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Need help in error correction of weis wave indicator to nt 6.5 version


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Hi mates can any noble programmer help me out in solving this problem with weis wave Indicator.


problem:- As I'm trying import it a massage popup is coming up stating WEISWAVE 2.01cs FILE IS EITHER NOT EXPORTED OR MANIPULATED.


Please help with the correction in error so that we can use it on NT 6.5 version.


Here is the link for the indicator:- http://www.sendspace.com/file/iuomhc



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Two questions.


1. What exactly are you trying to import? The file you posted is a rar file containing two zips.


2. Why not use NT7?


Respected member:-


1. I'm trying to import these files in WeisWave-ninjatrader rar cause these are the indicators which i want to use in NT 6.5 19 version but they are not getting imported or is there any other way to apply these indicators to the NT 6.5 19 version, these indicators are working in NT 7 but I want to use them in NT 6.5 19 version.


2. I'm using NT 7 but my datafeed of my local market is compatible with NT 6.5 19 version and when I'm trying to apply these indicators from WeisWave-ninjatrader rar file to them its not working can you guide me and help me so that i can use this indicators into NT6.5 19 version.


Any help on this issue will be greatful

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In the rar file you have 2 zips. Only one of those zips is the indicator, the other is some pdfs. You should make sure you are trying to import only the zip file which has the actual indicator.


If it does not work, i am not sure what can be done.


I did it with indicator rar file but its not working try and share ur feedback there might be a way out.


is there other way apart from importing to install indicators to NT 6.5 19 version?

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