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larry williams ireallytrade indicators?


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I'm not looking to threadcr@p, but man exclusively each and every one of those indicators are utterly useless garbage. I can think of dozens of competely free (and similarly useless) than what this guy is peddling. Although it's not mathematically measureable, there are BMT free indicators that are at least 50x better that the crud this guy is peddling, each block at $20/per month. And I absolutely guarantee you he knows it, but heck, few will turn down a potential revenue stream from the lemming world. He even has some lame strategy for $20 per month. Would he be selling it, for any amount, if it was worth anything? Unreal, and, essentially all bordering on criminal, yet unproveable.


The guy has examples of commodities like gold, coffee and many others, displaying weekly charts lol! Who the hell amongst us indo members can afford to hold any potential drawdown from a premature GC entry, 'waiting' for some stoopid-@ss indicator to catch up and change angles? And how many of us around here have the kind of dough and risk levels that these silly indicators demand be tolerated, trading off weekly charts. Unbelievable.


I know it's Friday and all, and you can flame me if you want, but please please please don't waste your valuable time on utter crud like this. Ask any trader with some verifiable experience and scruples, and he/she will concur.


Peace and happy weekend to all.

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Can these be usefull for daytraders with small accounts that can tollerate minimal drawdowns and loose entries ?


I think for big pocket traders they might be of use, but i doubt for small fish.


like osijek1289 i agree 100%, try to utilise any volume indicator you can and maybe then you have a fighting chance....


Any....Any...Any.... can i stress it more ;) ?


Again imho.


Good trading all

Edited by trader1968
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