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Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators


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  supertrade said:
Could you explain how is ghis gradient calculated? I can't access BM...


From the BMT Thread


"Gradient Color Bars Indicator


The concept of coloring bars is nothing new and everyone does it for certain filters. However, the idea for using gradient color bars to spot price divergence may not be new, but has gone un-noticed by many.


The fact that no one (I know, there will be some claims to the contrary) has been able to write a decent divergence indicator is because computers can only follow rules and limits. Human eye on the other hand can spot a bird in the sky whether it is 100 yards away or 99.99999 or 100.00001, regardless of the number of decimals (yes, provided the person is not blind).


So, it makes sense if one can spot divergence by subtle changes in the gradient coloring of the bars where a computer might miss because it was not instructed to “see.”


This indicator is very simple and basic (as @Fat Tails will put it, “child’s play”) and the bar coloring idea is not original. What I think is original (for future claims) is applying the concept to a variety of conditions and filters to spot divergences (among other price behaviors) where the usual indicators and computers will miss most of the time.


This simple indicator has much potential. So, I am posting it here and hope some of you brilliant people will contribute to the idea. The current version is based on one filter that you can easily change. The goal is to bundle a number of filters and let the coloring be done based on the most relevant and promising filter.


As with any indicator (Stoch, RSI, etc.), this filter cannot be used on its own alone. I am considering to use one version of this indicator for confirming price action and formations at different time frames as a trading tool."

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  supertrade said:


here you go friend. its pretty large video - 116 MB. hxxps://www.sendsp@ce.com/file/ef4da0

Edited by justFocus
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  rlygangesh said:
unable to understand which one indicator do you want . page directed to rating page of nt8 indicator


https://futures.io/local_links.php?action=ratelink&catid=27&linkid=18 80


R1: initial release, 6/19/2017

(http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/22371-Big-Mike-Trading-Ninja-indicators?p=435188&viewfull=1#post435188 - https://www.sendspace.com/file/yoxg6l)


R2: fixed granular bar offset, added Day and Volume granularity, improved value area calculation, added VA smoothing, fixed Right orientation for regions Bar and Daily, 07/07/2017

Edited by Deems35
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