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larry williams indicators


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great it works buddy, thank you very much... :)



Thanks minch for your work very much appreciated-

Is there a trick trick to get these to plot?

Which version of nt do you, leo1177and admis ,AndyS ,laser1000it ,puiu288,stocktrader78 ,tryitagainmf have these working on? or anyone else that has these plotting.

I tried on couple different but get no plotting. Lot of log errors"JIT Compiler encountered an internal limitation"

Thanks in advance

Edited by newbie0101
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still no good for me


you need to install this:http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/MySQL-Connector-NET-Download-234909.html

Hi minch thanks for trying to help me I installed suggestion but still getting no plot and log errors.


any ideas for me to try,

Thanks in advance

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try cs version:http://[email protected]/file/a1hgn9

add MySql.Data.dll as reference when compiling. (dll in Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Connector Net 6.8.3\Assemblies\v2.0 if using 64bit OS, or Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Connector Net 6.8.3\Assemblies\v2.0 if 32bit OS)

Hi minch the cs files worked-Thank you.

on a side note I had a mysql file in my custom folder already that was referenced--don't know if proper but again it worked.

Thanks again for your help- much appreciated.


mirror for cs files by minch(Thanks)


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Hi stocktrader78-Yes I placed manually into "indicator" folder then compiled.


i did the same thing but still have an error when compiling , could you please tell me what other mysql files are in the reference folder on your end , may be i need another mysql file


i got the error "The Type or namespace name "Data"doesn't exist in the namespace"System"

Edited by stocktrader78
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i did the same thing but still have an error when compiling , could you please tell me what other mysql files are in the reference folder on your end , may be i need another mysql file


i got the error "The Type or namespace name "Data"doesn't exist in the namespace"System"


stocktrader78 here is the sql file I have in my "custom" folder it is "referenced" like where you add references when editing an indi (I believe I got here on this forum a while back for another indicator)


Hope helps

Edited by newbie0101
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stocktrader78 here is the file I have in my "custom" folder (I believe I got here on this forum a while back for another indicator)


Hope helps

i will try yours and let you know , thanks very much newbie0101 for your help , appreciate it ,and thanks to all educators specially Minch and admis.

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