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[REQ] Timeline Indicator


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This indicator was coded as per my requirements, it uses machine id restriction built-in (which needs to be removed) I no longer have the computer that was programmed to work with and the programmer has gone MIA and we fallen out of touch. The indicator was designed to plot colored bars at the bottom chart panel beforehand and during high volume times of the day (9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 1:30, 2:30, etc.) as a head-ups. Some info of these reversal times can be found at:




The way I prefer to look at it, is as follows (times are EST, applies to the ES E-Mini):


8:30 am - 9:00 am - Market Review, opportunity to check market internals

9:30 am - Opening Drive, potential trade opportunity.

10:00 am - News events are most likely scheduled for this time slot (not the place to take trades).

10:15 am - Market Check.

10:30 am - Market Reversal Time likely at this time.

11:00 am - Market Transition to Lunch.

11:30 am - Potential Market Reversal Time

12:00 am - 1:00 pm Lunch Time, not the place to take trades.

1:30 pm - Potential Market Reversal Time

2:00 pm - Market Review, looking for signs of volume returning to play.

2:30 pm - Potential Market Reversal Time (short-term).

3:00 pm - Bonds and Currencies Close Time (big afternoon move occur around this time).

3:30 pm - Market Check, day to start showing signs of the end.

4:00 pm - Close of the Cash Market.

4:15 pm - Close of Electronic Trading.


Hope it helps,

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Hi Swordfish...Here is mine...in a word docx Reversasl periods for the whole day. http://www.sendspace.com/file/bf3h17


Got this indicator that plots ES reversal times and needs to be educated. Maybe one of our resident gurus can take a crack at it.




Thanks in advance

Edited by tradernate
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Got this indicator that plots ES reversal times and needs to be educated. Maybe one of our resident gurus can take a crack at it.




Thanks in advance


Hi Swordfi$h,

I have a limited amount of time. Please check it on your side. It uses time zones. My zone is not included and maybe it's the reason it shows a rubbish...

pass: indo-investasi


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