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Hi here are the new indi from this site:



hxxp://xxx.yourtradehouse.com/en/ -----little video---- hxxps://xxx.youtube.com/watch?v=2JClJq9KUlI


is similar to :

hxxp://[email protected]/learning-how-to-day-trade-project ""@ is a"

here a video: ---- hxxps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioq90kcft8A&list=PLuzmpoz8A6qnOKxTdW0BM9BI4nQjB-r2D "xx is tt"


and same similar to :


hxxp://www.eminiacademy.com/ea2/live-trading-3 "xx is tt"



hxxps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyPE8RjzYeo#t=27 "xx is tt"


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9X2KJIC9OgA&list=UU4CO7TMBtLg8oeq3v_6G5Rw "xx is tt"




hxxps://www.sendspace.com/file/hus0yj "xx is tt"




only works on x86!!!!


When posting, use the correct name of the program and don't use any other characters in the titlebar.

Edited by FloridaTrader
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Thx, it also is like hxxp://samuraitradingacademy.c0m....but it's more about how it's used. The indicators are just standaard indicators etc. Would be nice if more people use the same setup to talk about and trade together to lean from eachother instead of searching the holy grail.

Thanks for the share!

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the reason why they all look the same is very simple-

THEY ARE ALL GARBAGE ; based on lagging worthless indicators.

They all show you a piece of a wining day and totally ignore the tough areas.

By the time you enter on a sideways day its already time to reverse.

You need tools that will tell you to go in as early as possible bringing with that smaller stops.

But again- no pun intended and I thank and appreciate the generosity of the person that shared- this is only my humble opinion so please do not get upset.


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