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REQ: OFA NT Plugin


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If You Don't Have Any Rule in AutoResponder Then Add it Manually,

1.Click on Add Rule

2.on First Text Box type: EXACT:https://leapingbrain.com/modcore/clients/api.php

3. On Second Text box type :c:\ofaResponse.txt

4. Click Save

5.Enable this rule by Check/Tick It


Now try Again

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Critical Error in the chart look up, contact support with error code #9ds8a09uf. Sorry for the error in your datastream.






did all told before... Can validate. However im getting this error as i load the indicator wich appears.

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Same here, stockpro is working on finding a fix.





Critical Error in the chart look up, contact support with error code #9ds8a09uf. Sorry for the error in your datastream.






did all told before... Can validate. However im getting this error as i load the indicator wich appears.

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I Have Found What Causing This Error Actually When I Checked Its Source I Came to Decision That It is Creating And Fake Error to stop it from running, WHen i run patched dll it makes ninja crash, i am working on advanced cracking method which can solve this issue,wait till i came to correct solution
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maybe the problem is with data feed.. CQG dont have L2 data. when the indi is load, tried to get the last 250 bart with L1 and L2 data, but CQC only provied L1 data as hitorical, only in live connection have L1 and L2.. so, if some one have IQ feed provider can test this, and probably it will work ok. IQ feed have L1 and L2 historical data provided. and in the web page of ofa, say "only work with IQ feed".. maymbe modified the indi change this:


// infinite


new DataSeries(this, MaximumBarsLookBack.Infinite);



// 256


new DataSeries(this, MaximumBarsLookBack.TwoHundredFiftySix);


with (not look back, only one bar):


new DataSeries(this, MaximumBarsLookBack.One);


It worked with CQG feed until like yesterday. The only limitation is that you don't have historical data with CQG. From what other people posted, same error shows with IQ Feed too. Probably too many people getting access to the indicator triggered some security filters (or some1 from OFA is reading this thread and took some measures...)

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ok, I see... so, in the first up I see a litlte traffic with this url, here:




so, I really dont know if change some code.. so.. I will run a VM, clean.. and add that domain to localhost redirect.


That url returns a 404 error currently. That means the page ofaninjaupgrade.html does not exist (anymore). It might been able to affect the indi when it was on, but should not currently. Logically, "old" users might been irremediably affected, but new users should not have problems (which is not the case apparently)...

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It seems that if you don't close this error window- all keeps working, but if you close it - crash.

Maybe they have upgraded the setup file and the one we have here is not good anymore, so if someone can share a new setup - then we could avoid this error window...

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It seems that if you don't close this error window- all keeps working, but if you close it - crash.

Maybe they have upgraded the setup file and the one we have here is not good anymore, so if someone can share a new setup - then we could avoid this error window...


I tried it, but multiple errors popped up and also you cannot move anything else in Ninja.

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