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the big advantage of this indicator is the fact that is simple - no nonesense and the most valuable are the arrows- no need to think or analyze or hesitate- just decide if this arrow is produced at a legit location- if it is then just take it.




Hi Jane,

You should know the ETCTrendArrows indicator is exactly an old (1st) version of anaSuperTrend (made by Fat Tails from BMT forum).

In the following link you can read in details the differences between an old and the new version of anaSuperTrend. I don't think FT is related with this company...



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Hi jane...liiks like the price flow is a MACD 5.15.4, and Strength is an ADX setting at 4 and 25...the red and yellow block panels are just showing the MACD and ADX signals. Nate

The powerBlock code is just MA can do EMA, HMA and SMA. As you can see it is HMA 13 and 10 HMA cross.


Thank you all for this very useful sharing.

the big advantage of this indicator is the fact that is simple - no nonesense and the most valuable are the arrows- no need to think or analyze or hesitate- just decide if this arrow is produced at a legit location- if it is then just take it.

I actually put it on my 1-1 and 2-1 renko spectrum on Es and when i combine it with my fib analysis it works wonderfully.

btw- what is the purpose of the 2 black indicators on the bottom- price flow and etc-strength ? these 2 are never mentioned in the videos.

thanks again and have a wonderful weekend.


Edited by tradernate
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btw- what is the purpose of the 2 black indicators on the bottom- price flow and etc-strength ? these 2 are never mentioned in the videos.

thanks again and have a wonderful weekend.



Well Jane they do mention that it's part of a Special Indicator Set-Up. Let me quote their description and instruction.

"We have a Special Indicator Set-Up at the bottom of the charts. Let me explain how we use it, when the market is falling the two black lines start coming together, when they pinch very close together and then start to separate (the top black line turns up and the bottom black line turns down) very often it’s the bottom of that down leg, and very often the beginning of a turn back up. It’s a very visual indicator and if you look at our charts I’m sure you will see what we’re talking about. We will point it out in some of our chart examples. Once you see it you can’t unsee it."



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Hi Cash, Nate and Admis

Thank you so much for your help, i really appreciate it a lot.

I normally dont use any indicators because most of them are lagging and base on history to forecast the future - this can be right as long as you have large legs so a late entry is ok, but when volume is low or you have more of a sideways day then a late entry is a disaster.

Sometimes my problem is hesitation caused by not being able to decide if the trend is going up or down- it sounds funny and weird but it can happen specifically when the bigger trend is pointing one way and the smaller points to the other direction- then the big question is what to do-

what i like about this etc are the arrows and the fact that its quick to react - i will post few scenarios from friday to show how well these arrow working when you KNOW what the market is doing and where it should go- then use the arrows just as an entry to confirm what you already expect.


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Thanks again to everyone- thanks midnight :).

Wanted to share with you the big picture analysis for friday- if you followed that and you can definitely pm me and i can give you a forecast that should normally hold - unless the market tricks us and then we have to change- a good example is wednesday which ended by being a chop sideways causing me to change forecast all the time.


now lets walk slowly leg by leg-

i woke up ( california girl lol ) and by the time i got to the chart it was 6 am or 9 am eastern- i saw that we had a perfect continuation from the 38 fib.

If you look back you can see that we have lower lows and lower highs so i expect the pattern to continue unless we have a divergence or a h-h h-l which we did not have.

My rules- and you will not find them anywhere are that if the retracement was only 38 i expect the trend to continue to 1.918 or 2.61 fib extension .

Amazingly the market did exactly that almost to the tick.

Again- point 1 was during the night , point 2 was the 38 fib and i woke up afterwards so it was very clear to me that the 38 is in .

I kept shorting anywhere i could, any resistance and any time i saw even a hint of a down move- keep in mind that by then the market was -20 points so i was biased to the downside- did not even try a long through the entire day.

point 3 is 2.61 fib to the tick.

once we got to 2.61 i stopped shorting- a trend hardly ever goes beyond 2.61 so no sense to knock your head into the wall.

I expected the market to retrace to 25 or 38 fib no more- so once i got a signal i shorted again -point 4- with the same expectation- 1.918 to 2.61

you can see that we got even more , by then i was done , counted the profit and went to the gym lol.

My next post i will do with a 4-1 renko spectrum.

hope you like it


p.s- push the thanks button so i have an idea if people even pay attention lol

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ok- so here is a smaller time frame- this one is 4-1 renko spectrum -



you can easily see that the big fib worked perfectly so you could trade 4 ticks or even 2 using very small stops and just trail them once you got in because once you are in you knew exactly WHERE the target is so no need for scalping.

Each of the arrows is a short signal- as you can see- through the entire day we had lower lows and lower highs meaning-SHORT ONLY AND NO LONGS.

hope it helps


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here is a GREAT example of WHY NOT TO USE INDICATORS lol ( sorry for laughing ).

no matter what you do- using a delayed indicator would have killed you so badly in this area that by the time the market started to move normally most of the traders would have given up.


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Hi Mick

I am using the built in fib tool F8 ( as admis said ) , i just made few changes and added my numbers .

since it is limited i had to create another one with different numbers- like 88 fib and 261 and 25 - its just that there is not enough room for all the fibs i use, so in extreme cases i just switch fib from the default to another one.

One more thing i always do is use the F9 utility for finding symmetry- or as nexgen is calling it- one to one.

i just changed the default to 100 and i always look for confluence between that and fibs.

On small legs i wait for a consolidation on my 70 tick chart or just wait for a signal on a 1 tick renko spectrum chart.

on big legs i have to see a pattern change on the 1 tick chart.

Take care and thx again


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