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NT 8 Major Enhancements List


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I read that there are changes in ninjascript again and the current indicators won´t work in NT8.


For me kind of sad because that makes the workspaces i created useless. I won´t go for NT8 although the performance may be increased due to multithreading/multicore usage and better technology and system performance for storing livedata.

Edited by k33
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Guest jjfunds
Definitly the new strat engine is welcome also the new 3d graph and new accsess to c++ full lirary willbe this plataform really strong and powerfull
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I'll bet you anything that vers 8 took so long because the developers were clueless about WPF and multi-threaded, multi-core programming. That is, their only deep experience in those areas was FROM building vers 8.

Let's try to be honest. I suspect, you are right concerning programming issues, but take into account the complexity of the project and the amount of qualitative changes. If they fulfill their goals successfully Ninja 8 will become the best product in its class...


If I could add my personal wishes to the changes, I'd add a full support for (so called) the smart CQG orders on the server side, not only OCO... and support for spreads as well.

Edited by admis
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I read that there are changes in ninjascript again and the current indicators won´t work in NT8.


NT CEO confirms that there is no direct conversion of NT7 indicators into NT8 and that the amount of work needed for the conversion will depend on how they were coded.


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NT CEO confirms that there is no direct conversion of NT7 indicators into NT8 and that the amount of work needed for the conversion will depend on how they were coded.


This is a real bonanza for certified Ninjascipt consultants and a royal screwing for those heavily invested in NT7 software.

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This is somehow a bad joke to throw the work of programmers and traders into the dustbin with the change of ninjascript. In fact it means there is no reason to stay with ninja and look around where you get more consistency or value with other platforms like sierracharts, md, r-trader etc.
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You are afraid as if it were your worries. That's their business and their risk...

Such is life, nothing lasts forever.

.. other platforms like sierracharts, md, r-trader ...

Can you imagine you are programming something serious in these platforms?

I don't believe. I'd better stay with Ninja.

Edited by admis
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if you are profile & order flow trader like me, Sierra is way better than Ninja. More customizable options, very prompt support & SC datafeed is half cost that of IQ without deterioration of data quality. I have no reason to stick with NT anymore. Will be slowly migrating to SC before NT8 arrives. Changing ninjascript & such cheap tactics is just going to make SC guys richer. Edited by Spectral_Analyst
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I didn't judge the platforms which one is better (btw. it depends mainly on the style of trading). There was only my general conclusion on programming capabilities for different platforms.

The amount of addons for ninja, developed by so many companies and independent enthusiasts determines the verdict, regardless of our considerations...

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you know what, i just hope the fixed the freakin market replay, useless in NT7


Fortunately they have. Now it'll be possible to playback (as it is now this feature called) both market replay files and historical data.



P.S. Remove the blank between 55 & 88 when pasting the URL in your browser. There's nothing I can do to remove the blank in this post. This thing keeps inserting it for some reason.

Edited by shicuco
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