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Watch LIVE how I am going to make 1-2k -calling the entries AHEAD incl broker reports


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Hi Guys

Dont have much time but I want to show you some real LIVE results and calls I am making in my LIVE account ( not demo or paper )

First- here is my trade from friday-( top image )as you can see the top arrow is showing us where i shorted- i had one limit at the 1.272 and the other one at 2066 ( i was scared i will miss the entry so i entered a little earlier- oh well- greed lol ) I actually got out 2 ticks and 3 ticks from the bottom- i dont have time now to post my broker's fills but will do that later- i do post broker reports so you can see its real.

The reason why i got out there is very simple and require NO INDICATORS- i look where the market is coming from - this way i know where its going to- so if it only made 1.618 i expect it to go back to 50 where i got out.


Ok- lets go to what is going to happen now.

I am placing LIVE orders in my interactivebrokers long term account ( has nothing to do with my day trading account ).

Normally because the market is coming from 50 i expect it to go up to 1.618 where i should short- but... we are very close to the top, market is tired- you can see that the down moves are swift and with high volume- that all means that the market is very fragile- so i am going to be much more aggressive-

i am placing the following orders: each order will have its own profit target - as long as the market reacts there- meaning if it dos not then the profit will be calculated from the next one.

First---- 1 point bellow the previous top meaning 2067 if the market reacts there i expect it to go down to 38 with about 30 points profit.

Second entry--- 1.272 2074 ( i go 2 ticks bellow just to make sure i get it )- if the market reacts from there then my profit is the 62 fib meaning 56 with total profit of 5 points +18=23 points.

Third entry-is the 1.6 at 82, market should react there down to the 50 aprox 64 with profit of 82-64=18 67-64=3 74-64=10 total =31 points.

Fourth which i hope we dont get but i am ready- 1.918 at 91 and target 73 with total profit 67-73=minus 6 74-73=1 82-73=9 91-73=18 with total of 22 points.

Please do not follow me- i DO NOT USE STOPS IN THIS CASE- this is live but i made enough profit to go through a draw down so i dont care.

Anyway- I DO NOT place the orders before the market opens just in case there is a huge gap.

take care and let game begin.






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so the market broke the 50 fib but stopped dead on the 61.8 and is going up.

my updated entries are:





limit orders are in- just waiting for the market to get there.

will post the chart later- too busy right now.


Thanks TB for the update. Have you had time to play with Bookmap. I do not like it personally. Price is always evolving which is why i always confirm my trades before entering. Anything in the world can cause orders to disappear in milliseconds. I am interested if you think its file 13 material. Good luck and thanks for updates.

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Thanks TB for the update. Have you had time to play with Bookmap. I do not like it personally. Price is always evolving which is why i always confirm my trades before entering. Anything in the world can cause orders to disappear in milliseconds. I am interested if you think its file 13 material. Good luck and thanks for updates.

I did not have too much time to look at bookmap today- but it seems to me that this is ingenious idea- this is the first time ever that i can see both limit orders and market orders displayed visually on the same window.

I might be wrong but as ADMIS said- just watch the white lines for approval for the entry you seek.

I am going to use it tomorrow and then post a feedback on the BM thread.

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I did not have too much time to look at bookmap today- but it seems to me that this is ingenious idea- this is the first time ever that i can see both limit orders and market orders displayed visually on the same window.

I might be wrong but as ADMIS said- just watch the white lines for approval for the entry you seek.

I am going to use it tomorrow and then post a feedback on the BM thread.


Thanks TB for the response. If you do take a snapshot of bookmap could you elaborate on the pic. Just like you want to see how it may work as of right now not finding much use in it. Good luck on your trades and look forward to some charts.

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Hi amruta

sorry you lost 3 points and i hope you did that on a paper account- but obviously you missed some of what i was trying to explain.

Lets look at the image- ( first one )

Look at the retracement from 2068.25 down- where did it stop ? that will tell us WHERE THE MARKET IS COMING FROM into our next endeavor.It stopped at 61.8 of previous leg-bottom arrow-

Once i know where its coming from i know where its going to and i will wait for him right there with my shorts.

Right now i expect it to go to at least the 1.272 and i would suggest to short only there and not before- why would you short at the 78 when we have higher highs and higher lows.

I am much more aggressive than you so i am adding one extra short because of my opinion of the market- but i dont want to tell you how many times i was wrong lol.

So you should not short BEFORE the 1.272 level and PLEASE- if you do - then only in a paper or demo account- the purpose of this thread is to teach you something new - not to make you trade blind.

If I see more interest by counting the "Thanks" button push then i will teach you how to use this method for day trading with very tight stops- my stops for day trading are no more than 3 ticks.

Just for general knowledge- once i saw that the market is struggling at the top i shorted one just for fun- did not have the patience to wait for 2067 - so i did short my first one at 65 which is 5 ticks premature but hey- if i waited to 67 i would not have gotten it. there is a beautiful long term trendline ( which i dont trust lol ) but again - i dont mind to short at these levels with NO STOPS- but its dangerous for you so please DO NOT short before the 1.272 and even then wait for a confirmation on a renko 2-1.

Take care and i hope that helps




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got out of the 65 with 10 points- as i said- i did not trust that trendline- the reason why is very simple- there was a higher low and a lower high so i knew that trendline is going to fail.

i got back in short at the 1.272 at 2076.25- my target is at the 61.8 fib few ticks ahead - just to make sure i get filled exactly at 2053.5 for another 23 points- .

If i dont get filled i have another order at 2085.25 limit short- not getting out of the 76.25 unless we go to my target.


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this is my long term account so right now i dont use any stops for shorts.

you should look for a signal on the renko 2-1 which means stair step down for a short etc.

you can see the leg in the image above.

waiting for the 85.25 common - 2 more ticks, damn - just when you want it to go up it crawls like a turtle .

btw- my taeger now is going to be 2069 for both shorts.

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i am filled right at 2085.25 that was the exact top of the market today to the tick- luckily i had my order long time ago so i was ahead of the Que otherwise i would need the market to go to 5.5 to get filled.

as i said- my target now is down to 2068.75 which should give me a total of 24.25 points plus the 10 i got from the 2065 entry.

i do have one more entry waiting just in case at 2098.75 .

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got filled- my target is 38 fib for now- might extend it some more.

minimum is 2075 which will give me 35 points plus the 10 already made that is 45 points- not bad at all.

now- very important-

if we dont stop here but a little higher- for example at 2102 or 2118 then my target is going to be much higher.

i will try to post some charts later.


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i dont have the time now to explain but...

as i told you before- we need to see where the market is coing from and then we know where its going to.

so here it is- if the market starts to go down now then i expect it to go down at least to 2000 and possible more.

so i am cancelling my exits for now- will only exit one short at 2050.50.

i also have another short ready at 2117.25 just in case.

just so you understand- my goal here is at least 7000-12000$ by the time the dust settles.

will try to post some charts tomorrow- but right now if we have a reaction from here ( which seems like ) then the only reason is a symmetry which will take it down to the trendline around 1985.50 and i plan to be there ALL THE WAY :).

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going to watch when we get down to 2075.5

if you look at the daily with volume - you can see that we had 2 doji bars with normal volume-

that means that we are facing not just a plain retracement but a deeper one- so i might exit one at the 38, another at the 50 or 62 and lat one at the 78.

will update you tomorrow.

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