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Suspicious EXE's and DLL's being Posted


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Recently unknown members have posted EXE's and DLL's to the Ninja Trader Forum.


Be VERY careful when downloading these types of files that have not been scrutinized by trusted forum members.


We appreciate your cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.



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exe is clean. If you dont trust it you can install in virtual machine. I guess this forum has admis can check these? :D


It does not matter if it's cleaned or not, why one needs to download & install NT Downloader__3687_i1431758518_il928338.exe


your link

[share] 0fa

hxxp://bit . do/VUFW


redirects to http://yourfreedownloadsnow.com/download.php?id=2751&name=NT&url=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2VuZHNwYWNlLmNvbS9maWxlL3N0aG1oZw%3D%3D and download NT Downloader__3687_i1431758518_il928338.exe

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Let's better try to ask Mr. relex: what is the reason to upload his stuff in this form?

As most of us knows, that sometimes, appears here a strange or bad men. So, since relex is a new member, first of all, I'd like to see his work uploaded in a standard way on the sendspace server. Until that moment, please, don't even touch those links or downloaders.

Don't be greedy or naive.

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It does not matter if it's cleaned or not, why one needs to download & install NT Downloader__3687_i1431758518_il928338.exe


your link

[share] 0fa

hxxp://bit . do/VUFW


redirects to http://yourfreedownloadsnow.com/download.php?id=2751&name=NT&url=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2VuZHNwYWNlLmNvbS9maWxlL3N0aG1oZw%3D%3D and download NT Downloader__3687_i1431758518_il928338.exe



Edited by relex
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As there is no need to share with an executable downloader program. I bet this will download some very nasty additional stuff. (trojan downloader). Remember we had some guys here in the past sharing nasty dlls that were collecting data or doing harm in otherways, too.
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Let's better try to ask Mr. relex: what is the reason to upload his stuff in this form?

As most of us knows, that sometimes, appears here a strange or bad men. So, since relex is a new member, first of all, I'd like to see his work uploaded in a standard way on the sendspace server. Until that moment, please, don't even touch those links or downloaders.

Don't be greedy or naive.


you can check my work in http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/21408-http-www-eminifuturesbuysell-com?p=355684&viewfull=1#post355684 and http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/25438-SHARE-PV-Divergence-Spotter with sendspace links

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I've just checked them (ONLY the above 2 files!) - they are clean. Personally, I don't care that you are going to make money for your job. That's your decision. Anyway, the moderators can accept or refuse it.


Could you elaborate more details about your ofa stuff. What is the version, what includes the package, is it educated, binaries or sources? Try to imagine that, someone can assume, you are trying to sell a pig in a poke?

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I've just checked them (ONLY the above 2 files!) - they are clean. Personally, I don't care that you are going to make money for your job. That's your decision. Anyway, the moderators can accept or refuse it.


Could you elaborate more details about your ofa stuff. What is the version, what includes the package, is it educated, binaries or sources? Try to imagine that, someone can assume, you are trying to sell a pig in a poke?



Edited by relex
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please only say if you are sure or you will hurt sharers. If you dont trust exe you can run it on virtual machine

First and foremost

Howdy relex and Welcome to the best forum U will ever find II! It is a place for friendly sharing--Of which by Ur posts R in Violation---Why Do I say this---

Because U R trying to capitalize by (Ur own admissions) U get XXX for clicks--

which brings up a red flag especially when U R claiming to share something that has already been shared(AKA pvdivergence spotter) Been shared here in the Bestest forum ever already---Why should U get a Click$$ for that????

-We do no operate that way here!! There is no compensation for sharing! If U have set of indis or strategies U wish to share there are numerous sharing sites at which U can post the file----(sendspace--4shared) NO EXE-- these R a couple that come to mind.(and don't require members to jump thru hoops)aka the sites that some choose which say BLAH,BLAH,BLAH in order to download the file.

I am giving U the benefit of the doubt(which by the way usually bites me in the Arse) but oh well!

Ur advice to run in Virtual Machine is great but should not be required for One to utilize Ur shares(think of someone that has not the utility to run such machine!!!--In other words--Forget the EXE and just share the file via aforementioned sites--

Ur intentions may be well (and thus appreciated) yet others that reside here for the moment R very respected and trusted(As U R not--no offense) U have come to a place that is like a for lack of better term a Shrangri-La for us looking for a better way than most.

With that I will shut-up...

Take care and Happy Holidays To U and Urs!!


If anyone finds this post inappropriate?? Please quote the post and respond accordingly with Ur reasons as to why U find it inappropriate??

Thanks in advance!

Edited by newbie0101
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I am perplexed as to why people like Relex behave that way. What was the point? People should have better things to do with their time. Life is short. Too short to waste time on trifles.


No matter. All is as it should be again. Thanks to our ever vigilant Mistress of the House. She speaks softly. But carries a big stick, and uses it too. LOL.



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