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TF futures Russell 2000 system


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Hi guys, i'm on the quest to perfect auto trading system for thin, volatile markets. Mainly TF, GC, CL etc. Created few trade following versions that are using combination of market profile, swings, 64 EMA, priorday OHLC and price action, however results are vary significantly between different day types, especially in TF(live tests in GC brought me to breakeven after few days trading, market replay for TF are negative after month cause of fees involved). I would like to gather some additional information on successful TF systems , so please spam me with anything connected to that matter: webinars, indicators, chat rooms, methods etc. Thank you very much in advance !



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problem with TF is that it moves very fast and you might get a lot of slippage or just bad fills most of the time.

i would test your method on the es knowing that almost every trade can be executed with limit orders.


one suggestion though is to filter the size of the leg and if its too short then disable the entry.- that is the best way to locate chop- no need for indicators.

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Guest gavetso

yes tradebeuty alof of guys here want indentify how you explain or understund the term LEG in your charts.

normally TF is excelent to solve some scalp methods becasue is really hard in moevments

i have ES rever4beration

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very simple-

renko spectrum will take out most of the noise so if you look at a chart using r-s you will see some continuity in most of the time.

So all you have to do is just count the amount of bars ( renko s ) and do not take a signal unless you had at least a certain amount of bars same color.

For example- in the ES using renko spectrum 2-1 i will not take a trade unless the leg is made out of at least 6 or more bars, this will make sure that if you enter a chop or sideways area you will not get hurt.

Going to post some examples in the new thread- navi trades in a few so take a look there soon.

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Guest gavetso

interesting tradebauty im making some time to make this calculations in every index

and is really atrue!!! im de=veloping a indicator to count that i call the indicator deviancell

im finishing whern i geit i share here tyo some friends to test it

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  gavetso said:
interesting tradebauty im making some time to make this calculations in every index

and is really atrue!!! im de=veloping a indicator to count that i call the indicator deviancell

im finishing whern i geit i share here tyo some friends to test it

Famous last words. I forget how many time gavesto promised to deliver things and not once did. I'll lay odds this one is like the others.

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  gavetso said:
MAN defintly youare insane each time i writein the fourm whats up man take care

What's up w/me is this: you promise the world and deliver not a crumb, not to mention you have yet to "Thank" anyone here for their work that you gladly download and use for yourself. You are a leech and a taker, not a giver.

Edited by yamantaka
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Well said yamantaka, I remember months ago Gavesto was asking everyone to upload their set-up files for indicators they would like to have, and his programmers were going to crack them and upload back to the Forum. Well, after about a month of not seeing him upload anything I told everyone that we will never see anything from this guy, even if he has someone to crack those indicators - he will try to sell them, not share them here. This guy just takes advantage of everybody here.
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G, the only thing you will ever provide...IS VAPOR WARE. You are what your THANKS are!


  gavetso said:
interesting tradebauty im making some time to make this calculations in every index

and is really atrue!!! im de=veloping a indicator to count that i call the indicator deviancell

im finishing whern i geit i share here tyo some friends to test it

Edited by tradernate
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Guest gavetso

i dont care you think

im here to post some educated files and put ideas.

im good with my coding services and work nice with my company we are ninjatrader verified developers know

and we never post here any custom code for free because is our work.

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Thank you for your input, right now the strategy is filtering the entries by 5 bars(TF). For GC we used 7. You right about fast moving, but you get slippage only if its market order, the strategy is trying to use limit order 1-2 ticks better than the close of the signal bar.


  Traderbeauty said:
problem with TF is that it moves very fast and you might get a lot of slippage or just bad fills most of the time.

i would test your method on the es knowing that almost every trade can be executed with limit orders.


one suggestion though is to filter the size of the leg and if its too short then disable the entry.- that is the best way to locate chop- no need for indicators.

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