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(Req) Jay Signal Trend


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@Gany..sorry i missed this, at first...thanks for the shout out-Nate


  Ganymed said:
@ tradernate


JaySignalTrendV7 with JayDevMarktProfile and JaySymmetryDots is working fine, see today's FDAX European Openinga. 3 Elliot wave signals with SymDots for first targets exits and arrows, 3 winners in a row:



I uploaded again the template for the JaySignalTrendV7:





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I too get the same issues with repainting and disappearing, especially after refreshing NT due to being frozen.


Version 4 would show the dots but Version 6 & 7 won't.: https://www.sendspace.com/file/5rstxt


I have added the EminiTargeter just for my own personal taste. I think it is one of the most accurate indicators in term of helping me to enter and/or to exit. When it crosses above the center line, it is most often an indication for a buy and vice versa for sell. Obviously, nothing is 100% proof but in my opinion, it is pretty darn accurate. I also added the Lightening indicator. I just turned off the P5 to false to make the chart "cleaner" and not bombarded with all lines. I watched it live on Friday and yes, the dots and arrows from JaySignals would show up and disappeared. But then again, the Lightening and Targeter would help me to pinpoint the "precise" area to enter the trades.

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  ninja_on_da_roof said:

Version 4 https://www.sendspace.com/file/kfpl27

And, sincere thanks to everyone. Truly appreciate it much.


I noticed fat black trend change arrow came real late in version 4, while v6,7 are the same. looks like repainting issue is with dots but not arrows. Jay explained change 7 update in one of the video on 8-29-14

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Hi Vezepop, I am missing most of the indicators....and cannot find a live link to upload them for this thread. So when you say targets are symmetry Dots, are those the blue dots on Ninja sendspace pic of v4 link? https://www.sendspace.com/file/kfpl27

Thank you for your help-Nate


  vezepop said:
My template https://www.sendspace.com/file/0adgpp

Today russel chart http://gyazo.com/44ffdfe5344b48bc1ed02547cac1c119

All signals winner

I trade 2 contracts. Stop 13 tick. Targets on SymmetryDots

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Rondonelli, on my system for some reason....on v6 and v7 the dots repaint as they should until it prints the last bar of that current pivotr. I have arrow repainting issues on both versions. When I replay or live, it prints the arrows and then when I refresh the arrows most of the times are no longer in the same spot, or no longer in that pivot swing area. That is when I have it on COBC== false. When I have it on COBC== true, nothing prints, no dots or arrows. Looks like some have the issue and others for whatever reason do not.-Nate


  rondonelli said:
I noticed fat black trend change arrow came real late in version 4, while v6,7 are the same. looks like repainting issue is with dots but not arrows. Jay explained change 7 update in one of the video on 8-29-14
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Hi Ninja, could you upload the indicators and your template that has a stable J@ysSignals...I would greatly appreciate it-Nate


Ninja, here is a modified QQE that is colored and can easily be changed to color when above the 50 line:



  ninja_on_da_roof said:

Version 4 https://www.sendspace.com/file/kfpl27

And, sincere thanks to everyone. Truly appreciate it much.

Edited by tradernate
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I have been trying Jaysignal since last few days, and so I imported Jaysignal 7, 6, 4 and all indicators shared in this thread. Now I am getting, NT7 connecting to an IP ( I am not able to find out, particularly which indicator is malicious. I found hostname of the same IP as

IP Address :

Location : Russian Federation

Host Name : dynamicip-94-181-57-191.pppoe.chel.ertelecom.ru


As of now, I have put that IP in my firewall's blacklist and also put it in host file in order to route to localhost.

Edited by santoshv2k
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  santoshv2k said:
I have been trying Jaysignal since last few days, and so I imported Jaysignal 7, 6, 4 and all indicators shared in this thread. Now I am getting, NT7 connecting to an IP ( I am not able to find out, particularly which indicator is malicious. I found hostname of the same IP as

IP Address :

Location : Russian Federation

Host Name : dynamicip-94-181-57-191.pppoe.chel.ertelecom.ru


I suggest you run a scan with Malwarebytes and quarantine everything discovered.

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Its confusing Ip address goes to http://ninjatrader.com/support/forum/index.php you just enter this ip in your browser address bar and hit enter it will take you to nt site. My malwarebyte did not detect any malware. Russian federation is no more it was broker decades ago. Could you clarify what were your concerns? and how you found hostname of this ip address

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  rondonelli said:


Its confusing Ip address goes to http://ninjatrader.com/support/forum/index.php you just enter this ip in your browser address bar and hit enter it will take you to nt site. My malwarebyte did not detect any malware. Russian federation is no more it was broker decades ago. Could you clarify what were your concerns? and how you found hostname of this ip address


@rondonelli , I just wanted to alert the members, sometimes one could not watch it and things run silently. Anyhow, you may use any site which converts IP to hostname or you may locate/trace IP.

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  santoshv2k said:
I have been trying Jaysignal since last few days, and so I imported Jaysignal 7, 6, 4 and all indicators shared in this thread. Now I am getting, NT7 connecting to an IP ( I am not able to find out, particularly which indicator is malicious. I found hostname of the same IP as

IP Address :

Location : Russian Federation

Host Name : dynamicip-94-181-57-191.pppoe.chel.ertelecom.ru


As of now, I have put that IP in my firewall's blacklist and also put it in host file in order to route to localhost.


Read from this post: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/18309-req-scalpersoftware-com?p=341006&viewfull=1#post341006

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  rondonelli said:


I believe version7 was educated by orfila post #154. Did you guys not encountered this possible malicious code while educating?. I think we should take all precautions as suggested by you and santoshv2k. This thing is bit scary


Your assumptions and the more conclusions are incorrect. Btw. we did it independently. I suppose you are in the position to recognize a binary and source version...

By reading this post http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/18309-req-scalpersoftware-com?p=341006&viewfull=1#post341006

and the followings you could find out, that this malicious code is not related to the Jay indicators.

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I was able to trade today version 6 signals with real money today in gold, oil and mini russell. No performance issues. I have 15.6 inch intel i7 laptop with windows 8.1 with 8gig ram. On Friday I used version 7 and it had performance problems. Repainting issue does not affect arrow which is main signal so I am ok with repainting issue. Total of 19 setups with arrows from 7:45am EST to 2:45 pm EST in all three markets. 5 failures. I was able to take only 6 of them as I was also working in the office. Total 120 ticks with one contract. My guesstimate system is about 70% winning rate.
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