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[REQ] [EDUCATE] Flux Trigger Pack (v7.0.1000.14)


[REQ] [EDUCATE] Flux Trigger Pack (v7.0.1000.14)  

87 members have voted

  1. 1. [REQ] [EDUCATE] Flux Trigger Pack (v7.0.1000.14)

    • I want BOTH
    • I want Flux Toolset ONLY
    • I want Flux Power Pack ONLY

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Hello friends


I have got original F1ux Trigg3r P@ck Indicators through search engine results.


I request respected educators to educate it.




Info as per vendor website:


[TABLE=class: cms_table_cms_table, width: 1000, align: left]


[TD]Vendor Info[/TD]





[TD]Indicator Info[/TD]







[TD]Indicator List[/TD]


  1. ​F1ux Sc@lpel Sign@l
  2. F1ux Tr3nd Membr@ne
  3. F1ux V0lume V@cuum
  4. F1ux V0lume B@rrier
  5. F1ux H@ir Trigg3r
  6. F1ux Sentim3nt Z0ne




[TD]Reference Video[/TD]





















EDUCATED Version @ POST #16


[spoiler=EDUCATED Version @ Post #16]http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/23287-REQ-EDUCATE-Flux-Trigger-Pack-(v7-0-1000-14)?p=297232&viewfull=1#post297232





Edited by BlueMars
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thats just my username...but the way you described it sounds funny though :D


but come on..thats your reply to my username......?????!!!!! :-O :(( :P


well..precaution is good & I appreciate it but I am limiting access to educators only as they will be the one who will be patching original file


if other users need access then PM me..I will give password for file..but I am not sure how it will help them by accessing it as its not patched yet..


I have wrote 1st post neatly for simplicity purpose only so that it will be easy to understand..go through the post and checkout poll as well..


and let me know how to identify educators on forum and contact them for educating indicators..looking for your help..


thanks for the reply though :)

Edited by BlueMars
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  BlueMars said:
Hi tke1


thanks for PM..


I am not able to reply to your PM..


getting return message as "To be able to send PMs your post count must be 15 or greater"

whats that..??


Mate, once you have 15 total posts to the Forum you will be able to send PM's (private messages) AND, more importantly (!) a "Thanks" button will appear and you will be able to "Thank" those who make helpful contributions and/or provide education.





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  BlueMars said:
ahh...got it..thanks for that Mick!


but if thats the case then how should I reply to received PM as I have to share password for file..got any suggestion??

thanks in advance :)


My only suggestion is to make 11 more posts (you are at 4 as we "speak") on other topics...or even this one. There are apparently no moderators or admins who look in on things right now, so I don't expect there are any other ways around this component. Post away!





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Hi leledc,


thanks for your PM..


It took A LOT of efforts to search this file all over the internet and finally got it..


that is why I am limiting access to ONLY THOSE PEOPLE who should have at this stage i.e. educators who can patch it..


sure..I want to send you password..I checked your history and you seem to be good member..


but right now I am just trying to get around PM reply as it requires 15 posts to reply PM..


got any temporary suggestions on that ??


thanks in advance :)

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thanks tryitagainmf for reply and info about educators on forum..


good suggestion ;)


but I thought to take advantage of this opportunity to inform educators who patched earlier flux related stuff earlier..


so I posted reply to all those threads related to flux..


I hope it will get their attention to this thread..

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it will get attention of creators too for sure


thanks for that poly.. :)


I think it would help forum members if educators get their attention to updated stuff such as this and educate it..


I saw many links were dead for quite new stuff as well and now decided to request for reups..


Personally I feel I should help as much as possible to help other community members..so that all will be updated and have latest info to trade in such fast & dynamic market..

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Hi BluMars

Welcome to the best forum there is!!

Not trying to give you a hard time but---

1. Have you considered not having a password on your file(your reasoning posted above does not make any sense) just my opinion.

2. By chance if a generous (bored,LOL) educator drops by- maybe they don't feel like jumping through your hoops(what if you are not around to supply password)???

3. Have a look around the site and you will see the for lack of a better term the "standard protocol", just make it available-you might just find from the awesome and generous people of this forum that someone will come through, and all will benefit.

Please, Do Not take my words personally as they are not intended to disrespect but simply put- to provide another way of looking at things.

Take care and again Welcome!

Have a great weekend all

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Dude or Dudette,

After your response of **** (whoopdeedoo I can seperate and quote too) I have changed my opinion and-----GOOD LUCk to you.

To all others, Thank you for the best place to Explore an try new ideas.

for as we all know, if all of the $hiate they peddle worked we would all be RICH!!LOL

Still it is great to explore, for some may find an edge! And the biggee here is "oh that s right, if an edge is found- We will share it-NoSTRINGS attached"

I personally understand and appreciate ALL OF YOU!!!

Hope all have a Wonderful and Safe weekend!!

I Vow to not respond to this absurdity any longer( actually am surprised that I am responding now)

BlueMars u need to get a grip!

Be safe and have fun!!

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flu@ volume barrier, better known as an indicator shared here previously on this great place we call II (Home)

apologies for not recalling whom to give credit to for originally sharing, but

Thank you.

see link for comparison and indi--no it's not there's but Hmmmm sure looks close?



Hope helps

Have great weekend All!

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  newbie0101 said:
flu@ volume barrier, better known as an indicator shared here previously on this great place we call II (Home)

apologies for not recalling whom to give credit to for originally sharing, but

Thank you.

see link for comparison and indi--no it's not there's but Hmmmm sure looks close?



Hope helps

Have great weekend All!


Thanks for sharing..appreciate it!


Will checkout and let you know..have a great day! :)

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Error - No space for NEW PM


Hi omaron


Thanks for supporting Educator's hardwork!


I am trying to send you PM but I am getting following message:


omaron has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.


I think you need clear some space for new PM...PM me after clearing space for receiving new PM.


Have a great day! :)

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