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Shout Out To All Members!!

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Howdy All!

Figured I'd put this in the "other stuff" category--

It pertains to ALL the participants of this GREAT Place Indo Investasi--Thanks to u whomever it is that created this Awesome Place for all of us!!!--

and Thanks for keeping it going!!--

Just a thought for all as well as a HUGE THANKS out to all the knowledgeable coders and educators WITHOUT U this place does not exist--SO THANK U one and all--

Now for a bit of a rant--uhh not really just a taste of reality---

I see some vendors come here and whine about " u took/stole my indis--my code--etc........

In reality the truth be told----listen up vendors "U ARE STEALING FROM ME"--(especially those of U that do not offer a trial) WHY---I will try and explain--

U tout that U have the answer to TRADING---trade with us and realize ur dreams, etc.....

But yet U want my money--Ok great but when ur system does not pan out LIKE U describe/guarantee---

Where does that leave me (out a few hundred bucks/thousand $$$) for trusting U



So U take our money and results dont jive with ur site and we lose/get discouraged

Guaranteed or ur money back---.....LOL

All I can say and wish to portray is that without this AWESOME PLACE II-- I/and guessing many others would be in the hole for many of thousands of $$$$$$$$$$$ for ****!!!

How is it I can say that with confidence--- by the GRACIOUSNESS of those that Have donated Their time, knowledge and expertise((hopefully all of those of u know whom I am speaking--and will continue to help out here)) that have provided ckd,educated,etc.......

Have proven without a doubt so far all vendors all full of SHI$---Why cause if ur claims were true we here at II would be rolling in the dough$$$$---or at least someone here would have been able to say "HEY THIS ONE WORKS" for real---That has not and guessing won't....--

Some good tools maybe but not all the promises that you SOB's offer on your big and some not so big SITES---

FORGET U AND MORE POWER TO THE PEOPLE(Shame--on u) taking hard working peoples money for BS(that by the way u probably took for free and added a twist)--

Please ALL members of II stay united and persistent for sharing--


Thanks to ALL-- To all a good night--or morning depending where u are



Again Thank U to all---- for this place is nothing without U/US

Edited by newbie0101
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