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One request please


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Im making one request regarding the file attached.


Could somebody turn this to cs? I tryied to reference everything but still got errors.


The balance i dont care much for it just the bre@kdown.


I dont intend to make commercial use of it just personal and study.




Thanks very much.

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Thanks for your interest gavetso


I saw now that admis could expose some parameters to be used in strategies and indicators from one indicator. That's exactly what i want. I would like to access for strategies. Also to study why it is so different from gomtools. Check the discrepancies if you want.


Thanks again

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I'm sorry it's my spelling mistake. It should be OnMarketData.

Remember what for Gomi made his tool for NT. NinjaTrader has very limited capabilities of storing of market data. It is a known problem of resolution up to 1s and it is the main reason to use rather Bid/Ask opposite to Uptickdowntick method of calculation.

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admis im not comparing both methods of calculation. There is extensive material in @cme blog. Im saying that from the same data, exactly the same data! results differ. I like to now how and test some ideas in strategies. Gomi is okay to call but @acme doesn't show.
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ok hilboi,

you know I'm making a source codes only in an extraordinary cases. You asked me for it in PM sometime ago with the detailed explanations.


I believe, the sources you'll use for your own use and knowledge. I made a few comments inside the code for better understanding the process.

I didn't make any changes to expose any variables for future use in a strategy - that's your task to do.

Sources developed on the basis of version I've made also some "cleaning" work.

Names of the main classes also changed to omit problems with the originals (**S**).

Good luck and remember to share later with us your discoveries in your research work.



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