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This is all the information i could gather. Most probably you got it too.


Trade setups (annotations in english)



Home - Some videos, explanations (in Italian, but you can translate using google translation)



Euro Indicator configuration



Youtube Channel:





Another blog (Managed forex accounts):



Side Note: Could be interesting if any coders could add the option of using uptick/downtick instead of ask/bid. Tools like this and Supperia Tape Plotter make me want to have a vps!!! Anyway if there was such an option that could be interesting.


Good Trading and learning

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Home - Some videos, explanations (in Italian, but you can translate using google translation)



And better still if you open the website in Chrome, you can translate the website text to your favorite language.


Would be great if Chrome/Google would also do that for the videos...but alas, we will just have to be mesmerized by the Italian descriptions!





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0rder fl0w analytics 0fa indicators for ninja hxxp://www.orderflow(a)@nalitics.c0m also hxxp://xxx.ofav5.c0m


It´s probably difficult to obtain them since I do not think they offer trials. I will try to check other sources in order to see if there is any way to obtain them.



Edited by aja1946
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Try This OF@v6 it has developer mode and god mode

when i tried it it was working but very much CPU intensive

May be help!!!

hxxp://[email protected]/archive/RdoqaH0z/OFv6.html

Were you able to connect it to Ninja for order execution? I have it working with zenfire, but cannot connect to Ninja. Would be great if we can execute orders through Ninja.

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hmm... seems not to work for me. indicators are still on "free trial" even after trying both to install via ninja as well as copying the dlls... any suggestions?


DB works fine after replacing dlls and restarting NT7 as bassmark said.


I haven´t been able to make 0FA work (the NT7 add on), though. It still asks the email for registration

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DB works fine after replacing dlls and restarting NT7 as bassmark said.


I haven´t been able to make 0FA work (the NT7 add on), though. It still asks the email for registration




2nd https://anonfiles.com/file/b6b32f6b3a0ba66c20c162f7e9bd2360


I understand DB is not OFA? Any hope for OFA ?

Edited by rplain
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Not yet, Rplain. From what I have read 0FA uses a very hard core validation system. But I am sure there will be a good educator up to this difficult challenge.


Yes, DB and 0FA are different. These are the files for 0FA that need to be educated:




2nd https://anonfiles.com/file/b6b32f6b3a0ba66c20c162f7e9bd2360


And this is the file for DB already educated:


hxxp://[email protected]/file/2xc5ob

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This is a bit off the topic but has anyone tried TapeTweeter.c0m? There is also tickstrike.c0m The free version allows to trade just one product, but it rotates the product. You also have the option to buy the thing. I wonder if the free version can be educated to avoid the rotations. Edited by aja1946
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Why in my chart DB indicator doesnt display full history ..there is missing part in the past.. http://content.screencast.com/users/denny_yusuf/folders/Snagit/media/f60bb7fd-555b-4bb3-b1dd-e8e5df5ca240/06.17.2013-14.44.png Anybody know why..?





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Why in my chart DB indicator doesnt display full history ..there is missing part in the past.. http://content.screencast.com/users/denny_yusuf/folders/Snagit/media/f60bb7fd-555b-4bb3-b1dd-e8e5df5ca240/06.17.2013-14.44.png Anybody know why..?






is because your datafeed does not have historical data ..



this is the latest version of the indicators in question

if someone is willing to educate even the dll working with the 64-bit ninja would make me a big favor.

thanks in advance



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is because your datafeed does not have historical data ..



this is the latest version of the indicators in question

if someone is willing to educate even the dll working with the 64-bit ninja would make me a big favor.

thanks in advance




sorry, no one can help me?

I believe that these measures are better than those of G0mi, less stressful on cpu

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