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Using $niper $calping $ystem


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This thread is the explore the different uses of the $niper $calping $ystem for futures trading. Any input to that purpose is welcome.


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Good trading, W.

Edited by Wanderer
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This is my chart using Apex Bars 12 Tick.


When using the Apex 12 Tick one has to change the settings on Signal HTC and Pulse Extreme. The HTC is now 18 Tick Range Bar. And the Pulse is, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Tick Range Bars.





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Sorry- i meant renko spectrum version 1 - thanks a lot.


See what you think about this Spectrum2 chart. I will have to install the Spectrum1 bars. The 2 key indicators are based on internal Range Bar parameters. Which have to be adjusted to the chart Bar type and period. I think its an advantage. It enables you to use one bar type for your signals, in this case Range Bars, and another for Price Action on the chart, in this case Renko Spectrum. I used the Apex 12 Tick Bar. The chart was created using the template that the exe installer provided during the installation.


Let me know if you still want to see the Spectrum 1?


Regards, W.





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Wednesday's Price Action spent most of its time in Wednesday's and Tuesday's Value Area. Then it broke out with a Pull back to the Action Line. It was a strong move. I wish I had been awake for it. :(


As you can see, we were trading from strength (VPOC) rather than into it. In my opinion, the Value Area is the most hazardous area to trade inside of. Beware.



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