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BWT unirenko bars


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hello, someone have this bars for data series in chart?

thank you to all


Hi ciardim--Hope u r great--

No disrespect and Welcome to best forum ever!!--

Just a friendly suggestion and that is search-search-search first before starting a "new thread"--I see you know this feature because U post in the original thread but then open a "new thread" requesting same

I realize when you find an existing thread and U post to it--and do not get a response like in 3seconds or 3 days--one becomes excited and impatient--so they start a "new thread" in hopes someone will respond.

There are MANY helpful-knowledgeable-talented members here that are more than willing to help us all(Thanks to EVERYONE!!!)

The infamous "but" --also keep in mind by creating "new threads" for requests and shares that already have an existing thread---can take someone much longer to sort thru as well--- totally clutter the forum with duplicate requests--That = TIME and Time is priceless not to mention the expertise and knowledge that is behind the scenes that I don't think we all respect enough(trust me I can't do it)-wish-wish-wish LOL

We are very fortunate for the type of people/members that exist here--I THANK!! U all for showing so many of us patience-kindness-and unselfish generosity--These are things that are unfortunately "rare" these days.

Anywhoo enough babble from me--But U know what--It feels good to say how I feel about this place and the people that make it tick!

Thanks a lot everyone---Have a Great Day!


edit: Hey ciardim--Please do not take my post as a rip on U that is not the intent--rather to shed some light on why to not do certain things---which by the way I am surely guilty of myself as well!--the forum is a learning curve in itself.

Take care

Edited by newbie0101
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Newbie my man you are certainly my definition of "speak softly and carry a big stick",yet you also have this ability to soften the blow when the "big stick" strikes. Very admirable!

And why you are not a Mod on II, I don't know.If I was an admin of a forum, somebody like you would be my prime candidate.Anyways,excellent work as always mate. Rep and thanks for ya.:shand:

Edited by CashManic
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Thank you for your post. i am italian and for me is a problem read many pages. i try to do it, and sometimes i succeded. sometimes i dont understand and i ask.

sorry for this.

about BWT unirenko bars i didnt find anything, i find bwt indicators, but i dont find:

BWT unirenko bars and BWT fib grid pro. those 2 i didnt find,

if someone can help me. for the forum is very appreciated the users that show indicators, is a very big help foe all us. thank you to all who share, thank you to all who help.

thank you to all forum.


i have no rush, when a person have something free, should not be in a hurry, but just thank.

Ciao thank again to everyone

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I don't trade with BWT but found these two, in case it's what you looking for, hope it help:


UniRenko bars






Just sharing what I used before that works - probably the same but older version in case it's still useful .


https://[email protected]/file/k85occ

Edited by rodamas
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