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Dumb luck or lightening in a bottle?


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Beloved fellow traders,


The market kicks our butts and yet we work hard to find ways to extract money from it. As traders, this is what we do. It's our "thing."


I've been forward testing in demo mode an ATS that looks promising and unlike vendor BS claims, this one may actually make real money. Then again, it could $hit its pants when the almighty dollar is at risk.


I want to share a few images of what it has done in demo mode. It does require more testing before I'd risk cash. I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but my momma didn't raise total fool either.


If it has a bonafide edge, I will not sell it. (And of course I won't sell it if it stinks which is what vendors do.) I could make much more money trading for myself. I'll worry about how to distribute here to you when the time is, if ever, appropriate, meaning when I'm convinced it makes money consistently. I'll look forward to your feedback when and if that time arrives. Maybe I'll rent a condo next to Big Mike in Ecuador. (Did you know he is moving there to retire with all the money he made hoodwinking developers to give him their indies for free while he sells "Elite" memberships to access those indies?) What a $hitc0ck he is--but that's another discussion.


Take a look at these images. If I didn't see the trades occur in realtime with my eyes I wouldn't believe them. Perhaps you won't either. Commissions are omitted, but there are 4 ticks of slippage included.





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Yam, see how it did in feburary of this year...it was a low volume month and had some short daily ranges onteh NQ...then see how it does. On wide ranging days using that bar type generally does good. You will generally get 3 reversals a day, and trend in between...those days it should do well. But, watch out for those NR7 range days. Good Luck, Just a known fact if you give a lot of people the same system the system will do well since you will have a lot of push from those traders. That is why VWPOC trading does well right now, and pivots...a lot of people are watching those zones and trading from those areas that is why they are working in the market right now, so if you have a system that can provide signals, then it helps you get pushed if you trend trade. Just a thought-Nate


Beloved fellow traders,


The market kicks our butts and yet we work hard to find ways to extract money from it. As traders, this is what we do. It's our "thing."


I've been forward testing in demo mode an ATS that looks promising and unlike vendor BS claims, this one may actually make real money. Then again, it could $hit its pants when the almighty dollar is at risk.


I want to share a few images of what it has done in demo mode. It does require more testing before I'd risk cash. I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but my momma didn't raise total fool either.


If it has a bonafide edge, I will not sell it. I could make much more money trading for myself. I'll worry about how to distribute here to you when the time is, if ever, appropriate, meaning when I'm convinced it makes money consistently. I'll look forward to your feedback when and if that time arrives. Maybe I'll rent a condo next to Big Mike in Ecuador. (Did you know he is moving there to retire with all the money he made hoodwinking developers to give him their indies for free while he sells "Elite" memberships to access those indies?) What a $hitc0ck he is--but that's another discussion.


Take a look at these images. If I didn't see the trades occur in realtime with my eyes I wouldn't believe them. Perhaps you won't either. Commissions are omitted, but there are 4 ticks of slippage included.





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IF I REMEMEBR renkospectrum needs a half number +1 to get a thrustable backtest

14/1 will be 7+1 you muts to go with 8 slipage otherwise is magic!!!!!


Okay and thanks for that information. Based on 8 ticks of slippage, according to the backtest from StrategyAnalyzer, February 2013 made approximately $5700 before commissions, which were nominal. Better than a sharp stick in the eye for sure!



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Dumb luck, come over here and enjoy a beer with me!


Awesome results. Lets see more.


I'll post live demo results each day. I'm going to include a few more instruments, too. This thing doesn't seem to discriminate among markets. And although I've never traded forex, I might test that also.

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Guest FloridaTrader
Don't bother with forex the brokers spread will kill you with real money, just use currency futures the spread is really 1-2 for Euro, however it can change during news go retarded for no reason.


You don't have the experience to even make this lunatic suggestion kid. Don't make negative suggestions like this which only shows that you are totally clueless about the forex. I do very well trading.


People that make ****** postings like this only shows their lack of knowledge and maturity. =))

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Guest FloridaTrader
See this abuse I have to receive from this person? Just as bad as the other one.

Maybe even was him trying to play games who knows.


This shows your lack of experience in anything to do with Financial markets.

The fact you call it "The Forex", shows this.

But keep abusing and insulting people you seem to enjoy it, doesn't bother me.

Prove you do well in trading bucketshop off exchange forex, let me guess 100 excuses why you can't?

Im sure ive seen your kind many a time over the years, and there will be many more of you, and ill keep caring less about you.


This show how much you know kid, I'm about to retire from trading clown. Can you read a profile moron? I trade using Dukascopy and not a bucketshop *****. I do see a correlation between real traders and maturity. I do suggest that you obtain a GED and get a real job since you have no future trading anythings. HINT: we can read your postings moron.


On another note, your being on this forum for 32 months and only having found one friend, would you like me to offer money to anyone that would join your friends list? I know it would take a lot of money to do so kid.=))

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Guest FloridaTrader

Did you steal the names from your local graveyard? Obviously none came from this forum but I think trader34 would be interested since he is not doing well with his trading and still has his job cleaning the toilets at one of our McDonalds Restaurants. He gets free food and gets to eat while working too.


Forum Members, please click on the black triangle and report our forum stalker once again on Posting #1.





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Hi Yatamanka,

I have created some strats based on the RenkoSpectrum. I found that the NT7 backtest gives ideal results and not to be trusted when going live.

It's really worthwhile conducting Market Replay tests. They will give a much better picture of actual performance.

If you are using limit orders, make sure the Tools/Options/Simulator/"Enforce immediate fills" setting is disabled to give more realistic results.

Hope this helps.

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Guest FloridaTrader
Hello all good luck, come over here and enjoy Shampain with me!


LOL its an Awesome results.


Another scammer going by six different usernames on this forum. Here are the other names used by this person here on this forum: Sasts1950, Heyes1929, Ponde, Thintwit1954, Migge1990.


Read the thread: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/22844-4xp-Scam-Alert-Use-Caution?p=290542#post290542


Go away scammer, 4xp is a bad broker with many complaints.

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Guest FloridaTrader

Sorry clown, physician ruled that out moron. I'm safe from catching any sexual transmitted diseases since I don't know your mother. Glad you're attempting to figure out the cause but trust me, If my physician with a doctorate degree can't figure it out, you having a 3rd grade education won't be able to do it either loser... =))


Is it true that your mother insisted on a DNA test after she gave birth to you? :))

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Guest FloridaTrader
I apologize to Yamantaka for this carry on in his thread only about trading, I will post no more silliness I promise =D>


You should apologize to the whole forum for your immature postings. Grow up

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Hi Yatamanka,

I have created some strats based on the RenkoSpectrum. I found that the NT7 backtest gives ideal results and not to be trusted when going live.

It's really worthwhile conducting Market Replay tests. They will give a much better picture of actual performance.

If you are using limit orders, make sure the Tools/Options/Simulator/"Enforce immediate fills" setting is disabled to give more realistic results.

Hope this helps.

Are the results badly skewed even when adding adequate slippage? The system only uses market orders.

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What data feed do you use for backtest? If you use a consistent feed like IQfeed or Esignal, which always loads the exact same data, which was made at the time it occurred at the exchange and can never change.

Your backtest should be exactly the same as your walk forward.

Even using a strat based on volume it will not be different.

It doesn't use an algorithm to estimate the trades it just looks at historical price bid/ask volume etc and places the trade where your strat said it should.

The problem with NT is the broker data feed data it is all over the place can not be used for testing auto strategies that you want to run on a server at the exchange its only best for manual trading it shows you how you would get the data with whatever latency you have wherever you are.

The data I have on one of my PC's through the broker with 150ms latency is totally different than what I have on other PC with IQfeed.

And also remember, NT will load historical data from NT servers, which is totally different as well.

There is always problems with this data with Ninja Trader has been for years.

CQG is the datafeed and the historical data is loaded from their servers, not NT's. From my perspective, backtesting is only good to see if the system makes a profit; if it doesn't, I throw it out and move on. If it does, I'll observe live and determine what can make it better. To me, Profit Factor is the most important ratio.


I usually try to create systems with time, not tick based, data. Minute data isn't spurious and the close of the bar is what it is. But the one tested in this thread looked good live, so RJay won.

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I've just discovered a problem with Spectrum bars backtest. Orders are not closing at the proper session times.


Also for those of you who backtest with these bars, the slippage formula is to add slippage of the Bar Body Renko plus one tick minus New Bar Renko. For example a setting of 6-2 would be 6+1-2=5.

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Yam...when using spectrum renko bars...it is best to use the xray indicator which shows you where inthe channel price actually is at the time....if you do not have them I have them and can PM to you. I use HybridRenko and like them and see little differece live and replay. I still do not trust as a strat. backtest, but if a test gives me 3+ profit factor then I look at it a little harder-Nate


I've just discovered a problem with Spectrum bars backtest. Orders are not closing at the proper session times.


Also for those of you who backtest with these bars, the slippage formula is to add slippage of the Bar Body Renko plus one tick minus New Bar Renko. For example a setting of 6-2 would be 6+1-2=5.

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Backtest was never designed to test for profit, it was designed just to see that the system functions properly, opens and closes orders at the right place according to the logic.

If it made a profit everyday for the last 30 years, tomorrow it could lose your whole account, past results are not indicative of future returns.

And you are incorrect about the data, CQG is a price feed only, NinjaTrader LLC runs a NT7 platform on their own server, and stores and records the data from the CQG feed, and that is what the historical data actually is.And their server is in a different time zone to the exchange, and constantly has problems with false ticks.

Also it does not load bid/ask historical only time and price.You can go check this on NT forum if you like.

CQG or Mirus Rithmic feeds are not reliable for historical data, they are designed for a live manual trader, only IQFeed or Esignal or one of those feeds are consistent for historical data.


Do you know if Kinetick is any better?

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I've decided to sh!tcan RJays bars for this strategy. Rjay has no clue how to code the strat for proper tick granularity with these bars for accurate backtesting. His excuse is backtesting isn't worthwhile and only Live observation and Market Replay will do. I disagree. Backtesting, for all its warts, is a must for a strategy developer to get to first base. That's the way I see it an operate, right or wrong.


So, I'm going to change the code to run Ult1mateRenko. This is the state-of the-art as far as exotic tick bars go.

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