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[edited after the notes from FT]

check the readme.





NTDataFeeder Release Note



What is NTDataFeeder?




NTDataFeeder is a data replayer for NinjaTrader v6.5 and v7.0. The aim of NTDataFeeder is to be able to feed data to NinjaTrader from various historical data format.



Supported format




- eSignal Tick Replay File (EPF)

- NinjaTrader Tick Format

- NinjaTrader Minute Bars Format

- NinjaTrader Daily Bars Format



For more info on file format, please visit:



- [http://www.ninjatrader.com/support/helpGuides/nt7/importing.htm](http://www.ninjatrader.com/support/helpGuides/nt7/importing.htm)

- [http://www.ninjatrader.com/support/helpGuides/HelpGuideV6/Import.html](http://www.ninjatrader.com/support/helpGuides/HelpGuideV6/Import.html)





- [NTDataFeeder version 1.3.0](https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B16QFCp_gfTvTGNwRTdtZmpYcnc) Released 2013-11-27

- [NTDataFeeder version 1.2.0](https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B16QFCp_gfTvY3dBZlJlMWYtQkE) Released 2008-04-14


How to install


- Unzip the downloaded file into a directory

- Copy over 'NinjaTrader.Client.dll' from NinjaTrader bin folder



Quick Start




- **Important** Please Backup your existing NinjaTrader database before use. Data will be appended to your existing database

- Launch NinjaTrader.exe (NT)

- From NT menu select File -> Connect -> External Data Feed

- From NT menu select File -> New -> Chart

- Launch NTDataFeeder.exe

- Select data type

- Browse for the historical data file

- *Key in an instrument symbol

* **Note:** Make sure you have setup the symbol map properly in NT. To double check, from NT menu, select Tools -> Instrument Manager. Select an instrument, click the 'edit' button. Make sure the symbol for 'External' under 'Symbol map' is correct.


* **Note:** Feeding NT min and daily files still doesn't work correctly as NT is ignoring the timestamp that the app is submitting.

- Click the "Play" button



Step by Step Tutorial


- [http://vuichueh.blogspot.com/2013/11/ntdatafeeder-step-by-step-tutorial.html](http://vuichueh.blogspot.com/2013/11/ntdatafeeder-step-by-step-tutorial.html)



Project Web Sites


- [http://vuichueh.blogspot.com/2013/11/ntdatafeeder.html](http://vuichueh.blogspot.com/2013/11/ntdatafeeder.html)





- [1.0.0] 2008-03-12: Initial release

- [1.1.0] 2008-04-02: Added support for Quote data in EPF, for NTTick/NTMinute/NTDaily files, 1 bid and 1 ask order will be submitted for every tick

- [1.2.0] 2008-04-14: Submit open, high, low, and close price for NT minute files

- [1.3.0] 2013-11-27: Recompiled for NT version 7.0 (64-bit) and fix bug on volume for NTMinute/NTDaily files





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Edited by pikachu
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sometimes when you want to back-test a strategy ; you might want to do so with data over few years and most of the brokers will only supply few month at the most.

This gives you flexibility and ability to get data from many 3rd party sources.


Edited by Traderbeauty
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