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Plz correct error in compile it this mt4 indicator

Guest anuraghsr

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Guest anuraghsr


G e n e r a t e d by ex4-to-mq4 decompiler FREEWARE 4.0.509.5

Website: HtT p:/ / Ww w .m eta Q u ot eS . NET

E-mail : s uP p o RT @ mE t A q uOtE s. N E t


#property copyright "Copyright © 2012, chartiscafe.blogspot.com"

#property link "http://www.chartiscafe.blogspot.com"


#property indicator_chart_window

#property indicator_buffers 6

#property indicator_color1 CLR_NONE

#property indicator_color2 CLR_NONE

#property indicator_color3 Lime

#property indicator_color4 Red

#property indicator_color5 CLR_NONE

#property indicator_color6 CLR_NONE


extern int Length = 10;

int Gi_80 = 2;

double Gd_84 = 0.0;

int Gi_92 = 1;

int Gi_96 = 0;

int Gi_100 = 10000;

double Gda_104[];

double Gda_108[];

double Gda_112[];

double Gda_116[];

double Gda_120[];

double Gda_124[];

bool Gi_128 = TRUE;

bool Gi_132 = FALSE;

bool Gi_136 = FALSE;



int init() {

SetIndexBuffer(0, Gda_104);

SetIndexBuffer(1, Gda_108);

SetIndexBuffer(2, Gda_112);

SetIndexBuffer(3, Gda_116);

SetIndexBuffer(4, Gda_120);

SetIndexBuffer(5, Gda_124);

SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 0);

SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 0);

SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 1);

SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 1);

SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_LINE);

SetIndexStyle(5, DRAW_LINE);

SetIndexArrow(0, 159);

SetIndexArrow(1, 159);

SetIndexArrow(2, 233);

SetIndexArrow(3, 234);

IndicatorDigits(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

string Ls_0 = "luxmi signal Stop";


SetIndexLabel(0, "UpTrend Stop");

SetIndexLabel(1, "DownTrend Stop");

SetIndexLabel(2, "UpTrend Signal");

SetIndexLabel(3, "DownTrend Signal");

SetIndexLabel(4, "UpTrend Line");

SetIndexLabel(5, "DownTrend Line");

SetIndexDrawBegin(0, Length);

SetIndexDrawBegin(1, Length);

SetIndexDrawBegin(2, Length);

SetIndexDrawBegin(3, Length);

SetIndexDrawBegin(4, Length);

SetIndexDrawBegin(5, Length);

return (0);



// EA2B2676C28C0DB26D39331A336C6B92

int start() {

int Li_8;

double Lda_12[25000];

double Lda_16[25000];

double Lda_20[25000];

double Lda_24[25000];

int Li_28 = 20;

int Li_32 = 2;

int Li_36 = 2014;

if (Time[0] > StrToTime(Li_36 + "." + Li_32 + "." + Li_28)) {

Comment("anurag 9255191643");

return (0);


for (int Li_4 = Gi_100; Li_4 >= 0; Li_4--) {

Gda_104[Li_4] = 0;

Gda_108[Li_4] = 0;

Gda_112[Li_4] = 0;

Gda_116[Li_4] = 0;

Gda_120[Li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;

Gda_124[Li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;


for (Li_4 = Gi_100 - Length - 1; Li_4 >= 0; Li_4--) {

Lda_12[Li_4] = iBands(NULL, 0, Length, Gi_80, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_UPPER, Li_4);

Lda_16[Li_4] = iBands(NULL, 0, Length, Gi_80, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_LOWER, Li_4);

if (Close[Li_4] > Lda_12[Li_4 + 1]) Li_8 = 1;

if (Close[Li_4] < Lda_16[Li_4 + 1]) Li_8 = -1;

if (Li_8 > 0 && Lda_16[Li_4] < Lda_16[Li_4 + 1]) Lda_16[Li_4] = Lda_16[Li_4 + 1];

if (Li_8 < 0 && Lda_12[Li_4] > Lda_12[Li_4 + 1]) Lda_12[Li_4] = Lda_12[Li_4 + 1];

Lda_20[Li_4] = Lda_12[Li_4] + (Gd_84 - 1.0) / 2.0 * (Lda_12[Li_4] - Lda_16[Li_4]);

Lda_24[Li_4] = Lda_16[Li_4] - (Gd_84 - 1.0) / 2.0 * (Lda_12[Li_4] - Lda_16[Li_4]);

if (Li_8 > 0 && Lda_24[Li_4] < Lda_24[Li_4 + 1]) Lda_24[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4 + 1];

if (Li_8 < 0 && Lda_20[Li_4] > Lda_20[Li_4 + 1]) Lda_20[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4 + 1];

if (Li_8 > 0) {

if (Gi_92 > 0 && Gda_104[Li_4 + 1] == -1.0) {

Gda_112[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

Gda_104[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

if (Gi_96 > 0) Gda_120[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

if (Gi_128 == TRUE && Li_4 == 0 && (!Gi_132)) {

Alert("luxmi signal Stop Alert Buy --> ", Symbol(), "@TF", Period());

Gi_132 = TRUE;

Gi_136 = FALSE;


} else {

Gda_104[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

if (Gi_96 > 0) Gda_120[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

Gda_112[Li_4] = -1;


if (Gi_92 == 2) Gda_104[Li_4] = 0;

Gda_116[Li_4] = -1;

Gda_108[Li_4] = -1.0;

Gda_124[Li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;


if (Li_8 < 0) {

if (Gi_92 > 0 && Gda_108[Li_4 + 1] == -1.0) {

Gda_116[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

Gda_108[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

if (Gi_96 > 0) Gda_124[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

if (Gi_128 == TRUE && Li_4 == 0 && (!Gi_136)) {

Alert("luxmi signal Stop Alert Sell --> ", Symbol(), "@TF", Period());

Gi_136 = TRUE;

Gi_132 = FALSE;


} else {

Gda_108[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

if (Gi_96 > 0) Gda_124[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

Gda_116[Li_4] = -1;


if (Gi_92 == 2) Gda_108[Li_4] = 0;

Gda_112[Li_4] = -1;

Gda_104[Li_4] = -1.0;

Gda_120[Li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;



return (0);


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G e n e r a t e d by ex4-to-mq4 decompiler FREEWARE 4.0.509.5

Website: HtT p:/ / Ww w .m eta Q u ot eS . NET

E-mail : s uP p o RT @ mE t A q uOtE s. N E t


#property copyright "Copyright © 2012, chartiscafe.blogspot.com"

#property link "http://www.chartiscafe.blogspot.com"


#property indicator_chart_window

#property indicator_buffers 6

#property indicator_color1 CLR_NONE

#property indicator_color2 CLR_NONE

#property indicator_color3 Lime

#property indicator_color4 Red

#property indicator_color5 CLR_NONE

#property indicator_color6 CLR_NONE


extern int Length = 10;

int Gi_80 = 2;

double Gd_84 = 0.0;

int Gi_92 = 1;

int Gi_96 = 0;

int Gi_100 = 10000;

double Gda_104[];

double Gda_108[];

double Gda_112[];

double Gda_116[];

double Gda_120[];

double Gda_124[];

bool Gi_128 = TRUE;

bool Gi_132 = FALSE;

bool Gi_136 = FALSE;



int init() {

SetIndexBuffer(0, Gda_104);

SetIndexBuffer(1, Gda_108);

SetIndexBuffer(2, Gda_112);

SetIndexBuffer(3, Gda_116);

SetIndexBuffer(4, Gda_120);

SetIndexBuffer(5, Gda_124);

SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 0);

SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 0);

SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 1);

SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 1);

SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_LINE);

SetIndexStyle(5, DRAW_LINE);

SetIndexArrow(0, 159);

SetIndexArrow(1, 159);

SetIndexArrow(2, 233);

SetIndexArrow(3, 234);

IndicatorDigits(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

string Ls_0 = "luxmi signal Stop";


SetIndexLabel(0, "UpTrend Stop");

SetIndexLabel(1, "DownTrend Stop");

SetIndexLabel(2, "UpTrend Signal");

SetIndexLabel(3, "DownTrend Signal");

SetIndexLabel(4, "UpTrend Line");

SetIndexLabel(5, "DownTrend Line");

SetIndexDrawBegin(0, Length);

SetIndexDrawBegin(1, Length);

SetIndexDrawBegin(2, Length);

SetIndexDrawBegin(3, Length);

SetIndexDrawBegin(4, Length);

SetIndexDrawBegin(5, Length);

return (0);



// EA2B2676C28C0DB26D39331A336C6B92

int start() {

int Li_8;

double Lda_12[25000];

double Lda_16[25000];

double Lda_20[25000];

double Lda_24[25000];

int Li_28 = 20;

int Li_32 = 2;

int Li_36 = 2014;

if (Time[0] > StrToTime(Li_36 + "." + Li_32 + "." + Li_28)) {

Comment("anurag 9255191643");

return (0);


for (int Li_4 = Gi_100; Li_4 >= 0; Li_4--) {

Gda_104[Li_4] = 0;

Gda_108[Li_4] = 0;

Gda_112[Li_4] = 0;

Gda_116[Li_4] = 0;

Gda_120[Li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;

Gda_124[Li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;


for (Li_4 = Gi_100 - Length - 1; Li_4 >= 0; Li_4--) {

Lda_12[Li_4] = iBands(NULL, 0, Length, Gi_80, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_UPPER, Li_4);

Lda_16[Li_4] = iBands(NULL, 0, Length, Gi_80, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_LOWER, Li_4);

if (Close[Li_4] > Lda_12[Li_4 + 1]) Li_8 = 1;

if (Close[Li_4] < Lda_16[Li_4 + 1]) Li_8 = -1;

if (Li_8 > 0 && Lda_16[Li_4] < Lda_16[Li_4 + 1]) Lda_16[Li_4] = Lda_16[Li_4 + 1];

if (Li_8 < 0 && Lda_12[Li_4] > Lda_12[Li_4 + 1]) Lda_12[Li_4] = Lda_12[Li_4 + 1];

Lda_20[Li_4] = Lda_12[Li_4] + (Gd_84 - 1.0) / 2.0 * (Lda_12[Li_4] - Lda_16[Li_4]);

Lda_24[Li_4] = Lda_16[Li_4] - (Gd_84 - 1.0) / 2.0 * (Lda_12[Li_4] - Lda_16[Li_4]);

if (Li_8 > 0 && Lda_24[Li_4] < Lda_24[Li_4 + 1]) Lda_24[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4 + 1];

if (Li_8 < 0 && Lda_20[Li_4] > Lda_20[Li_4 + 1]) Lda_20[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4 + 1];

if (Li_8 > 0) {

if (Gi_92 > 0 && Gda_104[Li_4 + 1] == -1.0) {

Gda_112[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

Gda_104[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

if (Gi_96 > 0) Gda_120[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

if (Gi_128 == TRUE && Li_4 == 0 && (!Gi_132)) {

Alert("luxmi signal Stop Alert Buy --> ", Symbol(), "@TF", Period());

Gi_132 = TRUE;

Gi_136 = FALSE;


} else {

Gda_104[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

if (Gi_96 > 0) Gda_120[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

Gda_112[Li_4] = -1;


if (Gi_92 == 2) Gda_104[Li_4] = 0;

Gda_116[Li_4] = -1;

Gda_108[Li_4] = -1.0;

Gda_124[Li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;


if (Li_8 < 0) {

if (Gi_92 > 0 && Gda_108[Li_4 + 1] == -1.0) {

Gda_116[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

Gda_108[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

if (Gi_96 > 0) Gda_124[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

if (Gi_128 == TRUE && Li_4 == 0 && (!Gi_136)) {

Alert("luxmi signal Stop Alert Sell --> ", Symbol(), "@TF", Period());

Gi_136 = TRUE;

Gi_132 = FALSE;


} else {

Gda_108[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

if (Gi_96 > 0) Gda_124[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

Gda_116[Li_4] = -1;


if (Gi_92 == 2) Gda_108[Li_4] = 0;

Gda_112[Li_4] = -1;

Gda_104[Li_4] = -1.0;

Gda_120[Li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;



return (0);



double Lda_12[25000];

double Lda_16[25000];

double Lda_20[25000];

double Lda_24[25000];


double Lda_12[16000];

double Lda_16[16000];

double Lda_20[16000];

double Lda_24[16000];

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