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I need this system


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You should be more polite- you are not a little kid that tells his mom I WANT something.

Here you should ASK for help the same way everyone else is doing.

Also- you should have the letters REQ: BEFORE - meaning this is a request and not a demand.

On the same note--- you have been here for entire two years and you never found the decency to thank others EVEN ONE TIME ?

Remember- we are all friend here.

Take care


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Senor kmilo

I believe the proper protocol here when you are requesting for education from our esteemed educator is to at least provide a Trial package for him to work with.I checked out the site and apparently they have no free Trials, only paid Trials (at IMO unreasonable prices). So surely you can't expect our educator to also purchase the Trial for you just to educate it? A bit unreasonable yeah?:-O

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Hola, si correcto, parece que se ve interesante, lo postee aca para ver si depronto alguien lo tenia y creo que causo un poco de malestar, en ningun momento mio deseo fue, que lo compraran por mi, o estaba haciendo alguna exigencia, ademas la grosera de la moderadora me borro algunos mensajes, en fin dejemolo asi, cuando lo compre te mando un privado para enviartelo.



Te agradezco nuevamente por responder, por este medio que me parece el mas indicado, y presionare el boton para que aqui no lloren!

Un anbrazo y gracias!

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Thanks for your help


Very very very very very very thanks


Hi kmilo---what is so special about these indicaors?

What do they do?

What is it you are trying to accomplish?

I ask because there are most likely others out there very similar and already shared--

But without more information???

Take care and all the best!

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Hi kmilo---what is so special about these indicaors?

What do they do?

What is it you are trying to accomplish?

I ask because there are most likely others out there very similar and already shared--

But without more information???

Take care and all the best!


Can anyone explain why this thread is helpful to the community--what's left of it?


Guess not as I believe I just asked similar ?? and U see response I got.

Take care!

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