to the original 1.6 which was around 2152. but i dont think the down will continue for now- look at the daily candle- huge volume with just a little drop down- meaning this might be a reversal.


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