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Easy FX Pro by Karl Dittman

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Thought that this request was already on Indo. Anyway, I contacted Karl and his programmer and mentioned that I thought this program was a copy of 2 previous programs. They both denied any similarity and said this could be used on any timeframe with an 87% accuracy rate and no re-painting. If anyone has purchased this and would like to offer an opinion of share it please do so. Thanks
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I bought the most recent Dittman program and shared it and was going to buy this one but I have been in touch with Karl and his programmer so much they are on to me so if someone else could splurge for this little gem I would like to compare it to his previous offerings. Thanks.
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I bought the most recent Dittman program and shared it and was going to buy this one but I have been in touch with Karl and his programmer so much they are on to me so if someone else could splurge for this little gem I would like to compare it to his previous offerings. Thanks.


I have seen it for sale for $107 - (87 + vat)


I also know where it is on sale for just $12 or $13.


PM if you want to know, not allowed to give you a link posted here.

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I guess after I confronted Karl's minions about Easy FX Pro being identical to at least 2 other programs he sold earlier that he stopped pushing it. Apparently no one here or anywhere else has bought this thing so we could get a definitive answer.


Wasn't just him pushing it. I had emails from a few others advertising it. Maybe they got paid for being affiliates.

Would you mind telling us what the other indicators were, IQ?

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