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(REQ) Order flow indicators


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No offense, but there are at least 5 different versions of each of what would be "Market Depth" and "Bid/Ask Volume Pressure" indicators. There is no better than jigsaw; I am quite happy with the free and google-able OneLDOM, both of which are better than what this site is peddling.


The other indicator they peddle has far more robust implementations as part of the GOM series of indicators & orderflow tools - it is free and completely gorgeous implemented. Their version simply looks like GomCD (cumulative delta), and there are many many ways to display them. (Here's a view of how they can be configured: http://i.imgur.com/12smVb4.png ) And, Ranch0 D!nero has it, Fin-Alg has it, and a few others.


Frankly, the ones on this site are inferior to any other implementation I have seen and IMHO not worth educating.

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No offense, but there are at least 5 different versions of each of what would be "Market Depth" and "Bid/Ask Volume Pressure" indicators. There is no better than jigsaw; I am quite happy with the free and google-able OneLDOM, both of which are better than what this site is peddling.


The other indicator they peddle has far more robust implementations as part of the GOM series of indicators & orderflow tools - it is free and completely gorgeous implemented. Their version simply looks like GomCD (cumulative delta), and there are many many ways to display them. (Here's a view of how they can be configured: http://i.imgur.com/12smVb4.png ) And, Ranch0 D!nero has it, Fin-Alg has it, and a few others.


Frankly, the ones on this site are inferior to any other implementation I have seen and IMHO not worth educating.


Although i agree with you in general, i think it is always a good policy to have as much indicators as possible available.

what suits you not necessarily suits others.

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