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[REQ] Larry Williams Automated Trading Strategy


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Howdy admis if U can find the time---would U please chime in on Ur thoughts--Thanks in advance!!


p.s. have tried adding dll not adding dll just putting .cs but when compiling--complains about dll reference.

Again Thanks in advance if U find the time to ck it out.


Due to the obvious reason, I'm usually not interested in the stuff taking the data from the developers servers. Such as in this case, data are taken from tradecot.com ( through MySQL (6.4.3)

I've made appropriate changes in the binaries: a small "edu" adjustments and adaptation to the latest version of mysql (6.9.5).

You'll need to install MySQL Connector before installing the LW toolset (also attached in the archive)





Remove the previous installation of LW from inside of NT through the "File -> Remove NinjaScript Assembly..." option.

Close NT. Install MySQL Connector. Run NT and import LW Toolset (attached), (if already installed) confirm overwriting the old version of MySqlData.

Reload NT and check if it works. Open output window in NT to see any error messages.

The charts should be filled out with Daily data (at least 156 days)


Not easy, so not for all probably...8-)


btw: Note for an educator: there were missing of removing the first instruction (ldarg.0) of block belonging to the VendorLicence instruction.

Edited by admis
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btw: Note for an educator: there were missing of removing the first instruction (ldarg.0) of block belonging to the VendorLicence instruction.


CashManic shared me some of his educated dll files and they have error. They are educated in a wrong way. I thought those files are your. Is this not true?

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