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Watch LIVE how I am going to make 1-2k -calling the entries AHEAD incl broker reports


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so the 1.9 is broken to the upside-

market got exactly to where it was suppose to go ( will post some images later ).

The exact level was 2104 and it went to 2105.

right now the down target is bellow 2000 so I AM CANCELLING ALL MY EXITS FOR NOW.

will explain soon.


Thanks, where do you think we head from here?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everybody. Almost forgot about this account- market was just sitting up there doing nothing on a longer term scale but I did not care- I knew it will go down for at least a nice retracement.

I will try to explain what is going on but before I do- i want to show you that my last and final short was at 2117.25 while the absolute TOP of the market was 2117.75 - I shorted using daily levels TO THE TICK.

Now- I know that nobody will believe me so I took a screenshot of my interactive brokers long term account and i am attaching it here- i just got out of that short at 2069.50 for 47.75 points- not bad for a long term trade- i still have few more shorts and i will show you on the chart where am i going to exit. so one thing at a time.

I am trying to simplify it so i will cut the explanations a little- but do yourself a favor and look at every fib and level here- keep in mind that no indicators were used here.


The first fib ( top left arrow ) is showing us that the market lost its strength - it only got to 112 fib extension and dropped like a stone- when a market does not make 1.272 at least it means its dead- my rules are saying that it will retrace at least to 88% which it did- ( look at previous posts- i did very well :) ). so this is the first set of fibs.

From that 88 is KNEW it will not go too much so i shorted earlier- made some money then shorted again 76 86 and 98 ( dont remember the exact numbers just scroll back and see for yourself ) - all these short levels were forecast way ahead of time. The market surprised me and continued up so i added more shorts. I really only expected the market to go up to 112 but... .

Now - here is the most important thing here- i look where the market is coming from and this way i know where its going to- so if its coming from 1.6 i expect it to go down to at least 50 fib.

Now- since i am actually going AGAINST the market - normally on a day trading basis i will not stay more than 38 fib retracement but--- in this case i have a nice potential to do much better so i plan to exit another short right at teh 38 which is 2063 and the rest at 2045.50 - i will look tomorrow how the market reacts when it gets to the 38 level and if i see too many divergences i might exit everything.

So far if we reach that level my profit is going to be as follow: 10 points so far from the 65 short exited at 55 , 47.75 more- just locked on 1 contract. another 35 for the 98 short exiting at 63; and 70 more for the 2 contracts at 86 and 76 exiting at 46 ( i did have another short but i dont want to confuse you ) so the total will be aprox 166 points which is $8300 not bad for doing nothing ( of course there is always a risk.

Hope that helps and keep in mind - i do the same every day on an intraday basis with very small stops of course but the same exact method- simple - and easy.

Take care and i really hope that thi helped at least some of you- please press the THANK YOU BUTTON so i know how many of you even looked at that.




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Hi Traderbeauty,


Thanks for so graciously sharing your trades, thoughts and charts. Jumping in here and trying to catch up here (sometimes catching up on the speed of things on the threads is like a full time job lol) :).


Just a quick question if you don't mind, are those fib levels taken off the daily charts ?


All the best..

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yes they are

i use 1440 minutes as days so the chart is catching the night session but its similar to daily bars.

no need for spcial tools - just the regular fib that ninja has.


So is the strategy to take a position at fib 61.8 27.2 extension based on last swing low (in this case) and target 50% retracement again on new swing high ?

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basically we should go long on a long term basis at the 50 fib- but...

WE ASSUME which is not enough- we need a proof and the proof will be found in the lower time frames like 4-1 8-2 and 2-1 ( renko spectrum) -

so bottom line- once we get there you need to look for a confirmation and then if you get one you can go long and move your stop with a target of a new high in the market although its hard for me to believe it will happen.

but- here is the problem with me- i should not even say that- my belief has nothing to do with the market and i should not use my brain etc- if we have 1.6 we should expect 50 and then go long- thats it.

it might go lower than 50 it might even go as low as the big 78 and thats why you wait for a proof BEFORE entering.

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out at 2047 enough is enough lol.

i expect more down but i dont care- i am flat with a nice profit.

the reason why i got out a pint ahead is because i started to notice too many divergences with high volume which means that there is some hidden buyers with big money.

i made over $8000 so i dont care about few more points.

i would rather be out and flat AHEAD of the 50 fib.

i am flat now and i dont care.

i hope that this showed you how you can trade without ANY indicators- just price action.

This post concludes this last trading scenario. I will reshort only at the big 78 fib which is proximately 2102

Take care and i hope it helped you .


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in case someone does not believe my numbers or REAL-LIVE positions- i attach a shot of my long term account close positions as per an hour ago.

IB does not show the entire profit because i got in and out few times and it only calculate the last few entries- but i think that 5 k is good enough.

This is only a partial profit.




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Hi Jane,


The market fall from 2101 (on Friday - March 6th) to 2065.50 and then retrace back to 2082.50 which is a 50% fib level (on Monday March 9). Because it retrace to 50 fib - it was extended a little bit beyond to 161.8% fib at 2041.25 (today - Tuesday March 10).


Because it is extended to 161.8 fib - will it retrace back to 50 fib at 2061?


Please advise




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very good question- the secret of trading is to know which leg - or which time frame to use-the answer is very simple-

i am very glad that at last someone is asking a question regarding the fibs and not just indicators.

going to answer tomorrow with some charts- just too tired now.

i can just give you a quick answer- since i used DAILY levels and i saw that the market reacted right at the 1.6 DAILY - i expected it to go down to 50 fib DAILY.

You have to understand that the market does not go down and make the move that i expected in a straight line- it goes down with zigzags- so that retracement you noticed to the upside was on a smaller time frame not so much on daily.

take care


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Hi Jane,


Please share your thoughts.


I am looking at renko spectrum 8-2 chart.


After going up to 2041.25, market didn't retrace to 50 fib level which is 2061.50. The market retrace only up to 23.6 fib and then fall again up to 2038.50.


Is there any method or way to find out up to where market will stop?


Now today, market has start making HH and HL and right now it is at 2061. So is there any correlation between 2038.50 and 2061 with respect to fib?



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Hey Traderbeauty



very good question- the secret of trading is to know which leg - or which time frame to use-the answer is very simple-

i am very glad that at last someone is asking a question regarding the fibs and not just indicators.

going to answer tomorrow with some charts- just too tired now.

i can just give you a quick answer- since i used DAILY levels and i saw that the market reacted right at the 1.6 DAILY - i expected it to go down to 50 fib DAILY.

You have to understand that the market does not go down and make the move that i expected in a straight line- it goes down with zigzags- so that retracement you noticed to the upside was on a smaller time frame not so much on daily.

take care



Waiting for the detailed answer. :)

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Hi Jane,


Please share your thoughts.


I am looking at renko spectrum 8-2 chart.


After going up to 2041.25, market didn't retrace to 50 fib level which is 2061.50. The market retrace only up to 23.6 fib and then fall again up to 2038.50.


Is there any method or way to find out up to where market will stop?


Now today, market has start making HH and HL and right now it is at 2061. So is there any correlation between 2038.50 and 2061 with respect to fib?



I am trying to find the place that you are talking about in the chart but i cannot- i need you to post a chart then i can explain.

you should always look at the last legs and if we have a higher high and higher lows on the 8-2 then it means you should just BUY and go long at every retracement till the market proves otherwise.

Talking about long term levels- i exited all my shorts at 47 and even though the market went a little lower i am not sorry about that- i will start to short again at 2100 ( but will move to the new contract obviously ).


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sorry- i see nothing-

you can right click on a ninja chart- then save as image .

then go to imgur,com create and account and then just drag it over there-

once it uploads- then just click on the image - in the imgur site and it will give you few different links to share- you should use the one that is for bbcode and forums- copy that link and past it here.

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