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Becoming a Peak Performance Trader by Overcoming Self-Destructive Behaviors

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Very interesting webinar by Rande Howell.


Many traders are "oh-so-close", yet so far away, from breaking through the barriers that keep them from consistent profitability. A trader’s great technical skills melt in the heat of the moment when exposed to the rigors of trading. They know HOW TO TRADE, but time-after-time they are emotionally hijacked and sabotage themselves. This can go on for years.


Yet, it does not have to be this way. Traders can transform the frustration of their self-sabotaging behaviors rooted in fear of loss or fear of success into the patient, impartial discipline of a peak performance trader.


Come and learn:


- The elements of an emotion and how emotions can hijack your thinking

- Why emotional intelligence (EQ) is more important than IQ in trading

- The steps to building the skills to Self Mastery in trading

- How this will help you transform self-limiting behaviors and beliefs



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